Kim Jae-ho is still the one who looks different.

It may be too good-looking, and when he stands with everyone, he has the feeling that he has used another camera and another filter alone, like the quality of the picture ten years later.

The opening is still fiery because Song Zhixiao is not there, and the door next door is decorated with flowers.

I did the same last time.

"The atmosphere is weird!" Haha, eyes are already out of the door.

"Girlhood vibe!" Li Guangzhu was also very happy.

Kim Jae-ho has no desire or desire, and seems to be generally happy.

It's not that he doesn't like girlhood, who can not be happy when girlhood comes, it's just that he remembers that it wasn't like this when girlhood came.

So it's just a general expectation, after all, the flower gate is definitely a girl coming.

After the last issue of Yizhen came, everyone already had very strong self-confidence, self-confidence in the volume of the show, after all, such guests are coming, and any guest is possible.

It's just that ordinary female artists are very happy when they come, as long as there are girls coming, the game experience is completely different.

Just like in the last issue, a happy batch, after all, everyone is a stinky man.

Seeing that everyone is looking forward to it, PD is not selling anymore.

"Today's guests, specially invited the princesses, there will be actors who have played the princess."

Everyone began to guess who it was, after all, there are too many who have played the princess, or how to say that there are three thousand beautiful harems, and there will basically be a princess in every costume drama.

The name was pronounced four or five, all of whom immediately thought of playing the princess.

Kim Jae-ho didn't know anyone, he knew a person, Song Ji-hyo.

He didn't like to watch historical dramas, so he watched a "Da Changjin", and then he went to watch Song Zhixiao's drama, "Step Uncle", in order to show his sincerity.

It can't be said that it's not good-looking, it can only be said that it's not his type, it's a very sad type.

He gave up after watching the first few minutes, the beginning could not attract his drama, he would not watch it, it was not good to do something at this time.

And thirty-six episodes, too long, and his drama is completely two genres.

Kim Jae-ho tried his best to avoid it, and this drama did it, and Kim Jae-ho naturally didn't like it.

It is also that Song Zhihyo's appearance can attract him, but he doesn't like to watch Song Jihyo's crying drama, which is very miserable, although this kind of drama can be seen to be very powerful acting skills, but Kim Jae-ho just doesn't like it.

Fortunately, Song Jihyo did not ask Kim Jae-ho to see it, and even she hoped that Kim Jae-ho would not watch it, blame it as shy.

"Come, the princesses have appeared, please call out one by one."

"Oh, coming out? The first princess please appear! "

Saying that, one person walked out with a fan to block his face, and he looked very slim.

Walking over, there is a feeling of heroic and sassy, and it is full of heroism without looking at the face.

"Wow! The style is very unusual! "

Li Guangzhu was looking forward to hiding behind Chi Shizhen.

Kim Jae-ho smiled when he saw it, after all, the bracelet on his hand was given by him.

Seeing Haha's look of great anticipation, Kim Jae-ho smiled badly and said in Haha's ear: "It's Zhixiao." "

Haha glanced at Kim Jae-ho, and immediately collapsed his face...

Also my sense of anticipation!

The big brothers in front were trying their best to see her look, and the two of them stood normally in the back.

Fortunately, Kim Jae-ho destroyed Haha's sense of expectation in time, otherwise Haha would have confessed.


Now what makes the two of them happier than the princess is the appearance of these giegies, and it must be very exciting to wait.

When Song Zhixiao put away the fan, everyone was immediately disappointed.

Haha and Kim Jae-ho laughed very happily in the back.


"What!" Everyone shouted in disappointment.

"What's wrong! I'm the host, what's wrong with me? Song Zhixiao immediately counterattacked.

"Why do you draw black things in the corners of your eyes?" Jin Zhiguo asked straight, staring at Song Zhixiao who was passing in front of him.

"But it's beautiful~" Liu Zaishi said.

"It's really beautiful~" Everyone praised.

After all, I haven't seen Song Jihyo look in makeup for a long time, and it's still such a thick makeup, and Kim Jae-ho has seen it for the first time.

In the play are all makeup artists taught by Kim Jae-ho, so the makeup will be a little more future, and the future is, makeup, there must be a look without makeup.

Listening to everyone's praise, Song Zhixiao was also a little shy, or everyone was more accustomed to each other just now.

Song Jihyo moved directly to Kim Jae-ho at the beginning, and now he doesn't shy away from this.

Kim Jae-ho very naughtily poked the crystal crown on Song Jihyo's head, and Song Jihyo shook his head proudly, and the interaction between the two looked very cute.

Similar to Kim Jae-ho's guess, the princess has a seat for Song Zhixiao in it, which is well deserved.

"Come, the second princess below please appear!" Liu Zaishi shouted.

