Several other people nodded, it was really cool, simple happiness.

Everyone shouted one by one, the louder they shouted, which was very enjoyable.

Soon Doshun was blocked in a corner, and Kim Junguo commanded Kim Jae-ho to surround and suppress, but she still fled.

Although it was just a race walk, it still made Duo Shun break out in a cold sweat, which probably understood how terrifying normal grabbing and hiding is.

Although it has been untied, it is still very reluctant to arrest people, and after another ten minutes, Kim Jae-ho and they can finally untie it.

"Take off~"

Kim Jae-ho moved his hands and feet, and then Liu Zaishi and Haha next to him directly ejected and started, walked out with a swoop, and after a few steps, it directly turned into running.

Oh, my God!

Kim Jae-ho was taken aback, "Can they run so fast?" I usually don't see them running so fast when I catch hide and seek. "

"Let's hurry up too!" Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo hurriedly followed, Kim Jae-ho put one hand on Song Ji-hyo's shoulder, and Song Ji-hyo held Kim Jae-ho's waist, and his running speed was not slow.

This stunned Jin Zhiguo, what is this?

Swoosh past the two teams, and nothing has changed from them.

They originally came after Xiaolin, and the speed of Liu Zaishi and Haha was suddenly faster than her.

Hyo-rim was scared to walk fast, it was already like running, Kim Jae-ho whispered in the back devil: "Hyo-lin, you will lose your powder when you run~"

Xiao Lin immediately ran his posture a little more competitively, screaming as he ran.

In fact, if Kim Jae-ho doesn't say it, no one cares when she runs, Kim Jae-ho said, Hyo-rim can't run directly.

Liu Zaishi and Haha easily caught her, and the name tag that tore off her back was just a bang, not an important person to connect.

It doesn't matter, everyone is liberated and the game enters the rhythm of RM.

Soon the remaining three SISTARS were harvested one by one, and the mission was not completed until the last one, which was also unlucky.

The next stop is the DMC Publicity Hall.

But I just borrowed the parking lot of this publicity hall.

It was amazing to see SISTAR, but it was a pity that I only played for a while and didn't talk properly.

RM is really now, the row is up, and the girl group only uses one link.

What everyone doesn't know is that the next link is also to pull the boy band to use a link.

When everyone arrived, they saw a guitar case, and when they opened it, it was full of water guns.

Kim Jae-ho: "It's so classic!" The guitar case does not contain a guitar and a gun. "

Liu Zaishi was overjoyed when he saw it, and now he is tied to the water gun.

"Oh? Movie Trailer? "Haha reminded.

Liu Zaishi immediately picked up the gun and made a gesture in the trailer, causing everyone to laugh.

Everyone received the task, the task was to keep the unique Song Zhixiao, and within the time limit, Song Zhixiao team members found the goalpost and kicked a goal.

Everyone should defend the tenth RM and protect Song Zhixiao, and if Song Zhixiao is eliminated, all members will be eliminated.

"Zhixiao is protected by us for the first time." Liu Zaishi said.

"Indeed, it is generally she who protects us."

After Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, everyone smiled embarrassedly, it was indeed like this.

"No way, she's so powerful." Haha laughed.

"Then show Zhixiao today that we can also protect her." Chi Shizhen said.

At this time, Liu Zaishi labeled her with a water gun name tag.

Song Zhixiao's face was embarrassed: "Is there no prop that can block the back?" "

"Us! They all said we protect you. Liu Zaishi said.

"It's true that I'm more relieved to block it myself."

This is a complete distrust of everyone, she has no sense of security at all.

The main thing is that these people really can't believe it.

"Let's go." She said helplessly.

Everyone with water guns and followed.

Kim Jae-ho follows Song Ji-hyo, and he can protect the name tag at a critical moment.

"Or you stick with me and go." Song Zhixiao said.

When Kim Jae-ho heard this, there was such a good thing?

He also immediately agreed and gave Song Zhixiao a back-to-back hug.

"But it's not easy to go, let's talk about it when you encounter an attack." Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's okay Zhixiao, if something really happens, we will give you time to react, in Hao, you just can't let her die." Liu Zaishi said.

"Of course." Kim Jae-ho said, "Let's assign a task, who looks at the front and who looks at the back." "

"I'll look at the back." Li Guangzhu said.

"Then look at the back one again."

Li Guangzhu smiled: "Ah, don't you believe me?" "

"To be on the safe side, insurance." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Everyone chatted and entered the residential area, which is much narrower, and there are many people and buildings.

"Let's look at it somebody! Be careful with the above! "

"Look left and right! Brace oneself! "

"Be more careful when there is no one!"

