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When the last three gathered in Liu Zaishi's car to discuss a solution, the enthusiastic citizens finally returned the keys, and only then did the truth come out.

The current situation is similar to the order of departure, only Li Guangzhu is outside the situation, in the middle he does not know where to go because he lost Liu Zaishi, or Liu Zaishi kindly told him the location he knows where to go, plus his car skills have a big problem, so the whole section of the road is even more difficult.

Tomorrow he will kill the key, but the result is still the last one, when he sees that he has to drive to the next place, and he is now at the bottom, his mentality is almost broken.

This is a big ups and downs...

The leader Song Zhixiao has arrived, her car skills are already good, and she is still an ace tonight, leaving the men behind, and she is the favorite of the strongest.

The only problem is that she doesn't know if she has caught up with Kim Jae-ho.

When she got out of the car, PD was already waiting for her there, and a task letter was directly handed over, and Song Zhixiao saw that this was the final destination of this evening.

"Now start playing hide-and-seek! To rip off the opponent's name tag, the last survivor is the strongest of RM! "

This is the final task, that is, directly to the hard, who can live to the end, who is the strongest ~ one, very reasonable.

When she had attached her very precious name tag, she strode towards the final battlefield with her head held high.

People called "ACE", - admission.

As soon as I entered the door, the radio rang.

"Second place RM entry! 2nd place RM entered! "

Song Zhixiao was instantly stunned: "Am I the second?" So in Hao he has arrived? "

But she didn't worry much, if it were someone else, as soon as she heard the news, she would turn her head and look behind her, filling the alert value.

After all, if you are alone with Kim Jae-ho, it is very dangerous, for fear that he will sneak attack.

But Song Zhihyo's words are very relieved, after all, it is that man, she even wants to find him, but if Kim Jae-ho wants to hide, it is not easy to find...

Soon, the two big brothers also arrived, haha has not yet arrived.

Liu Zaishi and Chi Shizhen were the last to start, and now they have actually completed the overtake and become the third and fourth people.

The weakest body, Chi Shizhen, enters.

Synonymous with betrayal, Liu Zaishi, entered.

Soon, the master of intrigue, haha, also entered.

It's all weird titles...

After a while, a car that looked like it exuded an extraordinary aura slowly stopped, and as soon as he came, it made people subconsciously want to stay away from this person, this sense of oppression, only a man can have, that is, Jin Zhiguo, the capable.

Usually he is good to say, but now he is full of anger.

From the very beginning he began to run, running very hard, not wasting a little time, you can imagine how much he wanted to win, but several failed openings not to mention, and also had a meal with Liu Zaishi, the younger brothers all left, one of them still sent away by himself, and the younger brother who was very close to him, he gave him the key, and actually deceived himself!

Now he doesn't know if he is the last place, but he must be behind, he is the first person to come!

Tonight, he only has two words: cruelty.

When he saw the mission letter, it was, finally, something that could be solved with strength.

Finally, came to his home turf...

The sixth place RM, simply three words, ability, admission.

"Now, right away, go clean you up." After he finished talking to the camera, he walked inside.

When the radio sounded "sixth place RM entered", everyone seemed to hear the death knell ringing, everyone's intuition began to tremble, it was the man, coming...

You know, they haven't torn anyone's name tag so far, they are waiting for him to come, he is the common enemy of everyone this evening.

Seven brave people set out together, each with their own good skills, wanting to be the strongest, and one of them, from the beginning, went to become a demon king...

That's probably how it feels...

Haha, who knew that he might have something big, shivered, and after saying to the camera that the person who came must be Kim Jianguo, he quickly called Kim Jae-ho, even if he was suspected of cheating.

Now only this brother who has suffered together can bring him a sense of security...

As soon as Kim Jae-ho answered the phone, he heard that he wanted to converge and readily agreed.

These such weak people of them still don't huddle together, do they wait for him to break through one by one?

···· Seeking freshness...

He told his current position to Haha, which was regarded as some sincerity given by the huddles, after all, he had been looking for this place for a long time, and ordinary people had never thought that they could hide here.

He wanted to wait for Jin Zhiguo to come quickly, and he could hide here, and even have the opportunity to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and only come out when they eliminated the last person left.

He really intends to stay until the game is over...

So now that so many people are coming, no one can touch him, the first person to come, that's why, he's really playing hide-and-seek...

Kim Jae-ho waited for a while when he heard a knock on the door.

"Knock knock!"

Kim Jae-ho quickly leaned against the door and whispered: "Secret code! "

"Jin Zhiguo is a fool!"

........ 0...

Kim Jae-ho just opened the door, the two met, excitedly grabbed each other's hands shaking, Kim Jae-ho was about to say something haha put his finger in front of his mouth: "Shh! "

Kim Jae-ho also reacted, "Shh! "

"Have you seen Brother Chenguo?" Kim Jae-ho asked about the situation outside.

"Oh, if I see me, can I still stand here?" Haha asked.

"Yes, what's going on outside now?"

"I don't know, I saw Brother Shi Zhen when I came, but I didn't call him." Haha said.

"Yes, he can't help much." Kim Jae-ho nodded, "What about the light pearls?" "

"Not yet." Haha said.

Kim Jae-ho suddenly thought of something: "His car skills!" No...... Go the wrong way, right? "

This big gasp was shocked when he heard it, and said with a smile: "There is indeed this possibility, so we are waiting for him here?" "

"It's better to unite them all, I'm afraid it's not enough, unless it's dirty..." Kim Jae-ho is still very self-aware of their team.

"Good." Haha also agreed, "But how to play dirty things?" "

As a master of intrigue, he is very interested in this.

"You go undercover, say you're going to be on a team with him, I'll go get attention, and then you tear him while he's not looking." Kim Jae-ho said.

After listening to it, he thought for a while and replied: "Otherwise, you go undercover and I go to attract attention?" "

Kim Jae-ho: "That's okay Qian." "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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