Now that the family has appeared, the next one will definitely be the guest, and everyone continues to look forward to it.

This princess is dressed in a very modern solemnity, which can only be seen in TV series.

Everyone lost their language, so curiously watching her coming, very elegant.

"Look at people." Kim Jae-ho whispered.

Song Zhixiao looked back like a hammer.

"The second princess has a request! 123! "

The princess put away the fan, and everyone was finally comfortable.


It's someone who is looking forward to it.

It's all crazy.

Wu Yanxiu.

"But Brother Zhichang didn't mention it to me~" Liu Zaishi said.

"No, tell me it's to keep it a secret." Wu Yanxiu is an honest person.

Of course, in order to retain the mystery and everyone's sense of expectation, each guest will ask for confidentiality, and the previous confidentiality work was not done well, and everyone laughed at it for a long time.

"This is the princess of Baekje~" Liu Zaishi said to Song Zhixiao.

Song Zhixiao said to Wu Yanxiu: "This is the former princess. "

This is talking about the setting in the play, it seems that today is to promote the recent hit drama.

Of course, Secretary Jin does not need to be promoted, after all, every issue has the leading actors in it.

Recently, Li Guangzhu's scene has also come out, and everyone still loves it very much, so Li Guangzhu's confidence is a lot.

Anyway, the atmosphere has changed with the arrival of Wu Yanxiu.

He debuted in 90 and won 5 newcomer awards in 92, and at the age of twenty-one, he can be said to be very fierce.

When everyone was still in school, they had already starred in movies and won the Best New Actress Award.

I got married in 98, fell in love for six years, and had children, which can be said to be very stable.

Kim Junguo was very nervous: "It's very entertaining for us. "

Even Jin Zhiguo said this, you can know how big the generation is.

"I grew up watching your play." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh? Is it? Am I that old? Wu Yanxiu's words made everyone laugh.

"No, no, no~" everyone said quickly.

Song Jihyo glanced at Kim Jae-ho.

Wang Baegg's nonsense!

Remember when she said that she was going to act with Wu Yanxiu, Kim Jae-ho immediately replied, "Who is Wu Yanxiu?" "

I don't know people at all, and I said that I grew up watching people's dramas.

Of course, it's for the effect of the show.

Haha said: "At that time, my sister reached the culmination of the bloody battle of revenge, and then got married immediately. "

"Yes, I'll get married right away." She nodded.

"The sense of betrayal is not ordinary."

"How can you talk like that!" Liu Zaishi accused, "Now Wu Yanxiu is also... It's a pity that ah, I got married. "


You're talking about a fart!

I originally thought that I wanted to educate my younger brother, but I joined in as soon as the voice changed.

"Although I was happy then, and I am happy now, I imagine if it was too early to tie the knot at that time."

"Sister it's not too late~" Haha said suddenly.

"What are you thinking?" Kim Jae-ho gulped.

Haha, there were immediately three more people on him.

Liu Zaishi walked over from far away to give him a meal.

What a mess!

Just when the brothers sanctioned, Princess Wu suddenly said: "But is it okay to have two children?" "

"It's okay~" Haha immediately laughed.

"Sixth grade, second grade."

"I will be their friend!" Haha said.

"So you're adopted?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"What!" Haha were all amused.

Kim Jae-ho's angle is very tricky, and today is poisonous.

"But our princesses are really, very straight-talking~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Don't be afraid of anything

"Okay, next, the third princess, please appear!"

This princess has her own style and layout, and unlike the previous two princesses, she was carried in by two people in a sedan car.

"Is your arm swollen?"

The first thing Kim Zhiguo paid attention to was the arm.

The fan covers her face, but her arms are exposed, and this princess is very strong.

"This princess seems to be working herself~" Liu Zaishi is damaged, "The country is too small." "

He said to Kim Jae-ho, who kept giggling.

There was no way, because Liu Zaishi's words were too vivid, and he thought of the picture of the princess being carried on the edge of the field with a palanquin, and then the princess came down to plow the field.

Kim Jae-ho's reaction made Yoo Jae-seok very satisfied, but when he returned his attention to the third princess who was coming, he immediately recognized who it was.

"It's Huilian, just look at the hands."

"There are calluses on the fists." Li Guangzhu made a new little discovery.

Because I recognized it as a funny artist, everyone was more open and a very familiar peer.

After the disclosure, it is the person everyone thinks of, a very familiar face.

"This is Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

This Zhao woman, as she said before, is a funny artist, but she is not an ordinary funny artist.

Her status is equivalent to being the mother of all female descendants in the comedy industry, the originator of the cosplay industry, grandma, and funny cosplay started from her.

This is the real big senior, and this kind of big senior just looks very affinity.

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