"Filial piety! Hurry up! A few of you go for a walk! "

Song Zhixiao only felt noisy in the middle, these men with broken mouths were so noisy.

It doesn't do anything but increase fear.

Song Zhixiao still relied on herself, looking around, even if she was protected by the stars and the moon, she didn't feel safe.

A lot of times you still have to rely on yourself.

When she saw it, she saw it.

"Coming from behind!"

"Where where?!"

"Right there! It's there! Song Zhixiao died in a hurry, "Or I saw it first!" "

"Yay! Isn't the light bead in your charge of the back?! Beads of light! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

Li Guangzhu had already run to the front, "Look!" I'm watching! "

"You look at the ghost! Fast! Protection! "

Liu Zaishi and they were very confused, "Where?!" "

They haven't seen it until now.

What a group of useless men, nothing more useful than making people anxious.

"How many people are there who know filial piety?"


"Go get a few guys." Kim Jae-ho said, "Brother, you are here with me. "

Liu Zaishi nodded and raised the water gun.

He is very powerful in the case of water guns, so he and Kim Jae-ho are the last line of defense, one attack and one defense.

"Oba, come too!" Song Zhixiao said.

Ji Seok-jin hurriedly walked over and guarded in front of her under the command of Song Ji-hyo, while Kim Jae-ho stuck behind her.

Several people surrounded in the direction indicated by Song Zhixiao, and they still looked presentable.

Jin Zhiguo took advantage of this time, took the initiative to attack, went around the back, and took advantage of the guest's rash move to directly surprise him.

The guests had already been eliminated before they could react, and they hadn't fired a shot, or even appeared.

"GO is out!" Jin Zhiguo said while running over.

"Brother Niu! It is worthy of being a capable person! Kim Jae-ho said.

Jin Zhiguo is still very reassuring, compared to Li Guangzhu and those who are still confused.

They are all still dizzy, and the guests have not seen it.

Soon GO came over to say hello, and Kim Jae-ho asked, "How many other people are there besides you?" "

"More than a dozen." He said.


Everyone knew he was lying.

"He has a walkie-talkie on him, grab it!" Kim Jae-ho said.

GO was immediately taken aback, is it okay to be like this? Hurried and ran away.

From his initial ambition to confusion to his current panic, he was completely confused.

"RM is really hard!" He said, "What should I do? "

"It won't be someone from their group coming, will it?" Haha immediately thought.

"How many people?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"You don't know?" Kim said.

"I thought you knew as long as it was a group." Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

"I don't know about the boy band." Kim Jae-ho said, "I'm not omnipotent either!" "

Jin Zhiguo and his younger brothers told the story just now while walking, not bragging, barely bragging.

"They seem to have five of them." Song Zhixiao said.

"How do you know so well?" Kim Jae-ho was alert.

"Hehe~" Song Zhixiao smiled mischievously, "Don't you also know the girl group very well~"

"Ah~that's how it feels~" Kim Jae-ho tilted his head.

It turns out that every time I show my understanding of the unexpected girl group, Zhixiao feels this way.

"Concentrated! Now is not the time to say this! Liu Zaishi reminded, "It is very likely that there are four more people!" "

If four people go together, it is very difficult.

But surprisingly, they came one by one.

Everyone found Li Huai and directly got it, the child was shocked, but the RM comforted him, obviously Li Huai came to get them.

There were only two people left, and Mi* did not come.

The whole process was easy and freehanded, and in the end, although the two of them went together, it was useless.

Jin Zhiguo directly killed one, and the remaining one person could not get so many people.

Song Zhixiao even released water, and the kicks were played slowly, just not to let them lose too ugly.

"That's it?!"

These words appear in the minds of RMs.

Too easy, right?!

It's not difficult at all!

Everyone didn't even get their clothes wet, and all the battles were very brief and did not feel nothing.

PD also did not expect that they were the strongest "assassins" and could bring a very big threat to RM, after all, everyone is a strong man, suddenly rushed out to give Song Zhixiao a name card and it was over, who would have thought that they would give it directly for nothing.

After everyone passed, they took on the next task, still the man, everyone was already very familiar with him, and now they were like friends.

"I heard that the team members like to use gold as prizes, if you complete the task, you can look forward to it a little~ especially Song Zhixiao~"

"It seems that Zhixiao's vault has another collection." Haha said.

Song Zhixiao smiled, low-key and low-key~

All of a sudden, the time came to night, and the upper cave at night had a feeling of night...

At halftime, everyone went to eat and talked about the two regiments.

"It's really powerful now, such a big group will come to a game." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"If it was before, it would be a heavyweight guest." Haha said.

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