Although the degree of glow of the egg fried rice in front of me is far worse than the exaggerated luminous degree in the original book, the golden light shooting out from the plate is still witnessed by others.

And the moment Shao An saw this light, he was also stunned in place with wide eyes, because this glowing scene seemed familiar.

“That… That fried rice! ”

The light dissipated for a long time, and what gradually appeared in front of Li Tidu’s eyes was a plate of golden egg fried rice with a golden color, like a golden autumn wheat field.

One by one, the rice grains lay quietly on the plate, shining with a golden and attractive color.

A look of surprise flashed in Li Tidu’s eyes, and he couldn’t help but exclaim, “This… This is indeed golden fried rice, right? ”

Liu Han smiled lightly (pretend) (forced): “That’s right, this is what Master Abbe made – ‘golden egg fried rice’.” ”

“Yellow… Golden egg fried rice? I haven’t heard of it. ”

“It seems to see some golden light blooming, it’s really unbelievable!”

A group of melon-eating people have not yet come to their senses, and some people rubbed their eyes in disbelief, but it is true, and what is presented to everyone at this time is just a simple plate of egg fried rice.

Shao’an also came back to his senses for a long time, as a “superior chef”, he had naturally seen this kind of “glowing” cuisine, but it was all the result of luxurious cuisine from the hands of those chefs in the dining room.

Of course, Shaoan couldn’t believe that Liu Han’s strength had reached the level of the palace imperial meal, and this was just a plate of egg fried rice.

Soon Shao’an calmed down, looked at the simple egg fried rice on the table, and said: “You group of uninformed cooks, give me a little share!” ”

Shaoan’s words were tantamount to scolding all the melon-eating masses at the scene, but he didn’t notice it, or didn’t put these people in his eyes at all, pointed to the fried rice made by Liu Han on the table, and said: “You can see clearly, this fried rice is only eggs and rice, how can this kind of children’s cooking be delicious.” ”

A group of people heard Shaoan say this, and also felt that what he said was very reasonable.

Indeed, the name “Golden Egg Fried Rice” made by Liu Han is just a nice name, and there are only eggs and rice in the fried rice.

However, Li Tidu did not think so, and the excitement in his expression did not disappear, and he picked up a spoon and put a spoonful of golden rice into his mouth.

Immediately, I chewed it carefully.

“Hmph, how can this level of cuisine be a luxurious fried rice that I carefully made with various seafood, it is simply impossible…”

However, before Shao An finished talking nonsense, he heard a crisp sound.

Everyone followed the prestige, only to see that the soup in Li Tidu’s hand had slipped to the ground, and he himself was wide-eyed and full of incredulity.

In the next second, many people rubbed their eyes again in disbelief.

Because after eating this dish, tears slipped down his cheeks.

Everyone couldn’t believe that Li Tidu, who had eaten all the world’s delicacies and seafood, even the dishes made by the palace chef, actually cried because of this little egg fried rice?

How does this not surprise them!

A group of melon-eating people were full of incredible colors written on their faces, not understanding what the situation was, and Liu Aling and Liu Pianxing were also stunned.

Shao An didn’t need to say more, his face was hot and painful at this time.

It took a while for Governor Li to come to his senses, looked at the golden egg fried rice in front of him and said, “That’s it, this is indeed the ‘golden egg fried rice’ that Master Abbe made back then.” ”

“Master Abbe’s… Golden Egg Fried Rice! ”

The reason why Li Tidu cried was not because of how delicious this golden egg fried rice was, after all, he had eaten countless high-end dishes that were better than “two-star” cuisine.

The real reason for the tears was because this egg fried rice evoked memories before he became an official.

At that time, Li Tidu was just a young student studying everywhere, and the first dish he ate downstairs was the “golden egg fried rice” made by Chef Abbe.

This fried rice has his special emotions in it.

Shao An couldn’t help but lose his voice, but said, “No… Impossible, how can Liu Han’s bastard be Master Abbe…”

Li Tidu returned to his normal color, scooped up the golden tempting egg fried rice with a spoon, and looked at it in front of his eyes: “That’s right, the golden fried rice is just mixing rice with eggs.” However, the rice must be thoroughly stirred with the eggs.

In order to be like this, it emits a golden light. In the whole of Sichuan, only Chef Abbe can make golden fried rice, and now there is finally a second one that can be made? And it completely reproduces its taste.

Compared with the luxurious and rich fried rice made by Shaoan, it is not inferior at all. It can even be said … Already surpassed Shaoan’s luxurious fried rice! ”

Governor Li’s words are very obvious to whose fried rice is more delicious.

At this time, the system in Liu Han’s mind also came the message and voice of prompts.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the quest, do you choose to end and return?] Keep here to explore and you’ll have a chance to earn extra rewards. 】

Liu Han was stunned, this task was completed more smoothly than expected, and even the copy props did not come in handy.

Indeed, this mission only needed to be completed by Liu Han defeating Shao’an once with cooking, and Li Tidu’s words also announced the completion of the mission.

Just as Liu Han was thinking about whether to choose to return, Shaoan suddenly laughed.

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect such a result. Governor, I would venture to say that my craftsmanship has been affirmed by countless gourmets. However, today, he actually got the same evaluation as a little cook who went downstairs.

You served as a master chef in the court, and I don’t believe you would say such a thing. But since you’ve said so…”

Shao An turned around, looked at Liu Han, his eyes were full of hatred and said, “As a high-class chef, I must maintain my dignity, so let me officially compete with him!” ”

When these words fell, a prompt message once again came from the system in Liu Han’s mind.

[Ding, trigger the challenge task, do you accept?] 】

(To be continued.) )

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