Kim Jae-ho and they all stood on the stage, of course, they could see the supporters below, listen to their slogans, and everyone was enthusiastic.

There are spiritual and physical ones.

Really tired.

When everyone really took off their hoods, everyone's faces were already embarrassed, but when they saw the supporters in front of them, they felt that everything was worth it.

There were more people coming than expected, and everyone stood in front of them without knowing who they were and chose to support them.

There are many people here, they have seen it before, some people have made an agreement with them, and some people just nodded and left, but they didn't expect to really come.

Kim Jae-ho's eyes were moist, and he didn't know if it was sweat or something else.

Anyway, the effort was not in vain.

He pointed his finger at the people he remembered, and there were many children who had played together to help him publicize before, and the children he pointed out were very excited.

They now know that the person under the doll turned out to be a person who often appears on TV, and they thought it was a monkey.

There is a detail here, Liu Zaishi put on his glasses before taking off, it was really a very intimate move, and everyone directly saw the most familiar him.

Of course, it may also be a simple face...

After all, every time he took off his glasses, everyone said he was ugly, and there were some children below.

In other ways, RM can do this, if there are other variety shows, everyone will not come at all.

At this time, some people who did not enter the circle also began to be restless, and it turned out to be Liu Zaishi over there!

People who have not entered any circle now start to run to that side, after all, there is Liu Zaishi over there, if you say that the star everyone wants to see the most, no matter what age group, the answer is Liu Zaishi.

Moreover, there is Kim Jae-ho over there.

The scene was like a fan meeting, and at this moment, everyone was looking forward to who the other people standing on the stage were.

Soon the mystery was revealed one by one, not only Song Zhongji, but also Xuan'er, it was simply crazy.

The hands of the people who entered the circle stretched forward frantically, and they were annoyed, why their hands were so short, and the photos they took were not clear.

All of a sudden, the scene became a festive atmosphere, and everyone never expected that just coming to an amusement park to play there was such an unexpected surprise, so that today got a perfect ending.

Everyone got the microphone, MC Liu immediately instinctive: "Hello everyone!" Thank you! "

"Hello everyone, we are RM!"

"We appeared relatively suddenly, everyone didn't even know who we were before, but we still came, so thank you very much, a lot of people came."

"Thank you very much!"

Everyone bowed in unison, sometimes words lacked expressiveness, and only actions could barely express everyone's mood.

It is precisely because of this support that everyone has taken every step so steadily and with such strength, turning all the things that can but are not necessary into possible and necessary.

Finally, the time for the final public vote count has arrived, in fact, it does not matter how many people there are, it does not matter whether they work overtime or not, today everyone has already got enough things.

But to win is still to win.

And in the end, it was indeed they who won, haha their method posed a great threat, but it was clear that Kim Jae-ho's strategy had some results, attracting a lot of children, and in the end, a whole hundred and eight people came.

The other two teams did not have more than a hundred, and the gap was still quite large.

The main thing is that they came first, and Liu Zaishi's panda set also played a very big role, who can resist the temptation of the panda?

"We are, wait!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

The people below cheered,

Zhongji rarely came to the bottom of the end, but his attitude is very positive.

"It's okay, it's still fun." Nakaki laughed.

But tired is really tired, Kim Jae-ho got into the car and went directly into the discharge state, because their state may not be good, so they equipped the driver in advance so that they could take a break.

They were number one, and then they basically went home.

If nothing else, the sense of accomplishment is full.

"Oh, I didn't expect us to come with so many people." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Today is really Dafa." Chi Shizhen said.

"Every time like this I feel that we are really liked by a lot of people, and this time it means a different thing." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, this time we are all masked, and they don't know who we are." Liu Zaishi said.

"But if there is a brother here, I feel that we are the most people even if we don't cover our faces." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Hey, no, no, if that's your credit is great~"

"Hey, no, no, I'm sure your credit is great~"

Chi Shizhen looked at it and started again.

Day by day, it really doesn't stop.

"Oh, I'll get out of the car if you do this again."

"The driver has trouble stopping the car, and someone is going to get out of the car." Kim Jae-ho said seriously.

Chi Shizhen: ???

"No, no, just kidding~" Kim Jae-ho quickly grabbed Ji Shizhen and leaned on Ji Shizhen as if fawning.

"Oh, don't get so close to me." Chi Shizhen said in disgust.

Liu Zaishi only felt that it was very interesting to watch, but he didn't want to join it.

The three people actually don't say anyone, they are all sweating now, and the puppet suit just now is simply a fatal blow.

