"Hurry, you can't be overtaken by them!" Kim Jae-ho was also anxious.

"It's all to blame on you! What nonsense! "

"How did I know it was so good today!"

"Hurry up!"

"It's over, it's too late!"

"Not hurry up yet!"

"On the ride! Didn't you see all the afterimages of my feet? "


Suddenly, the romantic and leisurely atmosphere disappeared, and became very anxious, looking at the anxious looks of the two men, Tae-yan and Yoona both laughed miserably,

"Don't laugh, there's nothing to do anyway, sing a song." Kim Jae-ho proposed.

"Okay~ what to sing?" Taiyan doesn't matter.

"It's okay, sing whatever you want, hurry up, or you'll arrive." Kim Jae-ho suddenly had the feeling that he was about to be late for school before, and he was the same at that time, sprinting with all his strength in a safe place.

Taiyan thought about it, looked at his dangling little feet, and directly sang.

"When the flowers bloom, what does it matter?"

She sang Kim Jae-ho's song, "Do You Like Spring??" , this kind of song with a relaxed tune, with the current environment also has a special flavor, Kim Jae-ho was happy when he listened to it, it is really wonderful~

Taiyan's singing skills can not be described as bad, singing this kind of song is very easy to capture, that is, the lyrics are very murderous, this sense of violation is vividly displayed by Taiyan, cute and playful.

This picture is really a bit of a TV series flavor, but when this segment was broadcast, it was a lot of fans in the Taiyan circle, which can be said to be absolutely beautiful.

Especially a shot, one second Taiyanren Meige sweet, the years are quiet, the next second Kim Jae-ho is panting, embarrassed.

He couldn't catch up with Liu Zaishi with the strength to get out of the milk, and he doubted if there was a problem with the bicycle, but no matter how he looked at it, it was his own problem.

When they arrived, Lee Kwang-joo was beginning to enjoy it, and even Kim Jae-ho ignored them when they arrived.

Taiyan got out of the car first and rushed out directly, she had already rested just now, and now she was full of energy.

"My feet are soft..."

Kim Jae-ho finally stopped the car to help, and before he could catch his breath, he looked at the next door, and it was instantly unbalanced.

"How do they eat fish?" I want to eat that too! "Kim Jae-ho is unbalanced in his heart, that one is obviously much tastier.

What they eat is moist salmon salad, unlike Kim Jae-ho, who has to nibble on bread.

"Brother! I want to eat fish too! Kim Jae-ho immediately looked at Liu Zaishi.

"Hurry up! Please eat it when it's over! Hurry up, hurry up! Yikes! Do you want to dance? Liu Zaishi said angrily.

Kim Jae-ho was shocked, and quickly helped pour the drink, just poured a little, and the bread reached his mouth.

"Oppa, ah~"


"Hurry up and feed me!"

"Get the drink first! Ah~"


"Don't pretend to be cute at this time!"

"Where do I have..." was vague because he was eating.

"Well, you're already cute, hurry up, cute ghost! I don't want women's clothing! "

Taiyan was crying and laughing, and his hands were in a hurry.

This time they were very fast, after eating the bread and drinking the drink directly, because after one so very fast, division of labor, bread is a little, the drink is also a little, everything is just right, even the picnic cloth is not spread, casually fall on the ground enough to use.

No exquisite, everything is just a formality.

The contrast between the two sides came out at once.

Taeyan subconsciously speaks in a tone that seems to be coquettish, very cute, and does not seem deliberate, but she is only like this when she is in a good mood.

Kim Jae-ho quickly sorted out the tableware, his hand speed is very fast, this kind of delicate work he is particularly good at.

"Ah~ Oba did a really good job~" Taiyan sighed, unexpectedly better than her.

"Wow!" Yoona also opened her mouth and looked at Kim Jae-ho with a stunned look of admiration.

"Very good at this strange thing~" Liu Zaishi complained.

"What's so strange!" Kim Jae-ho served, this is all the time to engage in his mentality.

Liu Zaishi smiled happily, he had ten thousand ways to hit Kim Jae-ho.


As soon as Kim Jae-ho buckled the box, everyone set off immediately, and it turned out to be with the newly arrived Lee Kwang-joo team, which was very terrifying.

Kim Jae-ho was about to go cycling, and Tae-yan directly said, "Oba, I'll ride!" "

Although Kim Jae-ho just mentioned that his feet were soft, Tae-yan remembered it and immediately carried this difficult work.

"What a move to the top ten people in the world! Taiyan! Are you an angel? "Kim Jae-ho wants to wipe his tears, he has seen too many bad people, and it is quite touching to see good people all of a sudden.

"I'm not an angel, I'm a cute ghost~" Tae-yan stuck out her tongue, using the title Kim Jae-ho gave her, and the Sang-yoon who was photographed in front felt that her heart melted, hey Ichiko, it's so cute!

