They go like this, they can't even touch it alone, the map is very large, but as long as they keep walking, they will always encounter strangeness.

Just as Kim Jae-ho walked to the stairwell, he suddenly saw the man in black in the distance.

"Oh!" He shouted, but suddenly the door closed and could not be opened.

"What?" Chi Shizhen immediately asked, always curious about the baby.

"Li Guangzhu! I made eye contact with him! Kim Jae-ho said.

"Just him?" Song Zhixiao asked the key question.

"And someone!"

Not only him, but also the other side panicked, they hurried to the door, knowing the state of the locked door, now they have the initiative.

Suddenly, the door opened, but it was half open, but so many VJs shone in, and he knew that Liu Zaishi and they were behind the door.

Kim Jae-ho hurriedly gave Ji Shi Zhen a look, and suddenly rushed in, and Ji Shi Zhen immediately shouted behind him: "Close the door quickly!" Close the door! "

Kim Jae-ho immediately panicked, "Yay! Elder brother! Yikes! "A betrayed look.

"Catch! Catch! Liu Zaishi immediately shouted with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho took advantage of the chaos to suddenly capture Lee Kwang-joo, but Lee Kwang-joo, who was startled, hid and was quickly controlled by Yoo Jae-seok and Jiseong.

Kim Jae-ho, who couldn't move, quickly laughed and said, "Brother! Just kidding! Just kidding! Seeing that it was useless, he immediately shouted out: "Brother! Save! Save! "

Liu Zaishi shouted: "Tear him up, tear him!" "

"Don't! Can't tear ah! Can't tear! Kim Jae-ho's appearance seemed to be real, but the tone was a little provocative, that is, slut, as if he was committing a slut.

He shouted like this, Liu Zaishi and they didn't dare to start, they weren't sure, and there was no need to start so quickly, so they put him back.

The scene can be said to be quite chaotic, the small corridor is very lively, six people pull each other, temptation, you non my non, keep your distance.

The two sides were deadlocked, Ji Shizhen stood back, and Kim Jae-ho carried the banner and asked: "Brother, now we are two teams, who do you think is Jin Zhiguo's team?" "

"Who do you think?" Liu Zaishi did not disclose the news easily, but felt that this could really be discussed, at this time, who was not unlucky.

"We have a message that is a golden bull, and I think that it is either Brother Jianguo or Sister Jiang Xi, and I tend to Sister Jiang Xi."

"Yay! That must be Jiang Xixi! We think it's him too! Liu Zaishi also agreed, they had seen both sides, and it was her no matter how they looked.

"So who is your boss?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Yay! Do you think I'm a fool? Kim Jae-ho smiled and told you so simply, I can't do this if I'm a fool.

Liu Zaishi also laughed.

Seeing him smiling so happily, Chi Shizhen suddenly took out a hint and said, "Do you know what is the hint that we have your boss?" "

"What?" Liu Zaishi was curious.

"It's ugly." Ikeishi Zhen display.

"To be honest, it's hard to guess." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yay! What's so hard about this! "

Liu Zaishi hasn't spoken yet, Li Guangzhu is not happy first, really, because he is the BOSS, so the more he thinks, the more angry he gets!

"To be honest, we asked a hundred citizens, and ninety-seven said it was Li Guangzhu~" Chi Shizhen burst.

"Me?" Li Guangzhu was speechless and shocked.

Liu Zaishi seriously admitted: "This is really a pearl of light." "

That can't be me, right? I'm so handsome! It has to be you! Even if it's exposed, it has to be you!

"Brother, why did brother say that!" Li Guangzhu felt betrayed.


Looking at this scene, even the handsome Chi Cheng laughed, it was so joyful!

"Brother, let's have a meeting in ten seconds." Li Guangzhu said.

Kim Jae-ho nodded: "Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say." "

Li Guangzhu: ...

"I'm not a boss!"

"Impossible! You are so ugly! "

Lee Kwang-joo rushed over to grab Kim Jae-ho's hair, labor and management are fighting with you!

As soon as the door closed, Li Guangzhu collapsed, not because of the boss matter, but another very critical matter.

"Is it a hint to be ugly?!" Others are stupid.

"This seems to have to identify with that team." After Liu Zaishi finished speaking, he also laughed, this prompt was too convincing.

"I'm doubting you!" Li Guangzhu said.

"Stop lying to people!"

The two had a heated discussion, and as soon as they arrived at the door in ten seconds, there was a knock, and they didn't care, knocking in reverse, reminiscent of the scene of Xie Er and his old mother.

In fact, they didn't care much about the fact that the light bead was the boss, because when they met the team of the final country before, they had already blew themselves up, no way, it was too obvious.

And Kim Jae-ho saw them for the first time, and he almost guessed it, so they simply broke the jar and broke it now, and didn't care.

But Kim Jae-ho's side, to be honest, Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin are both possible, and Song Ji-hyo, who has not spoken, is also very strange, and they are also very defensive about Song Zhihyo.

