"Yes, yes, yes! It's not ninety, hey, you're Chinese good! Li Yunxi praised, influenced by the two of them, she also likes to praise people.

"Hehe~ no~ I'm not that good~" Kim Jae-ho touched his head with a smile, ostensibly screaming, but in fact he was shocked into a cold sweat.

Ma Ya, subconsciously corrected, what he said was still Chinese, fortunately there was no stuffing!

"You're going to be a little bit of something~" Liu Zaishi is not used to seeing it every day.

"Will you then? What is after nine? Kim Jae-ho immediately began to exaggerate his acting skills.


"And after ten?"

"Eleven!" Lee Yoon-hee continued.

"That's right, Eleven!" Liu Zaishi picked up the bargain.

"Or we Yunxi are kind, and the Chinese is good." Kim Jae-ho said.

"No, I'll just say a few words." Yoon-hee is also a very sincere person, "I will still say that, I love you." "

"I love you too." Kim Jae-ho said immediately.

"Hahaha~ You want to be beautiful!" Liu Zaishi snapped Kim Jae-ho on the back of the head.

Li Yunxi also covered her eyes and smiled all of a sudden, which she did not expect.

Kim Jae-ho forbade misunderstanding: "I will still say, I love you too, but... However, I... More love to know filial piety~"

Kim Jae-ho said Chinese word by word, to prevent people from being too smooth and suspicious, but this sentence was so magical that even Liu Zaishi knew what it meant, and his smile blossomed all of a sudden.

Be cautious in your words and deeds, Kim Jae-ho.

What a genius!

All of a sudden, there was laughter in the car, and PD felt that this section was good enough.

He immediately understood what is called the dream combination of variety shows, one is the beauty of the new variety show as a new female guest, the other is the old fritters in the entertainment industry, and then a variety show ghost, invincible!

I feel that I can come up with a heart show called "We Are on the Road", just shoot Kim Jae-ho and Liu Zaishi on the road to carry a guest, and the three of them chat together.

Of course, there is no such good thing, this is equivalent to asking Kim Jae-ho to work overtime, he will not do it.

But it is also a way, if the RM does not work in the future, then ask them if they are interested, after all, RM cannot do ten or twenty years, right?

In addition to chatting, Kim Jae-ho has been reading with a book and learning some "new words", which makes him wait if some words pop out inexplicably, which can be explained.

Then it's time to see the view.

Just now has been in the scenic area, there is no sense of reality, came to the non-scenic place, Kim Jae-ho felt the inner taste, or the familiar taste.

In a good mood, there is naturally a lot of commotion, not only them, but also the people in the other two cars.

Except for Kim Jae-ho and them, the other two teams have really run the Great Wall, but they are also very energetic, Jiyoung learned a word, and kept urging the driver to drive quickly, if she didn't look good, the driver would have made her.

Hurry up, hurry up, I really stepped on the accelerator, can you stand it? Have you seen the taxi express? Not afraid?

On the other side is Juhyuk's side, who accidentally received Kim Jiuguo's training, basically the same team as Kim Jae-ho, no matter how old he is, will be trained, and he can't refute it, because he is right, but he is not in a good mood.

Haha also said that he was in a bad mood, very annoying.

The next step was to go to Shichahai to find RM's flag, so they came to Shichahai's tobacco bag inclined street, a very quaint place.

As soon as you get off the car, there is an inner taste, a sea of people, this is just people who come to play, not their fans.

"There are so many people!" Li Yunxi sighed.

Kim Jae-ho fell behind, and Yoo Jae-seok was in front, protecting Lee Yoon-hee in the middle, and this basic protection they could still do.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho himself is afraid when he goes to a crowded place, and he has no sense of security when the master brother is not around, in fact, he is, but because of the shooting, he can't be close, but if something happens to him, he can come to the rescue immediately, as long as it is not fatal with one blow.

Everything is steady, be careful.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't want to do it all over again, if he is reborn again to the end of all zombies, or a primitive society, what can Kim Jae-ho do.

Kim Jae-ho heard the long-lost scream, and he knew that there was someone who knew him, and he was immediately enthusiastic.


Saw in a hurry, did not say anything else, they still have a purpose.

Found the flag, it was on the second floor, after a few people went up, they saw a cute young lady wearing a cheongsam with Chinese characteristics sitting there dignified, waiting for RM to arrive, and as soon as she saw them, she immediately greeted them with a smile.

"Hello~" Several people directly greeted Chinese, and they had already turned into the shape of Kim Jae-ho.

"Hello~" The young lady responded with a very pure Chinese, which was immediately separated from Kim Jae-ho's plastic Mandarin, and it was very comfortable to listen to.

"Ah~ This cheongsam looks so good." Kim Jae-ho appreciated it very much, "Yoon-hee, do you think it's good-looking?" "

"Good-looking." Yoon-hee nodded.

