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"Brother can't do it either?" Jin Zhiguo's words have already exhausted their sourness, "This is not mine." "

"Then you change with me." Liu Zaishi said, he wanted to get the key to Jin Zhiguo, but Jin Zhiguo was suspicious, and he didn't want to give it.

Then he snatched Liu Zaishi's key with his backhand, and his own was still tightly held in his hand.

"I'll confirm first, confirm." Kim said.

Liu Zaishi had no choice, he could only watch Jin Zhiguo holding his key to confirm, and then only heard a click, Jin Zhiguo actually opened the door!

After Jin Zhiguo closed the door, he ran out as soon as possible and threw Liu Zaishi's key on the lawn, but when he turned around, Liu Zaishi actually got into his car and closed the door.

Jin Zhiguo hurried back, but Liu Zaishi had already locked the car door.

"Bring it! Take it! Liu Zaishi said.

"I know! I know! Jin Zhiguo had no choice, so he had to go back to find it, and after finding it, Liu Zaishi still didn't believe him and said, "Put it next to the door!" Then you leave five steps away! Hurry up! "

When is this, the younger brothers and sisters are on the bus, and the two of them are still fighting wits and playing nerve warfare here, this is really big heart, two naïve ghosts.

The two brothers and brothers did not have any consciousness, and after wasting a lot of time, Jin Zhiguo got into the car, Liu Zaishi finally got the key, he ran to open his car door, and then he shouted: "Yay! It's not this one! "

"It's this!" Jin Zhiguo thought that he was trying to frame him and hurriedly explained, but he also quickly realized that this article was not ...

That's too unlucky, right?

Liu Zaishi, this unlucky bastard, really wants to try all the keys?

Take the rest of this key, it must be on Big Brother, and when Brother Wang Nose came, Liu Zaishi quickly exchanged the key with him, and only now did he open it

He just tried all the wrong answers, wrong the questions he could get wrong...

This stinky hand is also absolutely amazing.

However, Tou never imagined that next, it was his home field...

After a lot of effort, he finally saw the task letter, and his heart was very tired, but he immediately thought that Li Xiaoli and Eternal Life were a company.

It is worthy of being a great god, he remembers such information clearly, unlike other people's eyes that are black, he instantly found a method, but this method has a fatal difficulty in practice...

"Xiaoli often doesn't answer the phone... ~..." Liu Zaishi's face was full of worry, "I haven't called Xiaoli for a long time." "

I don't know why, call her, Liu Zaishi is a little instigated.

And what he was worried about soon became the phone call that could not get through to filial piety...

But he didn't give up, he drove slowly while testing his connections, mentioned Xu Yongsheng, then there was Xianzhong, but Xianzhong's phone he didn't have, but he remembered that TOP and Xianzhong were very close, how to contact?

Dun naturally thought of Agua, then this connection came out, through his younger brother Agua to find the group member TOP, through OP to find his friend Hyunjong, and then through Hyunzhong to find the former group member Immortal...

It's too hard.

This is the famous six-degree separation theory, you only need to go through six people to recognize anyone you want to know, of course, this is just a theory, it is Liu Zaishi's network accumulation that makes this theory possible.

This is also the correct solution to this task, but this task, there are still many solutions, just like Li Guangzhu, who has been stuck for a long time, he thought of using fan clubs and super words to see if there is a possibility of his itinerary.

It's a shame that he's not a fan of him, and he even has to log in to join his fans.

Wang Nose is also an old jianghu, he called his office directly, this is by far the most effective method, ginger is still old and spicy!

Just when Zhan Wu Zai Haha and Li Guangzhu were helpless, they suddenly heard Liu Zaishi next door shouting: "Eternal life!" "

They knew that Liu Zaishi was in touch, then the next step was simple, just keep up with the pace of the great god, haha halfway through, received a call from Jin Zhiguo, and he tricked Jin Zhiguo to go to another place.

Jin Zhiguo is also glad that he has such a good brother, but just when he asked for insurance and knew the truth, haha probably didn't have a good time tonight...

As for Kim Jae-ho?

He's already there...

As soon as he got into the car, he saw the task letter, and he knew his solution without knowing Xu Yongsheng.

That is - foreign aid please!

He pressed his mobile phone and said, "Professional things still have to be done for professional people..."

Sang-yoon is curious, who is this going to call?

Kim Jae-ho's phone was answered immediately.

"Hey, uncle, help me find out where Xu Yongsheng is now, which Xu Yongsheng? S501 that! Hurry, find the location and send it to me, hurry! "

Then after a while, the text message came over, simple, easy, freehand.

"Did you find this?"

"This is the profession~ Kim Jae-ho smiled proudly, and then immediately rushed to his destination.

Sang-yoon was shocked, how could it be so fast? Is that usually humble looking agent uncle so strong?

Kim Jae-ho himself was scared, but he didn't say, if he had to have a strong feeling of himself, then the next thing was to go over there.

"Oh, by the way, let me tell you something." Kim Jae-ho said suddenly.

"What?" Sang-yoon suddenly had a bad premonition.

"It's just, I haven't driven in a long time, you know." Kim Jae-ho gave Sang-yoon a bright smile, "Go!" "

Sangyoon's expression instantly froze, and he quickly grabbed the grip, he wondered if he could still see the sun tomorrow...

But what he didn't expect was that Kim Jae-ho just scared him (good money), the whole driving process was extremely silky, Kim Jae-ho looked like an old driver, making Sang-yoon feel fooled again.

Thanks to him, he was very nervous throughout the process, and he arrived at the end safely, I don't know why, a little disappointed...

"Blah blah!" He shook his head vigorously, erasing the horrible thought from his mind.

"Hey, why, keep up! It's rare to be ahead once, but I have to take a picture of my handsome appearance as the first to enter the market! Kim Jae-ho said, and suddenly ran back.

"Wait, take a new pat."

Then he ran back in shock, closed the car door, opened it, and did not go directly after coming out, but first put on a noble posture and draped his coat over his body, wearing a pink cotton hat and then walked out of the coquettish steps.

Sang Yun next to him looked at this scene with spicy eyes full of black lines, honestly shooting, this is work, he is also a professional person. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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