But it's not important, besides, it's just to let Kim Jae-ho get there.

And there is no time to say, it has arrived.

People who sing are a lot more comfortable, Kim Jae-ho sang to pretend at first, and now it has become a way to get happy.

But now I have a different feeling, that is, after singing, I don't care what others think, I am very comfortable.

In this line, when the pressure is high, it is really big, and when it is cool, it is really cool, and Kim Jae-ho especially likes it, because he has no pressure, only cool.

Singing ditties in small boats, loving people and friends, and earning money, dreamy days.

Park Ji-sung is really very effective as an MC, he has everything he wants, he also has what he didn't expect, he reacts very quickly, and he can talk.

The whole trip was very comfortable.

A good competitive reality show, there is a leisure feeling of a travel program.

But the leisure ends there.

There are a lot of people waiting to go ashore.

Kim Jae-ho was happy: "I thought there was only pick-up, but I didn't expect to pick up the boat~"


Li Guangzhu directly shouted: "I love Taiguo!" "

Out there he has always been the most welcoming.

It's not only when the camera is shooting that he is enthusiastic, but he is very excited whenever he sees fans.

Every time I saw him like this, Kim Jae-ho thought that he had to be more enthusiastic, and the two rolled up.

The two of them seem to be hyperactive and most enthusiastic about the fans.

Time has proved that with such enthusiasm, Li Guangzhu can guarantee at least ten years.

Kim Jae-ho is too, as long as he is free and finds him, he will sign or chat with people.

Of course, the general content of the chat is to urge work, and fans care more about his work than himself.

It is clear that Kim Jae-ho's work results can be said to be model workers, but he gives everyone the feeling that he has not done anything.

Everyone followed the instructions to the table, on which were placed bags.

"Let me illustrate the second round of survival missions." MC Park finds his own opportunity to speak.

Although Park Ji-sung did this for the first time, he did not show the slightest timidity, as if he was doing this.

"Listen to what I say, just buy the corresponding things back." Park Ji-sung said.

The place where everyone is now is a market, and the market is the most local thing, especially the old market.

"In this link, a person will be eliminated."

"To the hotel?"

"It should go." Park Ji-sung is actually not sure.

"Nope!" Everyone was speechless.

Where any show goes to a hotel at the beginning, isn't that equivalent to a prison?

Look at Chi Shizhen, now there are no figures, which means that he recorded a beginning and ended the work.

It's like everyone goes to play in a group, only one project is played, and the rest is to stay in the hotel and play with themselves.

This is where to play, this is torture!

Now everyone is really scared and doesn't want to lose.

"I'll tell you about the quest items, it's good what I said, uh-oh! Okay, let's go! "

Everyone hurriedly set off, and the slogan given by the production team to this link was "football is instant power and communication", and using such a title to come up with such content can be said to be a top understanding and interpretation.

Jin Zhiguo listened directly to the crooked at the beginning, "uh-oh" became "oh", and went to find it like this.

Kim Jae-ho went to look for it alone, he was not looking for this thing, he was looking for someone who could understand this.

As a "little genius of language", although he forgot what he memorized the last time he came, he has already written down new content on the way here.

Combined with the content of the last episode with Nikun, he accurately wrote down the sentence "where there is".

Finding a few girls who were patting themselves, he asked directly: "Where is there a uh-huh"?

They were particularly concerned about Kim Jae-ho's problem, but everyone was also confused listening to his words.

"It seems that it is not a common thing for them, ah, trouble..." Kim Jae-ho immediately realized.

Then you have to ask someone who knows this thing.

If it was a fish, such a common thing as apples, they would definitely know what it was when they heard it, and now they don't even know.

Just like if someone suddenly asks us about lychees, then you must know, and if you suddenly ask you about Shakya fruit, then some people may not know.

And this time they are looking for rambutan.

Rambutan is something that no one may have eaten.

And the correct pronunciation of rambutan is more like "grind" or Kim Ji-guo's "oh", cough, it should not be Park Ji-sung's problem...

Just when Kim Jae-ho said thank you and planned to leave, a male shopkeeper who was watching the excitement in the back suddenly said "grind~", and the girl in front immediately reacted when she heard it, and also shouted "Grind!" "

"Oh! You know?! "

"Grind! Fruit! She said it in English.

"What fruit?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Red! So big! "The girls compare.

"What sells! Which? "

"Over there!"

"Thank you, big brother!" Kim Jae-ho thanked his eldest brother in the distance with Taiwen.

The eldest brother waved his hand, revealing his brilliant white teeth.

