Everyone also knows his name as John Wick.

Since then, he has had a new spiritual bond, and the life of one person and one dog is also very loving.

This dog is really, well-behaved and cute, and he will smile just by looking at it.

The master brother couldn't help but laugh when he saw her picture, and now he is raised at home and lives very comfortably.

Then came the beginning of it all.

John drove his dog to refuel, and while he was waiting, a car next door came to refuel.

The four people who got down from the car, all talking and laughing, suits and shoes, did not look good.

One of them saw the car and walked over.

The crimson suit shirt, with gilded ornaments on it, coupled with the big back and invincible appearance, was full of gloom and very arrogant.

Appearing in this kind of place, so young, with this kind of momentum, you know that he is not a big guy, or the son of a big guy.

That's right, it's Kim Jae-ho.

This is what Kim Jae-ho thinks the black should look like, don't say, it's quite handsome, full of aggressive handsomeness.

Even if he is a villain, Kim Jae-ho has to be handsome, but this time he is very aggressive, faintly a little ruffled, but there is not much feeling of a bad guy.

He walked over, seemed to like John's car very much, said the model of the car at once, and then asked him how much.

John is certainly not for sale, and he is not short of money.

"There is a price for everything, fool." Kim Jae-ho said the last two words in another country's language.

"This fool doesn't." John answered directly in this language.

Kim Jae-ho's face changed suddenly, but he was stopped by the people coming from behind.

"Have a good time, sir."

John didn't speak, he must not be intimidated at all, everyone who watched the trailer knew that he was not an ordinary person.

Everyone thought that there would be a greater contradiction about to happen, but they didn't expect that the other side seemed to be very restrained, and directly let John go.

Everyone's hanging hearts were put down, I don't know why, Kim Jae-ho didn't do anything, but there was a strong sense of oppression.

So fans say, don't let him play the bad guy, it's too similar.

However, it is not clear whether Kim Jae-ho's role is a villain or a funny one.

But after John left, the two looked at each other, and Kim Jae-ho looked fierce.

The next thing is awesome, the master brother drag racing.

This paragraph did not even invite a professional racer to be a stand-in, it was shot by the master brother himself, so the picture of the master brother in the car in an upright manner is very exciting.

After a good day, John and the dog played a little and got ready for bed, but the good times did not last long.

He heard the dog barking below, so he went down, and the killer career that he hadn't had for too long made him relax his vigilance, and after seeing the two people standing in front, he was knocked in the back before he could speak.

Several men in black covered their faces and beat John, very violently, and even worse, the dog began to bark, and then the dog was also knocked.

One of the men in black grabbed John's hair and took off his mask, it was Kim Jae-ho, and then punched him again.

He didn't know who he had messed with.

As soon as the screen went black, it began...

Minzhe's scene came, he played the person in charge of car repair, and he recognized it as John's car, after all, John used to be a partner.

Not only did he not receive it, but he also gave Kim Jae-ho a look.

The first cool point came, and everyone realized that John was not a simple person, after all, even such a fierce person did not dare to take John's car.

Then he told Kim Jae-ho's father, the agent played by Vigo, the real big guy and the source of Kim Jae-ho's confidence.

After Kim Jae-ho returned home, he was beaten by his agent, whether people or ghosts were showing, only Kim Jae-ho was beaten.

When his father began to beat him, Kim Jae-ho, who had already been rampant, finally realized that he had caused a big trouble.

Viggo began to talk about the cause and effect, it turned out that John was a retired killer, and before he retired, he was helping him do things, and it was also John who helped them establish their current status.

That is, without John, they would not be where they are today.

The audience who watched this kind of face-punching plot were particularly cool, especially after Viggo called in a low voice to ask for forgiveness, but John hung up the phone.

He knew that he could not be good, that his son had not taught well, and now he was in trouble.

Although he had a headache, things still had to be solved, so he sent someone to kill John.

Immediately after that, the master brother washed and changed his clothes and began to fight.

It was the first time that everyone had seen such a crisp and neat hand-to-hand combat with a gun, which was simply art.

This kind of unique fight, although everyone has never seen a gunfight, but everyone feels that it is particularly real.

The strength of the master brother is also handsome to everyone, everyone was probably handsome during the trailer, and now everyone knows that it is not a preview deception, but really the whole film is a fight of this quality!

"Oh Mo oh Mo!" Liu Zaishi's whole person was excited, the chair was like a soldering iron, and he couldn't sit still at all.