But now I can leave work early, and it feels good.

In the end, it was Song Zhixiao and their group who had to stay overtime, Song Zhongji was really miserable, and he had to work overtime once, but he also enjoyed this overtime content.

Overtime is tasked with shaking hands with passengers on the cruise ship.

The more difficult thing is to shake hands with everyone, and the simpler thing is that there is not only Song Zhixiao, but also Song Zhongji.

Li Guangzhu is also now also a popular king, so the task is relatively simple to complete, and this is also a very big surprise for the tourists on the boat, who would have thought that simply going to see a river view would be able to meet such a star.

Because it was an off-work competition, Kim Jae-ho did not stay and wait for Song Jihyo to leave work, after all, if he waited, this victory would not feel so fierce.

He felt that Song Zhixiao should be able to understand.

Then, as soon as I got home, my phone rang non-stop...

Kim Jae-ho coaxed for a long time before stopping, in fact, the two of them were just looking for something to talk about, and Song Jihyo seemed to like the feeling of being coaxed by Kim Jae-ho.

Obviously they were already very tired, said that they were going to take a bath, but they didn't go to the bath for an hour, and the two of them kept chatting like this, the conversation was very greasy, and the tone sounded sweet and toothache.

Although they were not together today, yesterday they were together almost all day.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't know why this happens, some people say that it will only be like this when he is just in love, but Kim Jae-ho feels that he can be like this for the rest of his life.

And Kim Jae-ho is the kind of person who says I went to take a bath, and then he also went to take a bath, and immediately after the wash, he will send a message to ask others if they have washed up.

So the topic will go on forever.

Until late at night.

As Chi Shizhen said, this situation is to get married.

Song Zhixiao was three thousand green silk like a waterfall, holding a white towel to wipe the water droplets, at this time she should actually go to get a hair dryer, but she still went to see the news for the first time.

As soon as he saw the message sent by Kim Jae-ho, the corners of his eyes curved like a crescent moon, and he replied: "I just finished writing." "

As soon as she replied, the phone called, and it seemed that Kim Jae-ho had been waiting over there.

"Oh, why did you answer the phone so late?"

"What, I picked it up as soon as it rang~"

"It's too slow, next time I have to pick it up before it rings."


"What are you doing~" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Talking to a man on the phone."

"That man, isn't he very handsome."

"Hmm... It's a little ambiguous~"

"Next time like this, just answer yes."


"Did you wash your hair."

"Yes, how can you not wash your hair."

"Did that blow dry?"

"I'm going to blow it, I'm not going to answer your phone~"

"Ah, hurry up and blow, don't catch a cold."


"You turn on the hands-free and turn on the loudest, and then go and blow your hair."

"What are you going to do?"

"Play you a tune."

"Oh, let's just speak."

"No, I don't want to hang up."

"This is expensive FFF~"

"I'll contract your phone bill in the future."

"Hahaha~ That's okay, Mr. Jin's words are very heartwarming, you can say more in the future."

"Cough, I'm afraid that before I get married, my money will be in your place..."

"Oh, isn't that a great thing?"

"Then let's go get the marriage license tomorrow!"

"Didn't you just say you wanted to play the piano? Hurry up and play it. "

"Yay! Qian Chenglin! Don't get off the beaten track! Didn't you just say that it was a good thing? "

"What do you say? Can't hear ~ can't hear ~ "

Listening to the sound of a hair dryer coming from the other side, Kim Jae-ho smiled.

You can hear it obviously, but it's cute and lovely.

Kim Jae-ho smiled and picked up his newly bought guitar.

I don't know if it's because of the problem of just getting out of the bath or the problem of the hair dryer, Song Zhixiao's beautiful face is a little red.

The hands-free turned on, faintly heard the sound of the guitar tuning, she turned the gear of the hair dryer to small, and the mobile phone turned on the hands-free.

Because she was afraid of being heard by her family outside, she never turned on the hands-free.

"This song is called Phone Show, Phonecert." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, he suddenly felt that this song was suitable for now.

The sound stopped, it was very quiet, and Song Zhixiao subconsciously turned off the wind pipe.

The sound of plucking the strings begins immediately.

[This is the most expensive solo performance in the world, the singer is me, the audience is you alone.]

Before the gorgeous curtain is about to open, there are a few points to pay attention to and change into the most comfortable clothes

Lie in your favorite seat, be careful that the phone battery does not run out]

Song Zhixiao subconsciously looked at the electricity when he heard this, and it was okay.

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