Many people who don't like them are precisely the people who pay the most attention to them, they want to see how miserable those stars they hate will become, every time they do something, the first to know is them, the first to scold is also them, the first to bring traffic, is also them.

They do this purely to bring traffic to their hated stars, just like many big anchors' barrages are scolding him, and the heat is supported by trolls.

As long as there is heat, there will naturally be more attention to them, advertisers will like these hot stars, and job opportunities will naturally increase, so trolls are strictly their food and clothing parents.

So when you hate a star very much, you very much want him to have no one to pay attention to and end up miserable, the best way is not to pay attention, ignore it, do not comment, as if this person is just a passerby, does not exist in your world, this is the best way.

If the person is very incompetent, no one pays attention to nature and will work less, and if there is less work, it will naturally not be able to do it.

Handstand is such a truth, but the sunspot, troll, who can have such enlightenment, is pitiful, after all, when he hates a star very much and then keeps spraying this star, his quality, consciousness is obvious.

And some trolls, he first hated a point of this star, and then in order to spray more reasonably, he paid attention to more things of this star, and finally felt that this star was very good, very hard, but became a fan.

And many of Kim Jae-ho's trolls have become like this.

Kim Jae-ho, as a newcomer who debuted inexplicably, also quickly reached such a position, there are quite a lot of trolls, to put it bluntly, it is red-eyed, and he feels that he is not capable of matching his current status.

But as long as you look closely, you find that Kim Jae-ho is too awesome, and one person wrote a long article to record his process from trolls to crazy fans, at first he was very reserved, but the more he understood, the more he lay down, and finally after each point would say a sentence, "Kim Jae-ho is awesome!" "

And there is also a big up lord, when doing Kim Jae-ho's "god-level" performance reaction, that is, the reaction video, he often quotes this sentence, and also mixes some remarks such as "Kim is the first in the world", which is quite brainwashed and very top.

This sentence naturally became popular in the rice circle, and many passers-by and fans know this sentence, so under the report about Kim Jae-ho, there are so many "Kim Jae-ho is awesome!" "

Through many reactions, everyone has a feeling that Kim Jae-ho seems to have a lot of super good songs, but this guy hides it and doesn't send it out.

The songs he even hummed casually were very complete and good songs, but he just didn't officially release the sound source.

Other singers are very cautious in singing as long as the sound source is not released, but Kim Jae-ho has a feeling that something is wrong, everyone didn't know before, but now everyone knows, Kim Jae-ho is rich and willful.

He doesn't need songs to make money for him, singing is purely his hobby, I'm afraid even writing lyrics and music is like this, pure hobby.

Is this the legendary talent and willfulness?

Or is it rich and capricious?

After all, the money he makes for his songs may not be as much money as he can make at normal work, in short, he doesn't need this to help him make money, because he has a lot of money, like all his sound sources, it doesn't cost money, only buying albums costs money.

If you are not a fan, many people will not buy albums, after all, online audio sources are very convenient, and the quality and album are the same, why buy albums, this is the consumption of fans.

Even so, many people supported his album, out of liking.

He has a large fan base, so there are many people who buy albums, also because there are not many places where he can spend money for Kim Jae-ho, and there are not many channels to express his love for him, and it can even be said that there are very few.

This guy does not live on the fan economy at all, the album is very cheap, compared to the quality, the concert is not, you can see that his concerts are all other people's concerts, there are no support materials, only the fans themselves make it, there is no official authorization.

People didn't know why, but now they do.

People are singers, purely a hobby, the worst thing is that people are a profession that loves to play, and the achievements of a few months are something that many other singers cannot achieve in a lifetime.

This guy is also a little more serious when playing music, and behaves like a tease at other times, so many people like him very much, after all, there is a lot of fun.

There is a commotion here, and Kim Jae-ho has turned off the Internet and stepped into a society where iron is king.

He originally thought that the gym was full of good-looking girls, but how could he think that the gym that Jin Zhiguo took him to was the person on the way to the mammoth man except for the macho man.

Kim Jae-ho dragged his body that only had half his life left to eat beef with Kim Junguo, which was something Kim Junguo promised to do well, and the delicious portion made by this beef shop they frequented was still large, which extremely satisfied their needs.

"Don't be like this, it looks like I mistreated you."

Kim Junguo looked at Kim Jae-ho's miserable appearance, his face was white, he was sweating all the time, and the hand holding the knife and fork was still shaking, as if his life was not long in coming.

Kim Jae-ho said angrily with a weak voice, "Isn't it? "

"Where is this, where is this?" Jin Zhiguo is about to die of laughter, he really feels amazing every time he helps Jin Zaihao fitness, no matter how this guy trains, except for the muscles becoming stronger, his physical strength has not grown at all.

Of course, this is in his opinion, Kim Jae-ho's core strength has risen a lot.

"Yay! Did I eat the protein powder I gave you, why is it still so thin? Jin Zhiguo wondered.

"Eat it! I've eaten it all, I'm almost gone, you can buy some for me. Kim Jae-ho said.

"You won't buy it yourself! Are you still kind enough to let me buy it? You are not without money. Jin Chengguo laughed, this guy really takes advantage all the time, as if he is very poor.

"You are my brother, what am I embarrassed about, if you don't help me buy it, I won't eat it, that thing is very difficult to eat." Kim Jae-ho doesn't have a good impression of this kind of thing.

At first, he didn't want to eat it, and he ate it under pressure, and then he saw that eating it had no effect and no side effects, so he casually ended the country, but it was absolutely impossible for him to buy it himself.

"Money is used to buy good food, otherwise it will be meaningless." Kim Jae-ho said something serious, as if he was saying a famous saying.

Jin Zhiguo nodded in agreement: "Then you will pay for this delicious meal~"

Kim Jae-ho: "..."

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