Everyone opened their eyes and were dumbfounded.

After being stunned for a while, he also reacted to what happened, and Liu Zaishi directly gritted his teeth.

Because the matter was too serious, Liu Zaishi, Li Guangzhu, Chi Shi Zhen also surrounded and wanted to discuss the combat policy, but Kim Jae-ho among them frowned and sighed: "Ah, I really don't want to be on the same team with Haha brother, oh, it's very annoying!" "

Liu Zaishichi Shizhen Li Guangzhu immediately scattered, afraid of something unlucky, Li Guangzhu also took off his trench coat and threw it off, with a look of disgust.

On the other side, there is a different scenery.

PD asked haha: "Do you agree?" "

"Of course! Marriage also agrees! Haha unilaterally agreed, he was so happy that he lost his mind.

So happy, haha has the feeling that I have won the whole world.

After all, his opponent is a handsome guy like Kim Jae-ho, although his spirit is not very normal, and there is a mountain range like Liu Zaishi, although he is a little talkative...


Now there is one lucky one left, and interestingly, all four of them stand in exactly the same position.

Kim Jae-ho is praying, after all, if this is not chosen, it is a matter of self-esteem.

Now the decision is in Minzhen's hands, and he takes the satchel and wears it on Liu Zaishi.

Hearing a poofed laugh, Kim Jae-ho already knew the result, and Kim Bule opened his eyes and watched Yoo Jae-seok and Haha happily celebrate.

Minzhen chose Liu Zaishi.

He crouched down, took off his hat, and brushed his hairstyle that he once thought the world couldn't be messed up.

Can't figure it out.

"Don't choose me? Really not me? "Li Guangzhu can't believe it, after all, everyone is so familiar.

But he didn't expect that Kim Jae-ho and Young-ho were more acquainted.

This group is simply choosing who loses this time.

"Oh, this is the weakest team, right?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Following the strongest team in history, the weakest team also appeared.

Kim Jae-ho pressed his hat hard to cover his face.

He didn't want to face it.

and Chi Shizhen Lee Kwang-joo in a group, cattle's.

"Zhixiao, you have worked hard." Kim Jae-ho looked up and said.

"You know how hard I am!" Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho smiled and nodded.

"What! Forget about filial piety, you are the same as us! Chi Shizhen said.

"How is it possible! I'm at the level of Brother Ultimate Kingdom! Kim Jae-ho retorted.

"You are the level of the Ultimate Kingdom, then I am the level of Brother Minxiu!" Chi Shizhen said.

"Don't talk about it! I feel ashamed to look at it! Li Guangzhu stopped it loudly, what a bad teammate.

This rookie pecked at each other he couldn't see it, everyone was about to die of laughter, this team is really magical, unexpected actually feels very interesting.

This seems to be the first time these three people have made a team, before Kim Jae-ho was either Liu Zaishi or Kim Jiuguo, at least there would be haha.

Now it is basically three people in the lower circle, in no particular order.

Kim Jae-ho's strength is relative, occasionally god, hard power is definitely not as good as haha, haha not only has a good brain but also a certain combat ability.

And just like that, the detachment was finally completed.

The weak get together, the strong get together, and the lucky get together.

Some rejoice, others worry.

Kim Jae-ho pulled Min Jung to the side: "Maybe you don't know, although I look very handsome, but everyone who has seen RM knows that I am the kind of technical powerhouse with the highest winning rate." "

"Oh? Is it? "Minzhen was unexpected, and she had the highest winning rate.

"Yay! You go away! "Haha suddenly separated Kim Jae-ho, and he accidentally exploited the loophole.

"Minzhen, don't listen to him." Liu Zaishi said.

"I'll just chat~" Kim Jae-ho said.

"To talk, you find your teammates!" Haha shouted.

"My teammate, how can I talk!" Kim Jae-ho also shouted, as if he was louder, Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Seok-jin felt something was wrong but it was difficult to say.

Haha shouted: "I don't care! She's mine! It's mine! We're about to have a wedding! "

Hahaha, like madness.


It turned out that it was already fast-forward to the wedding, and his sitcom was developing a little fast, and Yoo Jae-seok and Kim Jae-ho immediately joined the sitcom to stop his unrealistic fantasies.

Of course, haha is now the happiest person, and the person who likes it also chooses himself, and others are envious, haha is now inflated.

Although you may lose the game today, you have won your life.

Haha is such a person, as long as he is given space, he can play.

As soon as he saw Kim Jae-ho and Min-jung chatting, he could immediately kill him and create a very good effect, of course, Yoo Jae-seok and Kim Jae-ho cooperated well.

Of course, the sitcom came and ended quickly, PD quickly gave instructions, used a tablet, the production team was very up-to-date and has been using high technology.

This thing is still a rarity, and it looks very high-end.

