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What's even cooler than playing games is that this week because Kim Jihao is busy, and Kim Jae-ho's physical fitness is fast to the level of a normal person, so Kim Junguo changed from twice a week to only accompany Kim Jae-ho once a week to exercise, and the rest let him practice at home by himself.

There is a saying, Kim Jae-ho's home equipment, is completely enough for Kim Jae-ho's needs at this stage, Kim Jae-ho almost bought a cake to celebrate, the problem is, because there is only one time, and the last time Kim Jae-ho's whole Kim Ji-guo was so miserable, Kim Jae-ho felt a strong malice in that day's fitness.

After a workout close to the limit, a few days of malaise, when Song Zhixiao told him that she was going to act, he jumped up, and then soured to sit down, and there was no one.

"Are you sure you want to act?" Kim Jae-ho repeatedly determined.

"Well, it's a good script." Song Zhixiao said, "How did you come up with "eight zero three"? No, only people like you can come up with it..."

"Just, I thought of it in my last life." Kim Jae-ho told the truth.

Song Zhixiao:?

"Are you optimistic? See clearly? Are you sure? I thought you wouldn't say yes. Kim Jae-ho asked.

"It's a play, and I'm an actor." Song Zhixiao sounded calm.

"Isn't there any selfishness at all?"

"No, no, no! Yikes! Hanged! Song Zhixiao said.


"Why do you sound so disappointed?"

"No, no, then I'll let the uncle go and talk to you guys~"




Hung up the phone, Song Zhixiao breathed a sigh of relief, her face was a little red, her mood was a little nervous, she deliberately pretended not to care, in fact, she still cares a little, why, obviously it's not her first time acting...

But the script is still a good script, she can imagine how good it will be when it comes out, that is, there are some bridges in it how to act...

"Whew! I'll talk about it then! Spirit points! I'm a professional actor! Song Zhixiao didn't know what he was doing.

This play, if you don't pick up, someone else will pick it up, she is not happy, but after receiving a large number of that kind of scene, she is also entangled for a long time, but in the end she still took it on the quality of the script.

Just don't think about that, right?

She is professional.

But it will still plop down the deer, just like filming for the first time, there is a great sense of expectation, but it feels different.

Unlike Song Zhixiao's side where the heavens and people are fighting, Kim Jae-ho's side is very calm, the game is not played, the muscles are too sore, and he begins to write the script of the next play.

After this script is written, I should not have to write this thing for a long time.

He Kim Jae-ho is such a person who loves his work!

But before you work, let's go eat a little Dongli, right?

Tonight's menu is fried beef tongue, and there is a thick layer of cheese on the beef tongue, which melts on the beef tongue, which is too spicy~

However, the peculiarities of his profession made him unable to eat, and he found a master brother to accompany him.

"Is there anything in the new drama that needs me?" asked the master brother.

"Nope." Kim Jae-ho was blunt, "It's not moving, but do you want to make a cameo?" "

"Pay a salary?"

"Don't give."

"Not going."

"Give some."

"Think about it, the character is handsome and goes."

"No way, no one is more handsome than me."

"Not going."

"Big brother, are you really better than the protagonist in a supporting role?"

"You guest starred as City Hunter, isn't that the case?"

"Yes, I want to think, in other words, how many points did you order?" Kim Jae-ho watched the waiter keep on the floor plate by plate, drunk.

"If you order less, you will grab my food again, I want to eat well." The master brother said.

"Yes, brother! Grow up! "

"You call me brother again, I'll lift your chin."

"Can the chin still be removed?!" Kim Jae-ho was shocked.

"Do you want to try it?"

"Forget it, can you eat well?" Engage in these bells and whistles all day. Kim Jae-ho said, eating a thick mouthful of beef tongue, wrapped in cheese, dotted with spices, that taste, any tenderloin to stand aside, beef tongue is the highest!

Take a bite of mushroom soup, rich and another bite of oxtail soup, refreshing!


"I worked hard for this bite!" He lamented.

"You work hard?" The master brother was shocked, what the hell are you talking about?

Kim Jae-ho is refreshed, and others are also cool watching TV....

A Monday episode, this short pleasure, especially cherished.

The strongest?

Wow! Tonight is sure to be wonderful!

Looking at the appearance of Liu Zaishi next to Jin Zaishi when he got into the car with good luck, everyone was about to die of laughter, didn't this let others prostitute a key in vain?

Watching Kim Jae-ho make a call and solve the matter, everyone felt that the old bull, everyone almost forgot the identity of this person's noble son, what is more surprising is that the wicked uncle, usually Kim Jae-ho's first-view photographer, everyone thinks that he is a bastard who does not do his job.

I never expected that he was so powerful, this person who has something!

This also makes people start to pay attention to the staff around Kim Jae-ho, before only knew that the uncle was versatile, and now he knows that his work ability is also very strong, and the other bodyguard is not to mention, the part where he jumped the car is now a classic, all into GIFs, with a few words, "slipped away~"

It seems that there are no normal people around Kim Jae-ho~

Even Kim Jae-ho himself is not very normal, and this guy just finished the previous play, and now everyone is in the drama famine mode, because this drama is very good-looking, everyone has a kind of other drama may also have such an effect, so I went to find it, and found it later, and it didn't.

At this time, they have two choices, one is to continue to search, hard search, and rebrush if they can't find it.

The other is to watch Kim Jae-ho's other works, then only M, 4.2 This guy's work, few pitiful, accidentally found that he is still a singer, that's great, just go to the show

No, not one...

The itinerary is as small as if it was too much, even the album, there are only two albums, one is still only a digital version.

There are no channels, there are no channels, it's that scary.

There is no way, you can only wait for RM, which has also led to RM's ratings have been stable and rising slightly.

And this evening, when everyone looks at this, even if they see that Kim Jae-ho is firmly ahead because of luck and off-court assistance, fans who know him and even passers-by do not think that he will be the strongest in this evening.

Although he supports it, he is still very pressed in his heart, after all, this man is not an ordinary man, he is very weak......_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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