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In the end, the results of the blue team will not be announced first, and they will be announced together when the red team finishes drinking, so as not to have the red team pinch time to drink.

Don't doubt that they are really able to do it.

This group of people became serious, and to some extent really similar to the secret agents.

The red team began, haha was the first to eat the crab, he did not pick up the cup, but put the cup on the table, just took a sip like this, and already couldn't stand it ~.

"Ahhhhh Haha, it's hard to get the five senses together.

Kim Jae-ho also felt uncomfortable watching on the side, a look of disgust, can be said to be very panicked, if RM, choose a game he hates the most, there is no doubt that this is this, don't think about it, this game directly changed his perception of tea, really pink turn road - turn black.

"What are you doing in Hao?! Hurry up and blow! "

Just when Kim Jae-ho looked at Haha's uncomfortable expression, there was a sudden reprimand next to him, which frightened him and immediately picked up the spoon and stirred it, whistling and blowing.

Everyone is laughing when they see his serious seconds, Jin Zhiguo is really, too nagging, everything has to be managed, but you can't say anything, after all, he started from victory and safeguarded everyone's interests.

But after seeing that Kim Junguo just finished speaking, Kim Jae-ho's strong desire for survival, everyone still couldn't help it, Kim Jae-ho is really, funny, may have been born to walk this road.

Kim Jae-ho really doesn't know how the previous dog brother survived under this high pressure, anyway, he is living very hard now.

But before he could blow a few mouthfuls, the haha next to him directly toasted, and Kim Jae-ho was dumbfounded.

What are you doing so fast?

It's uncomfortable, Kim Jae-ho, he didn't expect Haha to be so fast, but to be honest, he was actually quite curious about the taste.

Kim Jae-ho learned to haha, gently licked the edge, and on the edge of the scalded death, Kim Junguo next to him couldn't stand it.

"What are you doing?! Hurry up and drink!! "

"Arasso! I know! Oops, don't rush! Kim Jae-ho was also a little impatient, sounding like resistance, but his body was very honest, and he drank it directly like haha.

Wow, that taste, really, really, wonderfully.

Kim Jae-ho couldn't help laughing, while laughing and chewing the double flower tea powder in his mouth, the double flower tea actually has a sesame paste taste, or that very sticky sesame paste, the taste, like expired sesame paste, anyway, it doesn't look like the feeling of being able to drink.

It's really ridiculous, is this what he's going to drink?

After another sip, he tried to toast, but when that feeling overflowed the entire mouth, it was as if a garbage can had burst in the mouth, still mushy, there was everything in it, but there was no good feeling to drink.

No, it's terrible!

He just took a bite, and after forcibly swallowing it, he had a feeling of retching, haha originally if he saw such a scene, he would definitely make fun of Kim Jae-ho, but now, he didn't laugh, because he understood this feeling, the formula of the two of them can be said to be exactly the same.

But Kim Jae-ho forgets that in this world, there is something more terrifying than this cup of tea in front of him, and that is the anger from his teammates!

Just when Jin Zaihao swallowed slowly and hesitated, the Jin Zhiguo horse on the side began to reprimand.

"Drink! Hurry up and drink! What are you doing, what are you doing! "

"Drink it all in one go!"

"Hurry up!"

Kim Junguo was frantically exporting next to him, constantly urging Kim Jae-ho to drink quickly.

After Kim Jae-ho was scolded, he also immediately picked up the cup, what do you care about him, pretend to drink it first.

However, there is something more terrifying than Kim Junguo, that is, Bongseon, Kim Jae-ho just took a sip, and suddenly there was a roar like a tyrannosaurus next to him, which sounded in his ears, as if to shatter his eardrums.

"Drink !!" Feng Shan roared directly, "Drink it quickly!! "

Kim Jae-ho was almost frightened and choked, but under the double oppression of Kim Jianguk and his wife, Kim Jae-ho didn't say anything, just do it, it can be said that even if it is Xiang, now he has to swallow it into his stomach, let alone drink.

But it's really hard to drink, mainly he is not all water, on the contrary, there is very little water, so it is difficult to swallow when it reaches the throat, he has to swallow it very hard after drinking a large mouthful, and his face is red after drinking.

Seeing Kim Jae-ho obediently finish in one mouthful, the couple also kept praising it.

··· 0 Ask for flowers...

"Good! Good job!! "

"That's it!!"

Liu Zaishi next to him didn't dare to speak, he could only be glad that he was not in the opposite team, these two people were really too scary.

Li Hongji saw that Kim Jae-ho was scolded the whole time, and he was about to die of laughter, but soon he couldn't laugh, because it was up to him next, he was okay, there was very little double-flower tea powder, but he also experienced what is called unpalatable.

The powerful he really killed in one bite, and he was probably the fastest.

Kim Jae-ho ran to the side to gag, and before he could vomit anything, Lee Hongji came over to accompany him.

But Kim Jae-ho didn't say anything, he couldn't say it now, "Yo~ so coincidental, you also come here to vomit?" "

... 0...

Finding that he didn't vomit anything, Kim Jae-ho went back and left a private space for Lee Hong-ki, whose idol baggage is still very heavy.

But fortunately, Kim Jae-ho went back, because as soon as he went back, he saw Feng Sun with a sip of tea, wanting to vomit and swallow, and couldn't swallow the way he was stuck there.

Jin Zhiguo comforted next to him, his face was okay.

But Kim Jae-ho will not be so gentle, and he was careful to get on the upper body of Feng Sun, walked next to Feng Sun, and pretended to shout, "Drink quickly!!! "

This loud drink is a perfect replica of Feng Shan's appearance just now, and the power is also huge, Feng Shan is like Kim Jae-ho just now, she was startled, to some extent, she was scared by herself.

Before Kim Jae-ho could have time to be happy, he paid for his mischievous deeds.

Kim Jae-ho's sudden roar, the power is huge, even the voice line can be imitated into the wood three points, Feng Sun was frightened by the sudden "own" voice, originally wanted to spit out the mouthful, could not suppress the startled She was frightened to spray directly to the side.

Kim Jae-ho, who was standing next to him, was sprayed off guard, his eyes closed, his expression was very subtle, and he was motionless.


The blue team watching on the side instantly laughed crazy, looking at Kim Jae-ho's self-inflicted scene, they all clapped their hands and laughed, this funny, why did he die again? Lose! _

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