It's so cool!

As a man who is passionate about Hong Kong films, this is what he wants!

And it's not the kind of three-five-by-two fight, the three-minute drama makes him excited, if not in the cinema, he would already be shouting.

He couldn't vent, so he grabbed the arm of Kim Jae-ho, who was sitting next door, and Kim Jae-ho almost shouted out.

"Yay! Yikes! Liu Zaishi pointed to Kim Jae-ho and then pointed to the screen, his hands were busy, his gums were always very healthy, and he was excited.

When John was done, there was a knock on the door.

As soon as Kim Jae-ho opened the door, it was a police officer, the police officer played by Haha!

Yoo Jae-seok looked at Kim Jae-ho in surprise, haha also starred?

Kim Jae-ho smiled, this was a small surprise, haha did not hold back and told everyone, it was also embarrassing him.

I saw that there was still a police car parked behind Haha and started a conversation with John.

"Good evening, John."

"Good evening, Jimmy, has anyone complained about the noise?"

"Yes, noise complaints." Haha nodded, with vigilance and a trace of fear on his face.

This is finally the movie dream of haha, but it is just a trick.

Haha looked inside, the corridor behind John, lying there alone, not hiding his body at all.

The main thing was that he was too busy and John didn't have time to hide him.

Everyone breathed a sigh, was John going to be arrested?

Unexpectedly, haha asked: "You, back to the old business?" "

"No, it's just tidying things up."

"Oh~ so it is..." Haha looked like he suddenly realized, "Then you can deal with it yourself, good night, John." "

"Good night Jimmy."

So Jimmy left.

That's it?!

Although it was just a few simple conversations, the whole theater laughed!

As you know, although this is a little provocative, it seems that it is because I know John.

Kim Jae-ho has completely mastered everyone's coolness.

And haha's performance is also remarkable, perfectly interpreting that kind of bravery and cuteness, after all, he did not do this in RM.

Completely black humor, I don't know why, obviously neither of them is funny, but it looks particularly funny.

When they saw Haha suddenly appear, everyone was very excited, and after watching it, they also felt that Haha didn't make people feel like they were playing, but everyone knew him.

It can only be said that the performance is particularly good.

Now that there are so many uninvited guests lying in the house, John must clean up, as he said before.

Then he called, a professional waste disposal truck appeared at the door, and then a few people came in, and then everyone knew what a professional team was.

It turns out that there are people who specialize in this, and everyone has also seen this team in the trailer.

The leader of the team is a professional actor that Kim Jae-ho is looking for, and it took a long time to find it.

Everyone finally knows that Kim Jae-ho is rich and can afford to invite strangers...

There is no way, Kim Jae-ho's movie, important characters, are all acquaintances!

It was as if Kim Jae-ho had a party, and then Kim Jae-ho proposed that everyone should make a movie together, so everyone began to choose their own roles.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't care about this, he doesn't avoid saying that he is not guilty, after all, who is not invited, they can play why they don't use them.

It's cheap and easy to use, and they know the roots, know how to play their acting skills, and popularity.

This is called that the fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders, and if other movies look for them to act like this, they will probably not go, all for the sake of Kim Jae-ho's face.

On the other side, agent Viggo saw that his elite squad had melted and there was no news, and he knew that this method would not work, so he thought of another method - bounty.

There are killers naturally have rewards, that is, next John not only has to deal with Vigo, but also has to face a variety of killers.

Viggo felt that this was not safe, so he personally went to find John's good friend back then, Minxiu brother who knew John best!

That's right, Brother Minxiu is also here!

Brother Min Xiu also starred in this play, but in order to keep it secret, he did not come directly today, the scene, and saved the surprise until the last moment.

Speaking of this, Liu Zaishi gritted his teeth, when he went to the set, he saw Brother Minxiu, and the two exchanged cordial greetings.

Although it was a broadcast, Liu Zaishi was still very afraid, Bi respectfully, Kim Jae-ho was completely watching a good show next to him.

He suspected that Kim Jae-ho deliberately filmed the scenes of the two of them on a day, after all, their scenes did not overlap.

At that time, if he wants to record the behind-the-scenes story, he must say this.

When I get home, I will take a small notebook and write it down.

Minxiu's age looks like it came from that era, even now he should still be a very fierce killer, in the face of his old friend's order who washes his hands in the golden basin, will he agree?


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