"Just run after eating, your stomach will hurt, let's take a walk first." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, my stomach is still a little stretched now..." said Li Guangzhu and touched his stomach.

"Oh, so I just told you not to eat so much, don't eat so much, now okay?" Jin Zhiguo said nonchalantly.

Jin Zhiguo ate very little just now, because it was not his ideal food, and in the eyes of some parents, all they ate was junk food.

When I walked, the surroundings were empty, and it was even more cold, and at this time, I went out to make money, and I was no different from the little girl who sold matches.

When everyone arrived at the camp, a strong breath of life came to their faces, which was different from the cold and cold just now, it was lively and lively, and the light did not look so cold.

More than 300 campers and volunteers, all of whom helped the guests hide while playing.

Truth be told, if Kim Jae-ho saw so many people when he went camping, he might have turned around and gone home.

But now, he just wants to hurry up and embrace this pyrotechnics, because there are really fireworks!

Kim Jae-ho has already smelled the barbecue far away!

On the other side, the losers who accidentally received Song Zhongji were also driving to their destination with all their strength, and several men complained about Song Zhixiao together, but to be honest, Song Zhongji was in a much better mood when they were in this queue.

Until it came to mind, they all lost to Li Guangzhu...

Keep scolding.

Kim Jae-ho and they entered the camp, and before they could be surprised, they suddenly rushed out and danced in front of Kim Jae-ho, looking as excited as a fool.

Oh yes! Similar!

Kim Jae-ho hurriedly danced joyfully as well, creating a two-person turn, two fools!

The two people seemed to be dancing, and the others were stunned.

Don't fight!

Why did you suddenly jump up? Meet and dance, Indian movie?

The protagonist is quite handsome, but he looks quite silly.

After the man found the opponent, he left quickly, without any thoughts, Kim Jae-ho looked at his back with a smile, satisfied, there are not many such excellent people, it is difficult to find a soulmate.

After a pleasant episode, Kim Jae-ho was not greedy, and they continued to walk forward with Kim Junguo, but as soon as he turned around, he saw what he wanted to see the most.

I saw a few people who were roasting around the stove waving to Kim Jae-ho enthusiastically.


What's going on with this camp?

Come back often!

Kim Jae-ho approached quickly with small broken steps, his eyes looking straight at the meat, he had eaten too many snacks just now, and now he was hungry for these hard goods.

Jin Zhiguo they also thought so, just happened that the pork belly was also cooked, and the three people ate one piece of meat, as for Song Zhixiao, they were still searching for the figure of the guest in the distance.

"Can you get a piece?" Kim Jae-ho asked with a shy face.

He has already changed two stalls, and the wool cannot be used for one sophistication, but the citizens are still very enthusiastic, they are very satisfied and happy to see Kim Jae-ho eating so fragrantly, and their appetite has also increased.

So why there is a mukbang, it's because of this.

"Boom! And the seasoning? Kim Jae-ho watched in surprise as the citizen took out a plate of seasoning, dipped it in it and put it in Kim Jae-ho's mouth.

"Oh! Thank you! Kim Jae-ho didn't say too much nonsense to express his gratitude and ate it, hey, it's so fragrant!

As soon as Kim Jae-ho entered, there was another piece in his mouth, hey, it's so hospitable!

Kim Jae-ho had to open his mouth to get another piece of meat "as a last resort", really reluctantly, he felt that he could get another piece.

Just when he was about to come again, his arm was suddenly slapped, which frightened Kim Jae-ho, and when he looked back, it turned out to be Zhixiao, and he was vaguely surprised with meat in his mouth and then was directly pulled away by Zhixiao.

After saying sorry to the citizens, he would come again, so he was pulled by Zhixiao to another group of people, and Jin Zhiguo was eating there.

"These people really are, why are they so gluttonous? Don't do tasks? Kim Jae-ho complained righteously.

Song Zhixiao was also embarrassed to refute in front of Kim Junguo, he was indeed eating meat, until he saw that Kim Jae-ho was also chewing something.

"Yay! Aren't you eating meat too? "

"You're all the same! Really, I'm looking for guests! "It's not easy for Song Zhixiao to take three children, and there is another child who has not been found so far, how difficult do you say?

The three people walked forward, and Kim Junguo ran forward when he saw a sign like RM in order to show that he was actively doing the task, definitely not actively eating meat.

"There's an RM logo here!"

Kim Jae-ho looked at this with a look of disdain, cut, fake!

And then said in his heart: cut, preempted ...

It's just an oven, but it's a rare place of tranquility.

"Oppa, what is more famous in Camp Laneige?" Song Zhixiao picked up a piece of paper and analyzed.

Kim Junguo: "Camp? "

Kim Jae-ho: "Barbecue? "

Song Zhixiao: "..."

Song Zhixiao was so angry that he threw the paper in his hand: "I really can't live!" "

Really, what kind of teammates are these?

"That's why I can't do it because of this!"

"You're all eating, I'm the only one looking!"

Suddenly scolded by the mother, the two children did not dare to speak, and then another child who did not understand also came over and scolded, "Is there a task here?" "

Song Zhixiao looked at Li Guangzhu, who seemed to be very positive, "Ah! You eat too! I really am! Can't live! "

Then the one who was scolded became three people.

Under the supervision of Song Zhixiao, the servant was also embarrassed, and quickly pretended to actively go to find guests, Song Zhixiao was really relieved but Kim Jae-ho, afraid that he would go to the barbecue of the Huo Huo people's house again, and directly pulled him to go together, anyway, this child's eyes are sharp, maybe he sees something she can also help catch.

"What do you say the guest is doing here?" Song Zhixiao analysis.

"Find something, eliminate it if you find it." Kim Jae-ho said, "I remember you didn't seem to be out like this? "

"yes~ I really want to know what it's like~" Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"Don't stand FLAG, ha, when you are really eliminated, you will know how miserable it is, like being locked up, the roommate is still Liu Zaishi Chi, Shi Zhen, Li Guangzhu."

"Hahaha~ must it be the three of them?" Song Zhixiao wanted to laugh as soon as he heard the names of the three of them.

"No, four, and Zhongji, the three of them are on someone else's team this time, you chose it really well~" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Of course!"

"Hey, Yigu~Brother Cheng~Where to go~"

Song Zhixiao: ???

Looking at the few people who ran over quickly, Song Zhixiao was shocked: "What did you say?" "

"Loud ah~ just ran over the one, so many people followed you didn't see?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Song Zhixiao: ???

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