In addition to embarrassment and desolation, Kim Jae-ho's wave of enthusiasm is only laughter.

"Are you all right?" Haha kindly asked.

However, his kindness only exchanged for Kim Jae-ho's white eyes and resentment, haha looked dazed, did he do something wrong?

However, now is not the time to think about this, he has to quickly carry it, but even if he does not carry it well, as long as Song Zhixiao comes down, he has to go up.

Patting the snowflakes on his clothes, Kim Zai-ho swore hatefully that he would be a fool if he went up again before he finished memorizing this line!

After a snort, Kim Jae-ho took another step back, in this way, he may even have to swim once, and in another year, he may not be able to play triathlon.

Damn, you have to quickly memorize what you have in your hand to end all this.

But because it was so cold, his eyes were full of tears, he had never endorsed a book in such a difficult environment, and it was still a book in a foreign language, hell with it ...

"Affected by... Siberia... Anticyclone... And... Fluidity, high air pressure... Target... Impact..."


It's still a rare word!

Aren't you embarrassing me?!


Kim Jae-ho really couldn't say it, but fortunately, when he was idle and bored, he read a lot of books, some of which were in Korean, otherwise he really didn't know how to deal with this ghost thing.

That's right, Kim Jae-ho, this guy, would rather read than work when he is bored.

Five minutes is fleeting, but there is not so much time for him to grind, haha and Song Zhixiao have already fought on it, and finally Song Zhixiao drank, haha.

However, Song Zhixiao still retired to endorse, haha went up to continue the punishment station, in the end, probably because he was blown out, haha directly let go of himself, like a schizophrenia standing on it, the scene is too gratifying.

"Yay! In Hao! How not on! Hurry up! Liu Zaishi shouted over there, and he found that Kim Jae-ho had been shrinking under the stage.

What is this for~ They want to see Kim Jae-ho, this guy is not on, really, it won't be afraid of the cold, this guy, there is no variety show spirit at all.

Hearing Liu Zaishi and them shouting there, Kim Jae-ho wanted to curse.

I'm on you big-headed ghost!

Don't bother me, Lao Tzu still has to endorse!

"There are only a dozen seconds left, in Hao!!" Liu Zaishi shouted.


Ten seconds!

No more, Kim Jae-ho stood up, yes, he had been squatting before, as if he was autistic.

But now that he heard only a dozen seconds, he quickly passed it, and then, resolutely, rushed forward.

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho actually came up, Haha and Song Ji-hyo, who were still arguing, silently handed out the microphone and gave it to Kim Jae-ho, feeling that they had enough shots, since Kim Jae-ho wanted to be on, then let him come, anyway, there is no time.

The time is too short, this is simply an impossible task, they, as the first group, wasted time where it was not necessary, and now there are only ten seconds left, even if Kim Jae-ho can recite it, he can't finish it.

"No time!" Liu Zaishi said nervously.

Although they knew that this was theoretically impossible task, but seeing Kim Jae-ho go up, everyone inexplicably had some expectations, and when Kim Jae-ho got the microphone, there were only the last nine seconds left.

Nine seconds, what can you do?

It takes three seconds to sneeze, the cold wind is blowing, so now, if Kim Jae-ho sneezes, it is not far from the end, and if you are lucky and hit two in a row, it is really no different from going up to the penalty station.

But miracles have always been created.

At this moment, the audience held their breath, Kim Jae-ho took a second to close his eyes, and when he opened them, that look seemed to see through everything.

Then, he spoke.

Wind and snow special effects blessing, eyes full of determination, Kim Jae-ho spit out word by word, the opening sentence of Siberia what air pressure, and haha Zhixiao repeated countless times there is not much difference, the only difference is two words - speaking speed!

Like a violent wind and rain, with a sharp breath, the sound like a blast rushed in, with a suffocating rhythm, without stopping, quickly saying those lines.

Ordinary people, in order to be able to finish their words in one breath, will try to make themselves quieter, but Kim Jae-ho is not like this, when he opens his mouth, what he spits out is extremely clear, extremely powerful and even with rhythm and undulations.

That feeling, not like an endorsement, more like talking about RAP, not an ordinary RAP, if you insist on finding a person to compare to, it is like Eminem-like, penetrating RAP!

When he spoke, everyone felt that their qi was lifted, and everyone looked at Kim Jae-ho intently, eyes, gazes, attention, everything, all of which were firmly sucked by Kim Jae-ho like a magnet, for fear of missing any frame.

Some people, even from the moment Kim Jae-ho spoke, held their breath, and the RMs, who should have shouted loudly to react, did not make a sound at this time, it seems that even such a little extra sound will destroy this strange beauty.

The RM people's eyes widened and they were stunned, looking at the miraculous scene in front of them in disbelief, while the staff in charge of the referee felt something else.

They are responsible for determining that as soon as Kim Jae-ho says one word wrong, one place pauses too long, and one place is ambiguous, they will immediately remind the PD to press the button.

So, they are an extremely harsh group, and when Kim Jae-ho speaks, they have no time to appreciate anything, they must judge.

From the moment Kim Jae-ho spoke, they listened carefully, looking for any mistakes, but they fell silent as they listened to the words that were so clear that they sounded in their ears.

Time, minute by minute, passed by minute by second, and Kim Jae-ho continued.

When he spit out the last word, the time was just frozen to zero, the whistle sounded, and then, everyone looked at PD and searched with their eyes whether Kim Jae-ho was finished within the time limit.

PD looked at the time, and then, looking up, raised his hand high, waved, and spit out two words - "Success!" "

"Daihatsu !!"

Suddenly, screams rang out, and almost everyone at the scene clapped and cheered together.

Some people gasped, they felt that at this moment, Kim Jae-ho was like a Douzong powerhouse, and he was terrifying!

There are also many people who have doubts.

What we just heard is that the weather forecast is correct, right?!

That's right?!


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