Now, everyone in the cooking classroom believes that Liu Han’s nose can really judge the good or bad taste of the cuisine just by the smell.

At this time, the other students could not calm down.

One of the trainees directly sent a small part of their dishes to Liu Han.

“That… That Liu Han, please… Please help me try my dishes. ”

Although Liu Han, like Tian Suohui, belongs to the kind of crane tail in the eyes of others, he has extraordinary abilities.

This is equivalent to a combination of Hayama’s “nose” and “tongue”, and it is also a strengthened version.

This gives him a good grasp of the dish, such as how much seasonings are put in, the handling of ingredients, etc., which can be described as “monster-level”.

It’s just that now he doesn’t know anything about Japanese and Western cuisine, so he is too lazy to do it, not to mention that now the super-olfactory sense is still in the adaptation stage, and he can’t achieve a quick step of judging the good or bad of cooking while cooking.

But these are no longer important to other students, and it is enough to help them “smell” the good and bad dishes.

One took the lead, and the students of the other groups also scrambled to scoop up a self-made dish and came towards Liu Han.

“Classmate Liu Han, please help us taste it too.”

“And my…”

Some of the trainees who were unfriendly to Liu Han before were naturally not thick-skinned to ask him for help, while some of the students who were “neutral” before cut off a small portion of the dishes they made.

I said that your group of people really met with the wind rudder, just now took the initiative to remind you not to accept, now know that my nose is good, will come to me for review?

Now that the mission is complete, the use of the “Good Guy Card” is over.

Liu Han, just as he was about to reject this group of people, Chapel, who was sitting on the podium, suddenly stood up.


Chapel made a stern face and said with a serious face: “Now it’s the entrance examination, what kind of system are you making such a noise?” The finished team immediately served the dishes. ”

Reprimanded by Chapel like this, the finished team could only sigh and serve the dishes they had prepared, and now it was too late to redo it.

Soon, it was the turn of Tian Sue and Liu Han’s group to cook.

Tian Suohui and Liu Han came to the podium together and delivered the prepared dishes to Chapel.

Chapel glanced at Liu Han, then picked up a spoon and scooped up the soup and tasted it.

“The taste of the soup is very good, light with the sweetness of tomato, and the umami of the fish is completely highlighted, and the heat and seasoning are very good.”

Chappell said and picked up another piece of fish fillet, and nodded after eating: “The fish is soft and tender and melts in the mouth, but it is not rotten, the most important thing is to absorb the delicious fish in the bottom soup, and the delicacy that lingers on the tip of the tongue for a long time cannot be dispersed, and the aftertaste is endless!” ”

There is no doubt that the tomato boiled fish made by Liu Han’s group has been more highly evaluated by Chapel, which once again confirms that Liu Han has extraordinary ability.


Chapel put down the spoon in his hand, glanced at Liu Han and said: “It is indeed good to have extraordinary talent, but don’t forget to maintain a humble heart in order to continue on the road of cooking.” ”

The corners of Liu Han’s mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn’t hear the meaning of Shapel’s words. This is for him not to be proud of his extraordinary abilities….

But there was really a misunderstanding in class that day.

“Thank you for Lecturer Chappel’s admonition, students will remember it.” Liu Han pretended to be taught, and nodded positively.


In this way, Liu Han and Tian Suhui both passed the important “cooking assessment”, and the results of the written test were released the next day.

There is no danger, Liu Han’s five subjects in the written test are just past the passing line. However, this is no longer important, as long as you can pass this assessment and successfully enter the Yuanyue High School.

At the same time, because he passed this entrance examination, Liu Han also successfully completed the system task.

[Congratulations to the host for passing the college entrance assessment, task (1) is completed, the host gets a life reward for 5 days, a system point of 70, and a money of 5000. ] 】

Although the task of college entrance examination takes a lot of effort and time, the rewards are also relatively rich.

Coupled with the tasks he did before, Liu Han now has 150 points, which will provide him with a guarantee for entering the next quest.

The matter of the entrance examination has finally come to an end, and although the things that have passed in this week are not enough, Liu Han has received a lot of goods.

First of all, I got rid of the title of “rookie”, and secondly, I learned a lot of whether it was the reward of the copy or the actual cooking knowledge.

At the same time, he also mingled with everyone in Polar Star Liao.

However, Liu Han knew that if he wanted to make a little fame in Yuanyue, this strength was not enough to see, let alone in front of those perverted “special chefs” of the copy, even some powerful students in Yuanyue could beat him.

This strength still needs to be improved.

After sighing, Liu Han couldn’t help but click on the attribute panel in his mind.

Name: Liu Han

Chef Rating: One star

Possession of culinary skills: super sense of smell.

Recipe: [Shell sweet and sour cherry meat] (only recipes obtained from the copy are displayed).

Systematic evaluation: You are finally no longer a rookie picker, you who know a little about cooking can already be called a chef, but now you are still too weak, try to improve your own strength! (from the system’s disdain +1).

Points: 200

Remaining life: 74 days

Number of Dungeon Challenges this week: 2


The number of challenges of the copy was finally refreshed, and Liu Han couldn’t wait to click on the interface of the challenge copy.

(To be continued.) )

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