"Like it or not?"


"Do you want Brother Zaishi to buy you a souvenir and bring it back?"

"Okay, okay!" Lee Yoon-hee immediately cooperated.

"Yay! What's the matter?! Why have you changed like this..." Liu Zaishi hurriedly stopped, and without speaking again, he felt that he owed someone else a cheongsam.

"Hurry up and take the task!" Liu Zaishi quickly opened the task letter, the task is very simple, use bicycles and rickshaws to go to the food street, use bicycles when you go, use rickshaws when you return, and buy the following food.

"Food?! What food! "Kim's ears seem to stand up.

"I get excited when I hear the food." Liu Zaishi smiled and said, "What food?" "

"Kebabs, stinky tofu, candy blowers." The young lady calmly said three simple nouns, just listening to the name, she could already imagine the taste.

But they couldn't imagine it, because she said it in Chinese.

Liu Zaishi immediately pointed at Li Yunxi and said, "Second foreign language." "

Then he pointed to Kim Jae-ho: "Chinese is very powerful." "

Weren't you guys awesome just now? What now?

Li Yunxi immediately panicked, and quickly waved her hand, even if she was powerful, she did not reach this level.

"Can you say it again?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Kebabs..." the young lady said subconsciously.

"Ah~ I used to know Korean!" Liu Zaishi immediately coaxed, Kim Jae-ho asked in Korean, and the young lady actually began to repeat it immediately, it must be Korean, and it was immediately exposed.

The young lady also smiled in a panic, read it hard, and repeated it again, still Chinese.

"Kebabs, stinky tofu, candy blowers." Kim Jae-ho immediately repeated.

"Oh?!" Liu Zaishi and Li Yunxi were immediately shocked, they actually remembered it so quickly?

"Have you remembered?"

As soon as Kim Jae-ho heard this, his expression and posture changed, and the pretense mode was immediately turned on: "Isn't this degree very simple?" "

"Dafa!" Lee Yoon-hee was stunned, Kim Jae-ho not only remembered, but also pronounced exactly the same, she couldn't do it.

He only listened to it twice!

"Yay! That's all right! Liu Zaishi clapped his hands, "Zai Hao's memory is very good!" All remembered! "

At this time, I think it is really good to team up with Kim Jae-ho.

Li Yunxi was also pleasantly surprised, "The teammates were so well chosen!" "

Just randomly selected, did not expect that the two men made her feel very relieved, too strong.

Kim Jae-ho didn't pretend too much, after all, he didn't have a good memory, he understood what it meant, so he only needed to remember what it was, no need to remember pronunciation, no need to memorize word by word.

"Just bring it back? Want to eat? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Just bring it back." The young lady speaks directly in Korean.

The showdown is over, not loaded.

"Hahaha~ directly speaking Korean~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Yay! Korean is also very standard! Kim Jae-ho exclaimed.

The young lady is so good, whether it is Korean or Chinese, it is very standard, and it will mean two things to standard.

Kim Jae-ho is actually a little exposed, and what he said is also very standard, which means that he knows that she Chinese standard, but this is not important, no one can hear it.

A few people hurriedly ran out, while running Liu Zaishi tried to say, "Roast lamb farm~"

"Kebabs." Kim Jae-ho corrected.

"Rotisserie farm."

"Kushin! Not a field! "

"Roast lamb to taste."


Kim Jae-ho was directly speechless.

"Kebabs." Lee Yun-hee said.

"Look at people!" Kim Jae-ho said immediately.

"Oh... Yes... So depressing! "Liu Zaishi is very depressed, dare to be the stupidest?

He knows the correct pronunciation, but he just can't read it, and as an MC, he doesn't admit that he has poor speaking skills.

I read it while running, and several times I finally read it correctly.

Several people found three people to use bicycles, Kim Jae-ho sighed: "Last time I rode a double person, this time the three people, are there still four people?" "

"There are no four, are you?" Lee Yun-hee said.

"I'm the first!" Kim Jae-ho took the lead.

Just as they were about to leave, Jin Zhiguo arrived, directly in front of Jin Zhiguo, and held the front of the car.

"Brother! I have no money! Kim Jae-ho said immediately.

Jin Zhiguo is drunk, didn't he come to grab money, did he look fierce?

Haha immediately said: "Hand over all the money!" "

The old scenario mastered.

"You guys hurry up and take the task!" Liu Zaishi shouted.

"What's the mission?" Jin Zhiguo didn't know what the mission was, but stopped them from setting out at the first time.

Seeing that the task was not taken here, Jin Zhiguo also let them go and went directly to the second floor.

Kim Jae-ho hurried to ride, otherwise he would have to be caught up.

Jin Zhiguo they are really terrifying, they actually caught up like this, obviously a few more levels than them.

"Ah~The scenery here is really good~" Liu Zaishi sighed.

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