It was good to know that it was a fruit, like a lychee, Kim Jae-ho looked directly in that direction, and he also remembered the correct pronunciation.

The difference is too big for the big brother to understand.

At first, he planned to pull the girl's wrist and let her take him, but after thinking about it, he went to find it himself.

With people will look for it faster, fans will also be very happy, can imagine the envy of the nearby people screams at that time.

But Kim Jae-ho is not the one who can do this now, details, hey, just this detail ~

Kim Jae-ho asked all the way, quickly found it and immediately ran back.

When he arrived, there was only Park Ji-sung.

"How is it so fast?!" Park Ji-sung was shocked.

"Of course, I'm Kim Jae-ho known for being fast." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"That's true."

"I didn't mean that."

"I know~" Park Ji-sung smiled ambiguously.

Park Ji-sung verified Kim Jae-ho's stuff and was right.

"But your pronunciation is too outrageous, too far away."

"Is it? Didn't you find it then? "

"It's also..." Kim Jae-ho was speechless.

You said I didn't pronounce it correctly, so how did you find it?

And so fast.

So the two of them ate the rambutan bought by Kim Jae-ho while waiting for others to come.

Don't say, it's quite good to buy, quite sweet, only a little sour.

The rambutan in this place has the saying of the fruit king, but Kim Jae-ho does not know.

Bought a large bag, the two people chatted and ate, and before they finished eating, haha ran over.

Haha very happily shouted Captain Park's name, going to the cheer with debauchery, but when he saw Kim Jae-ho, his smile froze directly.

"What?" Haha looked at Kim Jae-ho in surprise.

"Why are you here, I'm almost finished eating." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Why are you so fast?" Haha looked confused and verified the things in his hand for Park Zhixing.

Kim Jae-ho didn't finish buying it, and haha came a big bag, so Kim Jae-ho distributed something to the fans watching next to him.

It is all up to overseas fans to have overseas specials.

But what Kim Jae-ho didn't expect was that seeing Kim Jae-ho giving them something to eat, they also went to buy something for Kim Jae-ho and them, and they were still hot.

Kim Jae-ho, who happened to eat a lot of sweet things, was comfortable all of a sudden, and he just wanted to have something else to taste.

Park Ji-sung is also a person with a lot of fans, but such interactions are still very rare, and it is very strange to watch.

"Don't eat too much, wait for the next link." Park Ji-sung reminded.

"It doesn't matter, it's fan love." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

If he brought it himself, Kim Jae-ho would not eat it, but he bought it nearby, so he was very relieved.

Waiting turned into a big food meeting, and Park Ji-sung couldn't help but eat a lot.

Of course, it won't be long, and everyone is coming back one after another.

When Jin Zhiguo also returned, only Song Zhixiao remained.

Although it is a pity, Song Zhixiao also stopped at this round.

Kim Jae-ho knew that he would go to her first, and he thought that this would not stop her.

But it doesn't matter, after all, it is to play football, Song Zhixiao is not very convenient, most of them are men, and this has a very strong physical confrontation.

After knowing that it was Song Zhixiao, everyone started playing.

Song Zhixiao came, Li Guangzhu hid first, and then Song Zhixiao thought that he had caught up, and then Li Guangzhu jumped out from the side and beat Song Zhixiao firmly.

Only the world in which Li Kwangzhu was beaten was completed.

In this case, Song Jihyo will have to go back to the hotel alone, even if it is half off work, Kim Jae-ho and they have to go to the next place.

After a few fewer people, it seems that there are a lot of things missing, Liu Zaishi, Chi Shizhen, Song Zhixiao, feel empty.

Of course, there is no such feeling after getting in the car.

Haha is still very good at mobilizing the atmosphere.

"If I come together, there will be Zhixing, sleep well, like this."

"I'm Zhixing, I'm not drinking flower tea again~"


Obviously, the flower tea terrier Park Zhixing also knew, but he didn't expect it to be used on his body.

The love from Jin Zhiguo is too heavy.

"The last task is to evaluate the concentration of the ball."

So says PD.

The car drove away from the crowded area to a park in the city.

"It's so nice to see this place." Kim Jae-ho especially liked it.

This park is different from the park he remembered before, and the old park, which can be completed soon, is a place where uncles and aunts sing and dance together.

And this place, even if they sing and dance, you can find a place where you can't hear them singing and dancing.

That's right, dancing can also be heard, this is called square dancing, it is a feature.

This park is really nice, with water, lawns and a lot of trees.

"First of all, congratulations to the four people who are now alive." After Park Ji-sung finished speaking, he hugged everyone, except Lee Kwang-joo.

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