In general, this combination is very good at taking care of the guests' comfort, so Wu Yanxiu's experience is very good.

"Your TV series is very good, I watched the premiere." Wu Yanxiu said.

"Yes, just look good."

"It's so good-looking, Zhixiao Xi, it's very beautiful."

"Yes, then you have to help me take a good look at her."

"No problem, leave it to me, promise not to let other boys approach."

"I don't mean that hahaha, but it's okay, seeing that there are other boys who are too close, you call, angry then we have to exchange calls." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.


Because it is a crew, Kim Jae-ho means to ask Oh Yan-so to help take care of it when he sees it.

Soon arrived at the destination and also saw the banner staff.

Liu Zaishi immediately comforted when he saw Wu Yanxiu's appearance: "Don't be so nervous." "

Wu Yanxiu smiled and pulled down the zipper of his coat, saying that it was too hot.

"Haha, already excited, I must win today!" Kim Jae-ho also burned, took off his seat belt and rushed down.

No matter how many times, you will still look forward to it when doing a task, of course, before you know the task.

Now the task is too friendly, think about it before, there would be a link like drinking hot things, but now there are none.

As soon as the three people got off the car, they ran wildly, and they were the first to arrive.

There are many aunts who get off the bus, and when they pass by, they will stretch out their hands and happily ask for high-fives.

Kim Jae-ho was also happy and gave a happy high-five.

Then when they ran, they saw an aunt calmly passing between the three of them, and without looking at them, they felt that they were a little in the way.

As soon as I entered the supermarket, many people came over to shake hands with Liu Zaishi, and one of them said that he had not seen him for a long time.

Liu Zaishi is happy, obviously he has not seen it.

But because he often goes on TV, he obviously hasn't seen it, and everyone will think that he is very familiar.

This supermarket does not have as many snacks as the previous market, and Kim Jae-ho lacks interest.

Last time, there were a lot of snack stalls at the entrance, which obviously had different functions and was more traditional.

Going inside, the location of an intersection is very open, there are already a lot of people standing, and there is also the setting of the production team.

Everyone hurry there.

A few middle-aged people with shoulders stretched in their pockets were watching from the side, their simple clothes revealed the vicissitudes of the world, and their eyes revealed debauchery and unruliness, although they were looking at them, they had a feeling of indifference.

As if in the next second they will say, "Huh! Amusing! "

One wonders what they are doing in the market.

Until they saw clearly that one of them was Wu Yanxiu.

Ma Yay!


All of a sudden, the feeling of light clouds disappeared.

Although the posture remains the same, the neck has been stretched to look over there, and I want to look at it more, but unfortunately people are already taking the task, and I can only see the back.

Because there were many onlookers, Wu Yanxiu was even more excited, feeling that he was doing something big.

"This is the lead PD." Liu Zaishi said.

"Oh! That's the one! Wu Yanxiu also remembered that it was the PD he saw in the market last time.

Like she said before, she had seen RM, so she recognized it at once.

"Please take a closer look at what I gave you." PD said and opened the book in his hand, and the three people immediately looked at it.

A book unfolded in PD's hand, one of the pages is a map, but not a normal map, the picture has a lot of patterns on it.

"Oh?!" Kim Jae-ho exclaimed for the first time.

At this moment, PD began to shake the book, as if he had a red wine glass in his hand, and closed it at once.

"Ah! Don't turn it! Liu Zaishi complained.

It closed too quickly at once, and they saw nothing.

Unlike Liu Zaishi Wu Yanxiu, Kim Jae-ho's expression looks very relaxed, and even a little stunned.

The mission letter was handed over.

"Among the national specialties just seen on the map, select five regions, and buy the specialties of these regions, note that the princess must move on a palanquin."

PD said: "Although there are many specialties in various places, the standard is to use the social science textbook of the fourth grade of elementary school, select five of them, and buy the corresponding specialties in the selected area. "

"Oh..." Liu Zaishi felt a very high difficulty, and just when he looked at the faces of others, he saw Kim Jae-ho.

"What are you laughing at?"

Kim Jae-ho leaned back strategically, a smile on his face.

"Hehe, I just read this book not long ago."

"Yay! Are you sure?! Liu Zaishi clapped his hands, "That's great!" "

There is even such a thing?!

Hearing the praise, Kim Jae-ho was even more shocked.

"Can you remember that?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"No, just a look."


"Yay! So what do you say! What's the use of not remembering?! Liu Zaishi was angry and wasted his expression.

"I've just seen it, how can I remember this kind of thing!" Kim Jae-ho said.

Then you say a fart! You're having a problem, aren't you?