To be honest, what Kim Jae-ho said is generally impossible to remember, because not only do he say a lot but also a lot of, but Tae-yan remembers a lot, very sense, really worthy of being the captain.

Get on the moving bike and enjoy the speed that doesn't seem to be slower than he was just now.

"Wow ~ very soon ~ Sure enough, a small body, a lot of strength."

"Where is it small!"

But to be honest, Taiyan is still the first time to hear someone praise her good physical strength, and now it's okay, and then because of the relationship between the house and maintaining her figure, it is getting worse and worse, and even has the title of a paper man.

Then at this time, her speed Kim Jae-ho praised, you can imagine ...

"Wow! So fast! Come on! Catch up and catch up! "

Kim Jae-ho was in a good mood and shouted, Tae-yan was speechless, if she could catch up with Liu Zaishi, how fierce would she be? She's tired too, okay?

At this moment, an uplifting song suddenly came from behind: "I want to convey to you that although you can only hear after the sad time, close your eyes and feel, my throbbing heart." "

Good guy, Kim Jae-ho actually sang "The World Reunited", and the power in the song suddenly ignited!

It just so happened that this was still her part, but this song that she sang to the point of vomiting felt a little different when it sounded at the moment.

Hearing this debut song, the previous things suddenly came up, and a force suddenly surged out of her heart to drive her forward, and the endless power seemed to be able to survive no matter how much suffering could survive.

His eyes were moist all of a sudden, and Kim Jae-ho suddenly shouted: "Girls' Generation Rush Duck!!" "

"Rush duck!" Taeken shouted loudly.

Burn the wind!

But I still can't catch up with Liu Zaishi...

This man is really fierce, a group of good physical strength, feel that he can be able to triathlon, Liu Zaishi's kind is really healthy.

Although he couldn't catch up with Yoo Jae-seok, he caught up with Ji Seok-jin, and when they arrived, Kim Jae-ho saw a famous scene.

I saw that Li Guangzhu just put down the car but the car reversed, and then he looked back and saw that a super high step suddenly appeared, and then he subconsciously jumped sharply and fell to the ground in two steps...

"Yu Li! Your man can't do it! Kim Jae-ho immediately shouted.

Li Guangzhu didn't get up at the first time because of his humiliation, and now he wants to stay on the ground even more.

"It's over! He can't get up! Kim Jae-ho continued to pound.

Lee Guangzhu directly wanted to get up and kill Kim Jae-ho, who lost the goods, and didn't give face at all?

What he didn't know was that if Taiyan hadn't raised his hand, there might have been two people who died on the ground now...

However, everyone said that Li Guangzhu's feet were soft, which was actually a little, and another point was that the steps were too high and sudden, and he did not grasp his balance when he landed on one foot all of a sudden.

In any case, Li Guangzhu came wearing shorts, so his knees were grazed, and he didn't even have the qualifications to lie on the ground, and several people pulled him up, after all, he had to stand in the line to be considered successful.

Kim Jae-ho is still very effective in rushing with them, and the ruthless task flow brings an increase in speed, and it is directly successful.

Not to mention the Lee Kwang-joo team, it must have failed, and they can only succeed in a hurry like Kim Jae-ho, and there can be no accidents.

"Okay, Green Team, pass!"

"Yay~" The green team gave each other high fives happily.

Kim Jae-ho took advantage of the fact that he had not yet started and asked Ji Seok-jin:

"Brother, can I taste that fish?"

As soon as he grabbed it, he was caught by Liu Zaishi: "Ah! What a time! Hurry up and go! "

"I'll take a bite! Just one bite! "

It was useless, it was directly dragged away, and the people's team was also going to leave, and there was no time.

"However, why haven't they come yet?" Taiyan asked.

"It should be because it's Haha brother who is driving, he prefers to stay in the car." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Is that so?" Yoona listened to it and felt novel, and there is such a saying?

In fact, it is not, but if you drive, it is easy to get confused, and it is not unsafe, but it is easy to miss the intersection and detour the long way.

No, everyone has set off for the next stop, they haven't come yet.

Kim Jae-ho and their front foot left their back foot before coming, when they met people, Lee Kwang-joo's team began to return, but they were very imposing, Kim Junguo rode a bicycle in front of the road, it was simply unstoppable, which was daunting.

But unfortunately, this scene Kim Jae-ho can't see, he can only go to the next station comfortably.

He doesn't even have to drive.

Liu Zaishi single-handedly took care of the drive, and this man is very reliable.

"If you want to go to the mall, you can buy something, right? Or looking for something? Kim Jae-ho said.


"If it is based on this urine nature of the program group, it should let us go shopping together." Kim Jae-ho analysis.

"Wow! That's great, right? Both girls had bright eyes, no matter what age humans like to shop, as long as they buy things for themselves.

What is even more strange about humans is that even if they don't buy things, they will find it interesting just to look at them.

If you don't buy it, it's clothing, and if you don't buy it, you'll be happy to see it.

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