But because Jin Zhiguo's side, Jin Zhiguo is too strong, no matter who of their two teams is eliminated, it is beneficial to Jin Zhiguo and them, so they plan to unite and kill Jin Zhiguo's team first.

"To be honest, now we actually have two teams in each team that are invincible, we directly four people rushed up to tear Sister Jiang Xi apart, and then we fought again, which is actually the most advantageous." Kim Jae-ho has always had a hand in his intrigues.

"Yes, there are four of us, just force it directly, there is no need to be afraid, he can't tear us, it's better to tear." Liu Zaishi also nodded.

Chi Cheng sighed, unite to fight the strong, is this the world of RM?

It's so exciting!

He rubbed his hands excitedly, and then the team of six people roared.

"Hello, Brother Chicheng."

While there is time, Kim Jae-ho greets Jicheng, engages in relationships, and waits for the next signature to get a little.

Ji Cheng is also a very kind person, and soon became acquainted with Kim Jae-ho, showing great interest and admiration for Kim Jae-ho.

Because he is an actor, he is very impressed that Kim Jae-ho can act and write scripts and direct, almost to achieve the ultimate of actors, the most important thing is that variety shows also play slip, after coming to RM, he knows how difficult it is, some things God's perspective and the party's perspective are different.

It's easy to watch, but when you really go, it's hard to even speak, because there are so many things to pay attention to, and you can't tell the heart to make an effect.

But he doesn't need to engage in effects, for the guests, good looks are over, playing their instincts not to let the audience hate is already over the standard, if there is another program effect, it is simply a blessing.

A few people were chatting and chatting, and suddenly they only saw Haha and Sister Jiang Xi sitting there in the distance, Haha and greeting them happily, seemingly not panicked at all.

"Guangzhu, be careful behind your back!" Kim Jae-ho immediately became vigilant, but without a bell, he couldn't prevent anything, just faintly protected behind Ji Shijin, playing back-to-back tactics, he shouted like this, just wanted Kim Junguo to subconsciously put the target on Lee Kwang-joo, and the old yin was forced.

"The end of the country is definitely nearby! Be careful! Liu Zaishi also reacted.

But the dark arrow was difficult to prevent, not far away, a burly figure suddenly started, rushed over like a chariot, and the target was Li Guangzhu!

Compared to the others, Li Guangzhu is the most certain candidate and the weakest...

"Yay! Light beads! "

Several people immediately reacted and protected Li Guangzhu, who leaned against the corner of the wall, so frightened that half of his soul was gone.

"Yay! What is this?! "

Lose your life expectancy for 100 years!

Looking at Kim Jae-ho who blocked in front of him with his physical body, Lee Kwang-joo was a little moved, if he knew that Kim Jae-ho was just using him as a target, his mood should be very complicated and irritable.

One hit missed, Jin Zhiguo looked at a few people with a smile, and then left silently, taking them with haha, but where is it so simple to go, a big melee immediately began, haha and the final country fought and retreated, and finally shrunk behind a house.

Jiang Xi's side, her experience is completely different from Chicheng, because she is a BOSS, she is very afraid, because the final country is too strong, she feels that she is the target of the whole world, it turns out that this is what it feels like to be on the same team with Jin Chengguo?

Haha, who often teamed up with Jin Zhiguo, had long been accustomed to such pressure and firmly protected Jiang Xi, and at this time, he was very reliable.

In front of the small door, the four people and Jin Zhiguo confronted each other.

"Oh ~ it turns out that it is really Brother Shi Zhen ~" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile, it was obvious that even at this time, he was thinking of counter-killing.

"Yay! Let's all go together! We have four people to deal with Brother Ultimate Kingdom! No need to talk to him about morality! Kim Jae-ho gave an order, and no one moved.

You said it well, you are on it!

"Then you try!" Kim Junguk looked at Kim Jae-ho with a smile and was eager to try.

"Yay! Obviously there are four of us, why do I feel that he is more imposing! It's terrible! "

Kim Jae-ho complained that the other three people all felt this way, "Look, his clothes are about to burst, this muscle, is it a person?" "

Kim Jae-ho didn't move, he said a lot, and he was still destroying his own prestige, but everyone else felt that it made sense.

But haha is guarding inside, now is the best time for everyone, as long as this line of defense is broken, isn't the haha inside casual suddenly?

Everyday humiliation.

At the moment of the confrontation, Liu Zaishi took the lead in charging and directly wanted to break through the gap between Jin Zhiguo's two ribs, but Jin Zhiguo immediately stopped him firmly as soon as he supported his hand.

Liu Zaishi rushed, and Kim Jae-ho shouted: "Rush rush!" "Just rush forward.

How can four people lose?!

Chi Cheng directly collided, his blood was boiling at the moment, and he felt that he had returned to his childhood, and his blood was still there! Come on!

As soon as the war broke out, the scene instantly became chaotic, this is a collision of forces, this is a story about guardians and guardians.

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