This thing is originally simple to operate, Liu Zaishi will use it, of course, with the help of Rong He, he knows that he only needs to click twice to open the video, and then Brother Cheng appears...


"Oh?!" Everyone exclaimed at the same time, what the hell is this?

Groove, beep!

Brother Long!

Legendary creatures!

That invincible man in Furniture City actually appeared on this show?

Program group: Is this crazy?

Or is the world crazy?

Ma Yay!

"This is a star! Star! Idol! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

At this time, the later stage was also accompanied by subtitles: you are also an idol...

It's no wonder Kim Jae-ho gaffe, idols are also divided into levels, if Liu Zaishi is a legendary local idol, then Brother Long is a legendary world idol.

His kung fu is not only extremely watchable but also full of comedic effects, and his movies really never disappoint, because each one is very hard, just looking at it makes me think that he is a bug, anyway, it should be something to open.

Now this bug is greeting everyone cordially, and his face is messy, it seems that he has just finished filming, and his kind eyebrows are very kind and grounded, as if he has washed away the lead hua.

Everyone recognized who this person was at the first time, and everyone was as shocked as Kim Jae-ho to see the star at once.

"Hello RM everyone~ Welcome to Xiangjiang, hello everyone, welcome to this beautiful city of Xiangjiang."

So kind!

That's the taste here, and this tastes right.

Kim Jae-ho forgot that he had this stubble, and he could only say that the production team beeped, and the task made Brother Long think of it and did it.

This Xiangjiang special is really full of sincerity.

"Today RM came to Xiangjiang to unravel the legend of Kowloon, grasshopper, run!"

"It seems that Brother Cheng is coming to arrest us~" Chi Shizhen said excitedly.

Kim Jae-ho can only say that you are thinking about farting and eating, although the back does come...

Brother Long explained that this time everyone was going to visit various places in Xiangjiang to visit the legend of the nine dragons, and the time limit was 24 hours.

"What is the legend of Kowloon?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"We are nine people, so maybe the nine dragons are talking about us." Kim Jae-ho said.

"No, it's because of the Kowloon Peninsula." Chi Shizhen said.

What he meant was that the production team named it because of the name of the place, and it was inspired by it, and it had nothing to do with them.

It can be seen that Chi Shizhen is also quite familiar with this place, and he also knows the name of a place.

The main thing is that the Hong Kong films of the eighties and nineties are too exciting, a hundred flowers bloom, basically satisfying the fantasies of all men, so basically everyone has seen it, especially the older generation like Chi Shizhen.

At that time, the Korean wave was not yet popular, it was all the era of Hong Kong stars, and then they learned that pattern, dress, singing, movies.

Then, a generation of groups came out, hot, god, crystal boy, mythology, these are all oriented to the native.

In the later second-generation group, compared with the first generation of idols, the company's planning ability at this stage was more systematic and meticulous, and the music "Hallyu" idol was produced from the beginning with the development of overseas markets in mind.

The starting representative of the boy group is Dongfang Shenqi, and the female group is WG.

By the way, Lee Ji-eun also debuted at this time.

Gradually the whole people chase stars, the base is large, so the talents are numerous, the company has money, and begins to invest more money to cultivate talents, coupled with their very good strategic vision, forming a very good cycle.

Later, they became stronger, and the people on the Xiangjiang side went to catch up with the Korean Wave, and the situation was directly reversed.

In the final analysis, this counterattack is a matter of cultivation systems and strategic guidelines, which is what we often call patterns.

This has also caused the Hong Kong Star's side, although strong, there are new stars, but the gap has become larger and larger.

Although it seems that Hallyu is very invincible, its realization in domestic entertainment is also very interesting, such as many variety shows, now will not be too embarrassing, but also very funny, and getting better and better, so it is worth looking forward to and happy about.

At least we have our own things to look at, more and more beautiful, even, better than them.

Looking at Brother Long, Kim Jae-ho didn't know why he thought of the crow flying for the first time, which is worthy of being something made by Brother Cheng, and even the lines are so vivid.

Everyone didn't expect that just got off the plane, just at the beginning, this pressure is already so high, it is already extremely looking forward to the next thing.

When the video ended, everyone began to sigh, after all, it was too shocking, and there was a feeling of dizziness.

"See! Brother Long called me that! Liu Zaishi said proudly.

Chi Shizhen immediately said: "Grasshopper run!" "

Only Ikeishi vibrates.


Named by Brother Long, Liu Zaishi can blow for a long time, and he is very happy.

Moreover, Brother Long still deliberately said Korean just now, and his face was full.

Really as long as you work hard, you can encounter any good thing, who would have thought that Brother Long would come to this show, and who would have thought that Uncle Long would really come to this show in the future.

"Isn't the team divided now? Let's all change into their uniforms and get going! PD said.


Everyone was very motivated and never seemed to be so positive.

Liu Zaishi and Haha shouted the loudest, they were put on the double buff, after all, they were already the winners.

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