Liu Han has watched countless food anime in his last life, and naturally understands the world of this “prisoner of food”. He also learned from the anime that this “food luck” maybe, probably, and seems to exist only in this world.

But what exactly is food luck?

The word “food luck”, let’s take it apart and understand. “Food” naturally refers to ingredients, and “luck” also refers to luck, so it is not difficult to understand that this food luck refers to being very lucky in terms of ingredients, and can encounter rare ingredients that ordinary people can’t touch, to put it simply and bluntly, it is to be liked by ingredients.

You know, in the world of food captives ingredients are also alive, Liu Han still remembers Komatsu, a food luck monster-level chef, and can still hear the “sound” of ingredients.

If you still can’t understand it, let’s take a simple example. When you go to the snack bar to buy food, the last fried chicken nuggets you buy when you go, and everyone else can only buy large french fries, which is the difference between having food luck and not having food luck.

Therefore, this “food luck” is very useful in the world where the precious ingredients are everywhere in the captives of food, and it can even be said that the one who has the food luck wins the world!

And after hearing the system prompt that he got “food luck”, Liu Han was naturally very happy, which was equivalent to giving him a small plug-in.

“Gee, this system has finally been generous for a while, not bad… With this thing of food luck, you don’t have to worry about finding rare ingredients in the future, Wow Kakaka! ”

However, just as Liu Han was desperate, the dazzling white light had disappeared, and although he closed his eyes, he clearly felt the changes in the surrounding scene, and he knew that this should be entering the replica world.

Liu Han couldn’t help but open his eyes and look around, and found that the place he was in now was neither a lively town nor a bustling metropolis, but a wilderness range, with no figure.

“Day, this system really can’t help but praise, just now I thought he was good, and now he sent me to this kind of place.”

Liu Han couldn’t help but observe the surroundings while complaining: “Pit daddy, this is, don’t you get it directly to the bustling metropolis?” You know, although there are many rare ingredients in this world, there are also many dangers, in case I encounter a fierce beast, will I not die? Any capture level 1 one…”

In the world of gourmet captives, there is a “capture level” customized for the strength of the beast, and the capture of level 1 beasts can be considered to be difficult for 10 professional hunters armed with shotguns to fight against.

Indeed, if that’s the case, any beast that captures level 1 can make Liu Han Game· Over。

However, before Liu Han’s words were finished, a huge vibration sound in the distance interrupted him, accompanied by the roar of a beast, and he saw a huge wild boar with a golden body appear not far from him.

I saw that this golden wild boar was at least 3 meters tall, its body length was 5 meters long, its eyes were bloody red, and the huge fangs unique to the wild boar were sharp and long, and at this time it was drooling while slowly coming towards Liu Han.

Suddenly, a message prompted by the system also came to my mind.

[The beast information is being obtained… Get successful.

Golden Furry Pig, Capture Level 2. A variant of the ‘red pig’ has a delicious meat quality compared to ordinary red pigs, and is often priceless in the market. But like ordinary red-haired pigs, he has a strong physique and a fierce personality, and will go on a rampage no matter what opponent he encounters. Due to his large size, he could only pay attention to the front when fighting, but the side became a weak point. 】

After Liu Han read the message of the golden “Little Pig” in front of him, the muscles of his face twitched.

“Special… It’s really open-mouthed. Moreover, this food luck… It’s really good to make this… Encountered rare ingredients as soon as you arrived? ”

Needless to say, the “golden hairy pig” in front of him is naturally a rare ingredient, although it is just an ordinary rare ingredient, but it proves that Liu Han is a person with food luck, and food luck is still very strong.

But… But it’s not the same!

“What’s so hairy? Lao Tzu is not a food hunter, there are no gourmet cells, give me this rare ingredient, I can’t deal with it! Liu Han yelled and cursed his father.

However, Liu Han’s loud drink became a provocation in the eyes of this golden haired pig.

The golden haired pig with beast hair, flowing with a disgusting hara, rushed towards Liu Han with the howl of the beast, and along with the running of this huge body, the nearby land seemed to tremble.

However, how could Liu Han’s two small short legs run over such a huge animal with four legs? After running for a while, Liu Han was about to be caught up by this golden hairy pig.

It’s over, it’s all over, the hope of the whole village is over. It’s only been a few minutes since I entered the copy, and I’m going to be sent back by this guy? My fat tiger is not convinced!

Just when Liu Han was about to be buried in a pig’s belly and was sent back to his hometown, a loud drink came out from afar.


This voice fell, and before Liu Han could react, the golden haired pig’s mouth spat out blood and wailed, and its huge body fell to the ground, causing a tremble.

And when Liu Han saw this guy fall, he also fell to the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Saved… My obedience, this capture level 2 beast is so fierce, if it is higher, it will be obtained? Liu Han couldn’t help but sigh once again that this world is indeed a high-class food world, and it is really full of crises.

“Hahahaha, I was so lucky to meet the ‘Golden Hairy Pig’ who has the ‘King of Red Haired Pigs’~ This guy’s meat is superb!” A bold voice sounded behind the fallen golden furry pig.

Only then did Liu Han stand up, bypassing the sight blocked by the golden haired pig, and saw clearly the male silver in front of him who defeated the golden hairy pig with only one move.

(To be continued.) PS: This picture is a red pig. )

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