Just when several people were chatting about the details just now, suddenly there was a bang behind Kim Zaihao's braincase, and everyone in the car looked behind, and when they saw clearly, Kim Jae-ho's pig-killing scream came.

"Aaaaah! Snake! Snake!!! Come here! It's coming! Save me! "

The people in the car were not so much frightened by the snake as by Kim Jae-ho's cry.

Kim Jae-ho was really afraid, clenched his teeth, his face was wrinkled, and the whole person shrank forward but did not dare to disturb the driver in front, so he changed his strategy and shrunk to Song Zhihyo.

Song Jihyo said that he was very calm and took out his mobile phone to take a picture, because he disliked Kim Jae-ho and pushed Kim Jae-ho to the other side...

"Oh my God, what are you?!" Kim Jae-ho was stunned, is this a person?

So afraid and afraid, Kim Jae-ho took a piece of bread and ate it.

The snake ran, the aftermath did not disappear, and after the people in the car were jumped by Kim Jae-ho, they were startled by Song Zhixiao, haha was also dumbfounded next to him, and he was also afraid, so he was startled by Song Zhixiao.

Shouldn't girls be afraid of thieves when they generally see this?

"Oh, aren't you a viper?" Song Jihyo smiled and patted Kim Jae-ho who was still afraid, she said the title of Kim Jae-ho, Kim Jae-ho used to be called a poisonous snake because he liked to lurk and sneak attacks, as well as spiders, cheetahs, anyway, they are more terrible things...

"That's just a name, a name, 000 I'm generally not afraid of snakes, I've eaten it." Kim Jae-ho explained, "It's just that I'm scared when it's so close to me, and it's still climbing, heh~ fortunately it's in the car." "

He was afraid when he thought about it, the most cheap thing was that he was afraid that he was still staring, and even the snake lines could be clearly seen through the rear window, and now he couldn't stand it when he thought about it, and the whole person was not good.

And Song Zhixiao liked this surprise...

Two people can complement each other.

The uncle also recalled in the aftermath, as a local, he also encountered this kind of thing for the first time, after all, snakes can't fly, and he was afraid of encountering him.

"Is this a foreign country? Love loved~" Kim Jae-ho looked at the scenery outside the window.

"Yes, it's so good~" Ha also watched, but to be honest, if you want to say that there is a big difference, then there is no one, but the feeling is different.

This freshness is still very good, in fact, Kim Jae-ho was reborn not long ago, and he stayed in the previous city for a year, what is this called, this is called staying in a strange city.

This time was shorter, so he didn't have to learn the language, but he learned a few words on the plane.

"I learned a few words of Thai on the plane." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What?" Song Zhixiao asked.

Haha said: "It must be that I love you again or something, confessing everywhere." "

"What am I learning that thing for, am I that kind of person?" What Kim Jae-ho said would not even be believed by the driver who did not understand it.

"So what did you learn?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"Twitter Nai!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Twitter nail? What is that? "

"Can you help me?"


"As long as you learn this sentence, the next one can be expressed by actions."

Everyone is drunk, you are such a clever ghost.

"And?" Haha asked again.

"Kick Neymi... Where there is any meaning, the latter can also be expressed by action~"

Not to mention, it is also really used, the general people learn to learn hello thank you and goodbye, a little will learn whether it can be cheaper, Kim Jae-ho learning is practical.

"In fact, our biggest advantage now is the language, Ah Kun he can't speak Thai, but we can speak ah, so we have this advantage."

Haha laughed, "What will you say in those two sentences?" "

"Those two sentences are also sentences, so can I say those two sentences, he can't say that I am not better than him?"

"People can understand everything."

"That's true, too."

Song Zhixiao looked out the window: "What will happen later, I'm looking forward to it~"


Kim Jae-ho's side to study the customs, the other teams have all set off, Lee Kwang-joo's mood can be described as fluttering, and even wants to live here, is it not fragrant to be a local (cdec) angry man?

But to say that, when Chi Shizhen, Li Guangzhu, and Ni Kun are squeezed together, you will find that the difference in appearance between people can really be very large, even if all three are stars.

On the side of Kim Junguo and Liu Zaishi, the center of the topic revolves around guest Minzhen, and the two men are beautiful and happy.

Different pleasures in different cars, different destinations at different times.

Khao San Road is their destination.

Kim Jae-ho and they were the first to set off and the first to arrive.

"A lot of people here~ Kim Jae-ho sighed.


As soon as he got out of the car, Kim Jae-ho was attracted by the street stalls.

"I kind of know why there are so many people here."

"Now you have to find the banner first." Song Zhixiao said, but her eyes were quickly attracted by the street snacks.

For Kim Jae-ho, only people who can take the initiative to go out with food can not walk the road, and the three people unconsciously walked to a small stall that looked delicious.

Kim Jae-ho ordered a few things as soon as he came up, "This and this." "

"Yay!" Song Zhixiao directly patted him on the back of the head, "You have to save some money!" "

"Why save it, anyway, if you lose, it's all gone, how fragrant it is, it must be delicious."

"If you want to use this to take the car, then you will negotiate the price."

"Good!" After Kim Jae-ho agreed, he turned to the other side: "Brother, bargain." "

"Oh, why me?"

"So do you eat or not?"

Haha: "..."

Eating is definitely to eat, the last three people sang and danced for a few minutes, only to let the eldest brother drop 20 baht, on the one hand, Kim Jae-ho they really worked hard, so that the eldest brother was happy, on the other hand, the onlookers were in a circle, it was too much, so that the eldest brother agreed to reduce the price.

"Yay! That's the taste! It's worth it! "

Eat something, Kim Jae-ho is happy, it's a little better taste than expected, don't say Kim Jae-ho, haha and Song Ji-hyo are very happy, not only food, but also fans.

They didn't expect that there would be fans holding signs next to them and shouting their names, which was simply a feeling that the whole world knew themselves.

Kim Jae-ho quickly mixed with fans, he used English to communicate, he didn't expect that English was also very effective in this place, there were many people who could understand, at first asked several did not know, was about to look for a girl suddenly said that she saw it, the three people were also surprised.

Kim Jae-ho also just asked casually, did not expect to really gain, so with her help, the three people quickly found the banner. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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