Very annoying this person, empty joy.

"Oh really!"

Liu Zaishi wants to hit someone, don't you remember why you are so screaming?

Speechless to the point of almost speechless.

"But why are you reading that book?"


"Isn't this an elementary school textbook?"

"yes, it's been fifth grade lately."


Seeing that the two people were going to talk like this, PD quickly said: "Choose five of them." "

In his hand is a tube with lots of sticks on it.

In addition to Kim Jae-ho, Yoo Jae-seok is also very special when he sees Wu Yanxiu.

His eyes widened, and he looked at the signature with excitement.

"That, this feeling is very interesting~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Wu Yanxiu was so happy that he clapped his hands, did not answer, and immediately drew lots.

"Where is the machine?" Wu Yanxiu asked, "Kelp! "

"Don't you know where?" Kim Jae-ho was shocked, "I don't know where it is, but do you know the specialties?" "

"Hahaha~" Wu Yanxiu laughed out of himself, it was indeed a little outrageous, "I seem to have heard of this in machine Zhang kelp." "

"Shhhh Liu Zaishi immediately said, "It's really a housewife level ten." "

Liu Zaishi immediately opened the next one. "Sangju."



"No, it's persimmon cake." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes! It seems to be! Wu Yanxiu was pleasantly surprised.

"Don't you know?" Liu Zaishi was surprised.

"I'm not a fool either~" Kim Jae-ho hissed.

Because of his merit, Liu Zaishi allowed him to scream for a second.

Sangju's persimmon cakes are so famous that there has already been a celebration, and Kim Jae-ho also overheard it, and it has nothing to do with the picture.

Sangju is the size of 7,600 percent of China's land area, but it is equivalent to one-eighty-second of the size here.

Because the country is small and resources are scarce, each place can have its own specialties, and agricultural products are very expensive.

In fact, it is not small, but we are too big, we are a giant country, people are medium-sized countries, and there are large and super large countries in between.

But it is such a small place that after World War II, it has completed industrialization and developed into what it is now, which is what they should be proud of.

They should remember their own history of struggle and continue to encourage themselves, not by tampering with other people's history, "stealing" other people's culture, pitiful pride and complacency, these are all manifestations of lack of cultural self-confidence.

Of course, there will be very strange people everywhere.

Just like there are forty or fifty people in a class, you will feel that there are a few people in it that you hate very much, a few people you find very strange, and only a few people you feel very normal and willing to take the initiative to communicate.

Of course, you may also seem to others to be that strange person.

Pull away.

Soon all five were chosen, and PD said: "After buying the special product, bring it back to judge, according to the number of mistakes, we will baptize the board." "

The two executioners looked at them with a smile, the smile was meaningful, I don't know why, Kim Jae-ho thought of the Elder Scroll's Root Grabber, which was also the same place when he first met the dragon.

However, it is clear that it is definitely impossible for a dragon to save people this time.

Kim Jae-ho shuddered, "How do I feel that this is set up for me?" "

He looked at PD, who smiled.

Kim Jae-ho's worry, the other two people can't feel it, and even Liu Zaishi doesn't think it's a big deal.

Can it still hurt people or worse?

At this time, Song Zhixiao and them came, and Liu Zaishi and they hurriedly prepared to leave.

"Yes! And a palanquin! Kim Jae-ho suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"It's all to blame on you, what a bad start!" Liu Zaishi complained.

"Shut me up!" Kim Jae-ho only felt that he had been wronged.

"Originally, it was carried by people, and it was not what you said to take a sedan chair, how tiring this is."

The two people cursed and lifted Princess Wu up, and PD reminded: "If your feet hit the ground during the Princess's movement, you must start again." "

"Just don't land on your feet, right?" Kim Jae-ho asked in advance.

PD was stunned for a moment and said, "Yes. "

Of course, the final interpretation right belongs to the production team.

"There, there! Over there! Wu Yanxiu sat high and looked far away, and immediately began to command.

Kim Jae-ho and Liu Jae-seok hurried in that direction, the two were not the first time, so there was still a bit of tacit understanding.

"There's a lot of food over there, I've been here." She said.

"Really?" Words brother surprise.

"It's worthy of being a housewife grade nine."

"Fu, then you are not a princess, who can be! Who can... Who can be! "

"Oh, you talk less!" Liu Zaishi laughed so much that he almost lost his strength.

"When I gave birth, I ate kelp from the machine." Wu Yanxiu said.

"Will it be beneficial?" Kim Jae-ho was curious.

"It seems to be, listen to what others say."

"Yay! Is it time to care about that?! "

Liu Zaishi is stupid, what are you doing here?

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