“You’ve actually found out, right? You have now received the medal and do not know what you should work for in the future. Just standing at the apex, you can’t move forward in one step…

Stagnating is a step backwards for chefs, and the reason you didn’t come up with your signature dish in this competition is because you don’t want us to know that your dish has stalled! ”

Dojima Gin’s words directly said the reason why Shinomiya did not dare to take out the signature dish, it seemed that his own problems were exposed, and Shinomiya became angry.

“You shut up, what do you understand? You who were hired by the Far Moon Group as the head chef… What do you know about me? Shinomiya yelled at Dojima Gin.

However, Dojima Silver did not show any signs of anger on his face, and sent Liu Han’s dishes to the front of the fourth palace, saying, “Try it, what do you think of the dishes of ‘district students’.” ”

“Hmph, why should I…”

However, after a while, Dojima Gin’s face was still serious, and his right hand that handed the plate to Shinomiya kept his original posture.


Sigong actually noticed it a long time ago, and finally took over Liu Han’s cooking, and then cut a small piece of this cherry-like meat and put it in his mouth.

After eating it, Sigong’s face changed and changed, and finally put down his fork, squeezed a smile on his face, and said, “Ha… The heat is still a little worse, the way the plate is presented is even more miserable, and the connection between meat and vegetables and sauce is not presentable, and Senior Dojima is also confused…”

However, when Shinomiya said this, his hands couldn’t stop, and he cut off another piece and put it in his mouth.

After a long time, the fourth palace put down the knife and fork in his hand, and he couldn’t calm down in his heart.

But why…… Will it be so, penetrating people’s hearts? It’s obviously just a student’s cooking, but every bite you can feel the chef’s… Purpose?

At this moment, Shinomiya recalled the scene when he was a child, and then involuntarily left tears.

On the side, Suwon Fuyumi and other graduates, as well as Liu Han, all looked at it.

It took a while for Sigong to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then he turned to look at Liu Han and said, “Hey, arrogant first grade.” ”

Liu Han heard Sigong’s name for himself, and the muscles in his face twitched slightly: “Arrogant… First grade? This… What is it called? ”

Sigong looked at Liu Han’s cooking, and said, “In order to remove the peculiar smell of this meat, you put in several flavors of spices, one of which is allspice, right?” ”

Liu Han nodded and said, “Well, I put in the sauce and the peculiar smell of the meat, which is a very good spice to eliminate the fishy smell of the ingredients.” In order to eliminate the odor is only one of the purposes, I think the seniors have been reviewing non-stop since yesterday and eat a lot of dishes, so allspice can not only eliminate the odor, but also promote digestion…”

In fact, Liu Han put more of this in his dishes, just now Mizuhara Fuyumi and others ate it, and they also knew that he was trying to remove the peculiar smell of the meat, but they didn’t think that there was a reason to consider it.

This is one of the reasons why Liu Han’s dishes impressed the Four Palaces and Donato…

“Even at the scene of the competition, Liu Han carefully observed the guests who tasted the dishes, I think this is indispensable for opening up a way to step forward from the apex, right?” Dojima Silver stood beside the fourth palace and looked at Liu Handao.

After hearing this, the fourth palace couldn’t help but bow his head slightly.


It turned out to be in the grasp of Senior Dojima from the beginning. Is it? For a long time, I didn’t think about the expressions of the guests and the voices of the staff, and I was just alone and immersed myself in cooking my own dishes.

Shinomiya said so secretly in his heart.

At this time, Guan Shouping once again came to the tasting table where the plates were placed, holding a coin in his right hand, looking back and forth on the plates on both sides.

“Okay. Who will I give my final vote? I feel that both sides are doing well, oh, it’s embarrassing, it’s really embarrassing…”

Although Guan Shouping looked embarrassed, how false he was in the eyes of the fourth palace, seeing this, his forehead couldn’t help but have a few black lines.

“Guan Shou, don’t you pretend anymore, okay?” Shinomiya said with a dark face.

“It’s really embarrassing for you to guard you, since that’s the case, you abstain!” Donato Wutongtian was playing a round road on the side, and he seemed to see what Guan Shouping was thinking.

When Guan Shouping heard this, he clutched the coin in his hand and said, “Yes, since you can’t make a decision, you can abstain, and the judges also have this right in the halberd.” ”

“Yes, yes, that’s the best. This can make the fourth palace a little face. Donato Wutongtian whispered, but was still listened to by the fourth palace.

The way the two sang and reconciled, the black line on the forehead of the fourth palace turned into the word “well” again.

“Isn’t the result of such a game a draw?”

“Hmm… Since it is a tie, it means … Liu Han is about to return to the state before the halberd, right? In the previous state, it seems that he did not drop out of school, did he? Dojima Silver deliberately pretended to be stupid.

When Sigong heard this, he couldn’t help but turn his head to the side and snorted coldly: “So this is just a farce from beginning to end?” In the arrogant first grade, you should work hard, and you will not be so lucky next time…”

With that, Shinomiya turned away and left the basement.

Then, Liu Han’s mind also heard the sound of the task prompt completed.

[Ding~ Congratulations to the host for completing the ‘special task’, congratulations to the host for obtaining a life reward of 15 days, obtaining 150 system points, 50,000 money, and obtaining a one-star cooking skill ‘Luohan Tiger Claw Pull’. 】

【Ding~ If you get a new cooking skill, do you want to learn it right away? 】

Liu Han breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, although this informal halberd ended with a tie with the fourth palace, he was finally rewarded for his cooking skills.

If Guan Shouping votes for himself in the end and wins, this reward will definitely be better, maybe it will be the reward of “two-star cooking skills”.

However, Liu Han is not greedy either. It’s good to be able to end up tied to avoid dropping out of school and getting a cooking skill.

Then Dojima Yin also came to Liu Han and said, “Student Liu, you can barely draw with the fourth palace this time, the most important weapon is ‘careful’, from now on, you will continue to stay in Yuanyue, and use your unique ‘weapon’ to continue to study…”

Liu Han nodded and said, “Thank you Chef Tangjima for reminding me, I will work hard in Yuanyue in the future.” ”

I don’t know if there is one, but isn’t there often such a sentence in the Chinese one? ——Cooking is something that brings happiness to people.

Then, in order to bring happiness to diners, meeting the current needs of diners is a must.

However, Liu Han also knows that his strength is not enough, and he needs to continue to hone.

(To be continued.) )_

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