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I saw Haha holding food in his hand, and the other hand wrapped around Song Zhixiao's back, holding Song Zhixiao's shoulder, Song Zhixiao was the same, and the two people looked very close and walked over.

When Kim Jae-ho saw this scene, he was still begging for mercy with a sudden indifferent expression, looked at Haha and said: "Ah, do you want to die?" "

"We're very close now~" Song Zhixiao said with a smile, she also wanted to tease Kim Jae-ho, but while laughing weakly, she had subconsciously let go of her hand.

"Yes~ We are very close now, hahaha..." Haha laughed, he dared to die, his desire to survive was just that.

But seeing that they let go, Kim Jae-ho's face slowed down slightly, but the next scene made his whole person bad.

"Ah, let's pose~" Haha said, and he and Song Zhixiao took a pose on the side for onlookers, looking very close.

"Zaihao, don't be influenced by them, calm down!" Jin Zhiguo comforted, "Hurry up and throw it." "

"Good." Kim Jae-ho was about to throw it, only to hear Haha say, "We are like this~"

He turned his head and saw Haha and Song Zhixiao comparing their hearts with their hands, looking at their backs as if he could see their smiles.

"Yay!" Kim Jae-ho ran over and kicked, haha heard the sound as if he was kicked, and then rushed over and "meowed" with Kim Jae-ho.

Looking at the two brothers who were fighting, Song Zhixiao and Kim Zhiguo were about to laugh silly next to them, and they just wanted to shout: "Don't fight!" We're dying of laughter! "

The crowds who were watching next to them also laughed, these two people were really funny.

Seeing that it was almost done, Kim Junguo directly stepped forward to separate them, and then pulled Kim Jae-ho back, "Ah! Do the task quickly! "

Then Song Zhixiao also shouted, "Leave him alone, Oppa, let's watch the mission." "

As soon as Kim Jae-ho stood up and was about to throw it, he saw the way Haha and Song Jihyo next to him looked at the task, very close, disgusting him, so angry that he "Oh~!" With a loud sound, he smashed the jar in his hand into the trash can, and with a bang, the trash can was smashed by this force, but miraculously, the jar was smashed into it like this.

Kim Jae-ho himself was dumbfounded, and then immediately realized what was happening and hugged Kim Jianguk "Yay".

It's not easy!

"What?" Haha they were dumbfounded, "Is this done?" "

"Yay! Don't look at Oppa! Hurry up! "Song Zhixiao is finally anxious, he can't pretend, if it weren't for the sake of food, he wouldn't be good with you."

They have always been in a very embarrassed state, until they went to a rest stop with Haha just now to buy something to eat, all of which were Haha bought orders, and this got better.

Looking down at the food, there is Kim Jae-ho taste...

And Kim Jae-ho is now almost in tears.

"Finally no need to drink coffee, woo-woo!" Kim Jae-ho wiped his eyes, "A handsome guy looks fine, but no one could have imagined that he had six cans of coffee in his stomach." "

Jin Zhiguo gave him a blank look, "Go quickly. Brother, how long have they all been gone. "

"Huh? Brother Zaishi, have they left long ago? Song Zhixiao asked.

"Yes, see no, follow Haha brother much." Kim Jae-ho blinked, "Come on, fall in love with me... Ah! Brother, why are you hitting me! "

"Hurry up! Still in this poverty! Can't help but knock on his braincase and drag Kim Jae-ho away.

"Brother, wait a minute..." Kim Jae-ho couldn't resist walking like this while comparing his heart to Song Zhixiao, "Love you~"

"I love you too!" Haha blocked in front of Song Zhixiao and also gave Kim Jae-ho a heart.

"Fuck off!"

But the truth is, haha they went to buy coffee first, and Kim Jae-ho and Kim Junguk stayed to choose the destination of the next stop.

"Choose what?" Kim Junguo asked.

"Brother, look, the two here are different one by one, then Brother Shi they must have chosen Yuanju, we are already lagging behind them, why don't we go to Chungju?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good." Jin Zhiguo nodded, "Then we will choose Chungju!" "

"Then let's go~" said Ji Guo.

"Brother, wait, you go drive first..."


On the other side, Haha and Song Zhixiao came over with two coffees, although they were carrying two cans of coffee, they still looked intimate, although they didn't look as close as Liu Chi Jinjin...

But it was also enough to make Kim Jae-ho upset.

I saw that after drinking haha, I stood in front of the line, raised my hand, lost my little hand, the can took off, and saw that it was about to enter the trash can, and suddenly a figure next to it jumped out, and a big foot simply kicked the can away...

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho! Song Zhixiao shouted and said the right lord.

That's right, haha threw it, and Kim Jae-ho next to him ran out with a kick.

Like to throw?

I don't care about you!

This kick is not unhandsome, if he doesn't finish kicking and running...

Kim Junguo was still waiting in the car, and just thinking about getting in the car, he saw Kim Jae-ho running over to drive, and then snapped it off, and there was a haha chasing behind him.

"Drive fast!!" Kim Jae-ho shouted while fastening his seat belt.

"Yay! What are you doing again? Although Jin Zhiguo was complaining, his movements were not slow at all, and he quickly drove the car.

Through the window, Kim Jae-ho grimaced at the angry and corrupted haha outside the window, "Slightly ~"

"Yay! You're dead! "Haha I'm angry, if it weren't for Jin Zhiguo being in charge, he would have to stop this... Joking, of course.

But it was true that he was angry, Kim Jae-ho was really ruthless, and if it weren't for his kick, they might all have set off now.

"You're too bad, aren't you?" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

Can't you see who is worse, and we are already behind Brother Shi. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Okay, then I'll drive faster." Kim said.

"Don't, just take your time, I want to go home alive... Blah blah! When I didn't say. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Don't talk nonsense!" After Jin Zhiguo scolded with a smile, he drove more carefully.

"Then again, if I hadn't given them a kick just now, maybe they would have thrown it in." Kim Jae-ho said.

"You're sorry to say, you won't throw it early, it's hurt that we drank so much coffee!" Jin Zhiguo scolded.

"May I have a slight opinion on the word 'we'?"

"What do you say?"

"That should be a no-okay zero."

"Just so you know."


Let's not talk about those who set off, Li Guangzhu, who came very late, is very desolate......_

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