Just when the two people were sitting inexplicably in the prison, the men outside were dazzled by the people invited by the production team from the modeling agency, and Haha and Chi Shizhen were already dizzy.

To be honest, under the dual temptation of this kind of full of games and good-looking opposite sex, it is really difficult to find guests well.

Fortunately, Kim Jae-ho they don't need to face such a difficult thing...

More importantly, they don't have money yet, they can't buy anything, they really sit down and talk, but fortunately there is Kim Jae-ho's words, at least not so boring, the topic is always interesting.

Half of the conversation, the production team kindly bought them two ice cream, and ate ice cream in the big winter on the heating, which is really a very wonderful thing, that is, the ice cream is a little too small.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the exquisite ice cream, reluctant to eat, holding the spoon and digging little by little, as if a strong force would lead to an avalanche, Song Zhongji next to him looked pitiful and funny, and almost couldn't resist giving him his ice cream.

Because watching him eat it was really too fragrant, he was a little skeptical and dug a spoonful to taste it, and did not eat anything special, that is, ordinary taste, but this environment made this thing appreciate in value.

They ate deliciously, and the 793 playing outside was also delicious.

Haha suddenly began to beckon people to dance in groups, and soon a bunch of people danced with him and played.

Kim Zhiguo found a ball, the little prince of football, Kim Zhiguo, came to play with the ball, and Ji Shizhen played the ball, everyone was about to see Kim Zhiguo's dribbling technique, but he suddenly fell a butt and squatted and then instantly got up and pretended that nothing happened.

But something happens happens, as evidenced by Chi Shizhen's laughter.

Playing handsome is not a reverse wrestling, this image suddenly disappears, the funniest thing is his speed of getting up immediately because of humiliation, the rare disgraceful reversal of Kim Junguo, which was previously the module that Kim Jae-ho was responsible for.

And Kim Jae-ho and they didn't have a ball to play, and they sat for nearly half an hour, but no one came.

"What? How could Brother Shi Zhen live for so long, did you hide their balls?!" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes, that's right, it's all hidden." PD said justifiably.

"Wait in Hao~ What if you don't hide it?" Song Zhongji couldn't laugh or cry.

But isn't it hidden, it's all hidden, or ours has been found (agcc).

"Why don't you hide ours a little better? Is it targeted? Brother Zhongji, let your fans get them! Kim Jae-ho said viciously.

"Oh, why don't you find your own fans to get it?" Song Zhongji said with a smile.

"This said, isn't your fans my fans~"

"What about your fans?"

"My fans are still my fans." Kim Jae-ho said without changing his face.

Song Zhongji: ???

It was at this time that they heard the broadcast.

"Chi Shizhen, Li Guangzhu, OUT!"

After that, the broadcast that seemed like a nightmare sounded at this moment.

"Thankfully it's finally here! Look at me and say it's them! Kim Jae-ho immediately jumped up, "Go!" Greet them there! "


Just as Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu followed the staff to the restaurant, they suddenly found two people standing at the door.

"Are you two, please? Is there a reservation? Song Zhongji said.

Looking at the two people who looked like waiters, Chi Guangzhu instantly understood.

"Yes, two, there should be a reservation~"

"Mr. Ji Shijin, it's more than half an hour before your scheduled time~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, this one fell into the water just now, I have to go to the rescue, it's delayed." Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

Li Guangzhu: ???

Did I fall into the water?

"Yes, I fell into the water..."

"It's a blessing to be alive~ It's okay, we still have seats for you, please here." Kim Jae-ho made an inviting gesture and then led the two of them into the restaurant.

Li Guangzhu felt so wrong when he heard it, but he didn't think much about it and went in with Chi Shizhen.

Not to mention, Kim Jae-ho and Song Zhong-ki performed like this, and they really had the feeling of a high-end restaurant, and Kim Jae-ho was so bored that they came out to greet them in person.

Not moving at home is enjoying life, but not moving outside is a waste of time, especially when you are in good spirits.

Several people returned to where Kim Jae-ho had been sitting and sat down.

"How's it going outside? Did you see the guests? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No, you can't see the figure." Chi Shizhen said.

"Yes." Li Guangzhu nodded.

At this time, the production team handed over a long loaf of bread, and the eyes of the four people quickly brightened a lot, and their eyes moved with the bread.

"Yay! One loaf for four people, you PD is really bad! "Kim Jae-ho found the problem.

"This is special leftover, then don't forget it..." said PD, and PD was ready to take it.

"I want to !!"

"Yay! What do you kid say?! Chi Shizhen scolded angrily.

"That's it! How can people give us bread so well..." shouted Song Zhongji.

Li Guangzhu was busy grabbing bread.

"Hey! It's my bad! It's me who is wrong! "Kim Jae-ho slapped himself in the air, looking like he had beaten, but in fact he didn't touch it, purely relying on acting skills.

PD smiled satisfactorily, and then he was ready to watch the show.

After all, he is not a demon~

The four people looked at the bread and were silent, but everyone's faces were filled with two words: want to eat.

"Oh, give it to me." Chi Shizhen said brazenly.

"Brother, how about rock-paper-scissors?" Kim Jae-ho said very decisively and crisply.

"But brother's birthday tomorrow..." said Song Zhongji.

Chi Shi Zhengang wanted to pretend and said: Even if it's a birthday...

I heard Kim Jae-ho say, "It's not tomorrow." "

For eating, he has his own bottom line, and the bottom line is, there is no bottom line.

Chi Shizhen instantly changed his words, "Ah, even tomorrow..."


"That's still rock-paper-scissors, rock-paper-scissors." Li Guangzhu said.

"Good." Chi Shizhen nodded reluctantly.

"The winner can only eat one bite, one bite." Li Guangzhu said.

"Good." Kim Jae-ho grinned, revealing the standard eight large white teeth, which looked harmless to humans and animals.

"If you don't win, you can't eat rock-paper-scissors!"

Then, Ikeishi Zhen became the last ...

Inside the smelly hand, he is the most smelly, Li Guangzhu of this evening, luck is not bad, it is one.

Kim Jae-ho is third, Song Zhong-ki is second.

Chi Shizhen showed a helpless smile, he was inconvenient to be angry, he had to endure, but he felt that even if he was the last, these people would leave a lot for themselves, right? _

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