The riot brought by Liu Zaishi has temporarily ended, and everyone is ready to go to the next game.

Everyone was even complaining about this wave of spies when changing clothes, calling the production team really good at playing, Kim Jae-ho only realized later, no wonder the production team asked him to take off his clothes.

If it was before, how could the production team let him change his clothes, and the time when PD came was also the time after Liu Zaishi came, it must be Liu Zaishi who felt that his clothes blocked the name brand, so he asked PD to take it off.

So that everything is figured out.

He shouldn't get out of the wheelchair, otherwise he might be able to confront Liu Zaishi for a while, and he wouldn't subconsciously think that he was going to tear up the name tag.

After Kim Jae-ho changed his clothes, PD told everyone about the setting and began.

In the cold and warm patient room No. 20, Li Guangzhu lay peacefully on the hospital bed, his feet could only hang on the side of the bed because he was too long, and he fell ill because he was overly framed.

But don't worry, because a group of elites is already on their way.

I saw them leisurely and walked out of the formation.

Four men walked with their heads held high, dressed in doctor's clothes, refreshed and handsome.

The leader is Section Chief Kim Zhiguo, followed by Haha, Song Zhongji, Kim Jae-ho, four people form an elite surgical team, not to mention, these four cerebellar melons are quite handsome.

On the other side, the three internal medicine elite squads are slightly shabby, but the number of people is shabby, and the staffing is not shabby.

Led by Liu Zaishi, a special spy who has just retired from the front line, he has just completed the task of killing seven teammates and becoming rich alone.

Immediately behind him is the courtyard flower ignorant filial piety, in addition to being good-looking, some patients even deliberately come to the hospital just to see her.

Next to her was Chi Shizhen, who... Well, okay.

Soon, the two elite squads arrived in front of Li Guangzhu, a patient, which shows how difficult Li Guangzhu's patient is.

"Eh, here it is..." Li Guangzhu's patient acting skills began, as a man who can play fish in a few years, this is still very simple.

As soon as he got up, he was mercilessly pressed by Kim Jae-ho, "Patients don't move!" "

Lee Kwang-joo was speechless and angry, funny and suffocated, but he couldn't say anything yet, after all, he was a patient, Kim Jae-ho was a doctor, and suddenly, he realized that something was wrong.

How is the role of this patient a little, no status?

His instincts were right.

At this time, Song Zhixiao's side suddenly slammed, and Song Zhixiao himself was so frightened that he stopped the movement of his hand.

"Oh, really, Doctor Ignorant!" Disgusted voices in all directions.

Haha hurried to help sort out the props, in fact, this is not a prop, this is a real medical device that can be used.

Everyone took a few stethoscopes, and immediately felt like a doctor.

Kim Jae-ho didn't take it, he was a little afraid of this thing, there were only a few complete, let them take it, and Kim Junguo didn't take it.

After everyone took the equipment, they gathered around Li Guangzhu, Li Guangzhu because of discomfort, put his feet on it, haha couldn't see it, and forced him down.

Being surrounded by so many people, Li Guangzhu was still a little nervous.

Liu Zaishi touched him and said, "I am the head of the internal medicine department here. "

As soon as Li Guangzhu finished saying hello, he heard Liu Zaishi say: "I left beforehand." "

Li Guangzhu was stunned: Uncle, you just came!


Liu Zaishi is really bad.

Soon, Liu Zaishi began to probe Li Guangzhu's heart with a stethoscope.

"Start the examination, the heart hurts, right?" Liu Zaishi asked, "How long has the pain been, two months?" "

Kim Jae-ho next to him suddenly said: "Brother, you haven't put it on yet." "

Everyone saw that Liu Zaishi's stethoscope was still hanging around his neck.


"What are you listening to?"

"Ahem... Please don't question the intern, this is my technique. Liu Zaishi said stiffly.

Why is this guy still tearing down the platform.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Kim Jae-ho apologized.

Everyone is happy, why are you so powerful that you can hear it without wearing it?

"Yes, it's been two months, it hurts." Li Guangzhu sorted out his mood and said.

"You broke up in this situation, right?" Liu Zaishi also sorted out his mood.

Li Guangzhu, who had just sorted out his mood, was not good when he heard this, "Wait a minute!" How can you say that?! "

"Patient, please control your emotions." Kim Jae-ho took a pen and notebook to record seriously, "We are professional, please calm down." "

"How is this calm?" Li Guangzhu shouted.

Then again, it's because you beep around and now everyone knows that he failed to confess.

Now that the whole breakup has been made, what should he do with his image?

Liu Zaishi did not look reflective at all, but intensified.

"Although I am an internal medicine department, I know at a glance that this is the characteristic after the breakup."

Li Guangzhu's emotions were incoherent, and after collecting his emotions, he said: "I once had a minor traffic accident. "

"When someone else wants to go, your car that stopped someone was hit, right?" Kim Jae-ho looked at the book next to him and said.

"Yay! How can this be said. Li Guangzhu smiled angrily.

"So it's Shizumi?" Liu Zaishi said suddenly.

"Oh~ it turned out to be her." Kim Jae-ho nodded, looking like he suddenly realized.

Everyone also nodded, looking like they suddenly realized.

"No, it's not like that." Li Guangzhu explained anxiously.

"Oh, it turned out to be that one~!" Kim Jae-ho seemed to have thought of it suddenly.

"No, it's not... What is this?! I can't do it anymore!! Li Guangzhu was furious.

In this way, the whole world will misunderstand!

He wanted to get up, but Chi Shizhen pressed him down again, saying that this was not an ordinary hospital, and Liu Zaishi said that this was a funny hospital.

Li Guangzhu said that he had seen it, and it was very obvious.

Li Guangzhu felt that he had entered a black shop, like long ribs on a cutting board, slaughtered by others, and if he continued like this, he would be spoiled.

Liu Zaishi flickered, listening to Kim Jae-ho wanted to laugh, this is clearly telling the patient that this is not a serious hospital, but you have to pay.

Haha looked at Li Guangzhu at the end of the bed that could be seen with his head down, and suddenly said, "Did you love her very much?" "

Li Guangzhu sat up directly, "Let's stop here, I can't bear it anymore!" "

He went crazy.

"Can't stand it?" Liu Zaishi asked.


"Please get out."


"I'm kidding!" Li Guangzhu quickly covered the quilt and continued to lie down.


Liu Zaishi held the paper cup and listened and asked, "Hello?" "

Li Guangzhu thought it was a sitcom, and quickly took a paper cup and replied, "Hello, yes." "

"Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I can hear it."

"That's a paper cup."

Li Guangzhu: ...

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