The assessment on the morning of the fourth day of the accommodation training ended like this, and at the end of the day, Liu Han’s sales exceeded 450 copies. It was followed by Erina, who also exceeded 400 copies, although it was a little less than Liu Han, but it did not fall behind.

Except for Erinai and Liu Han, there were no other trainees who had reached 400, and there were two more who had reached 300.

For example, Alice and Tuckermi. Then the other trainees completed it in more than 200 copies. Of course, this is just an assessment of breakfast, and it does not show the strength that everyone should have.

Many powerful trainees have not shown their true strength for a series of reasons. A direct example is Chuangzhen…

Although I have 12 years of experience in the kitchen to learn to entertain guests, I lacked experience in the buffet area, and my thinking was bound by the set food house, and I chose the “soufflé” that was not considered well

However, fortunately, Chuangzhen completed the minimum standard of 200 copies in the last minutes with “pig’s foot brilliance”, and finally claimed to have found an experience called “failure”, and I have to say that he is a forced Vimorgud.

There are also more powerful trainees, subjectively did not exert their full strength, preserved their strength, and chose to pass low-key.

For example, Itake Saki and Marui, who are also from the “Polar Star Liao”. Although others did not know about these two people, Liu Han knew it very well.

Marui, who looks weak on weekdays and can be blown by a gust of wind, is actually extremely strong in cooking, and may be inferior to others in terms of physical strength.

If Liu Han had not recruited Marui to join the Molecular Cuisine Research Association, I am afraid that Marui would have chosen to join the “Miyazato Research Association” as in the original book

In the original book, Marui joined this research group, specializing in the analysis of classical texts related to food, and with his extraordinary understanding of taste, Marui became an ace as a first-year in the “Miyazato Seminar” and was known as “Doctor of Taste”

Of course, joining the Molecular Cuisine Research Institute did not limit his talent, or he did not stop trying. When he had free time, he locked himself in his bedroom and munched on many books about food.

Not to mention Itakesaki, who experimented with smoked cooking every day at Polestar Liao, and even Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato were often pulled as coolies.

Oh, by the way, it’s also worth mentioning that don’t look at Itakesaki like this, his strength is not ordinary, and he can easily carry a big log that even Daigo or Shoji can’t carry…

Obviously, the strength of these two people will never be like this, and they chose to pass low-key throughout their residential training, because Liu Han knew that they had their eyes set on the “autumn tryout” that was still two months away.

At that time, they will explode all the strength they have accumulated

Of course, in addition to this, there are also Ryo Kurokiba, Miyoko Hojo, Nao Sadazuka, and Ang Mimasaka.

Like Marui and Itakesaki, they chose low-key dishes or left the cooking table after meeting the standards.

In any case, the assessment of the difficulty of accommodation training was also the most intense assessment, and finally ended with Liu Han winning the first place.

For Liu Han himself, this was a relatively unexpected result, because he was not prepared to win this first place without actual rewards.

But the diners in Zone E are too “enthusiastic” to stop their enthusiasm. However, after suffering for two hours, Liu Han did not gain anything, at least mixed with these ingredient merchants who often interacted with Yuanyue, as well as chefs such as Hiroshi Sena, the cooking department of Yuanyue Resort.

But on the contrary, Liu Han also attracted a lot of firepower.

In the original Erina, she won the first place with 407 copies, leaving aside whether she has shown real strength.

Erina, who has the “Tongue of God” and is one of the ten masters, has long been the “first” existence among the first-year freshmen, so she won the first place in the original book, and everyone felt that there was no discomfort, but felt that it was a matter of course.

However, now Liu Han has won the first place, although he does not want to win inadvertently… But because of this incident, it has aroused the fighting spirit of many people.

One of them is Ryo Hayama, who has the “nose of the gods” and is known as the “spice expert”.

In the first day of assessment, the “Phoenix Jade Dumpling” made by Liu Han was highly praised by Qianhyugako, and after the second day, it happened that Ryo Hayama also met Qianhyugako.

The same exam question, and the coincidental Hayama Ryo also made dumplings. The dumplings made by Ryo Hayama are pan-fried dumplings unique to Japan, and are also called “potstickers” in the Celestial Empire

Of course, Ryo Hayama does not make ordinary fried dumplings, but with the variety of spices he looks for in the mountains, he makes “spiced fried dumplings” that can detonate his taste buds

Obviously, Ye Shanliang passed the assessment of Dry Hinata with this dish and received a relatively high evaluation, but who knew that after eating, he said casually “Although it is also dumplings, I think Liu Han’s jade dumplings are more delicious”…

Although Ye Shan Liang did not say anything at that time, he had already risen in his heart.

Now Liu Han won the first place in the breakfast assessment, which completely aroused the burning fighting spirit in Ye Shanliang’s heart. 、

“450 copies? If I do my best, I can do it easily. But it’s not time yet… Is Liu Han right? So, we’ll see you at the fall tryouts. At that time, I will let everyone know that the combination of me and Run is the strongest! ”

Hayama muttered as he left at the end of the morning assessment.

And a group of trainees who had just passed by next to Ye Shanliang were startled by the “fighting intent” that rose from Ye Shanliang’s body.

They didn’t understand why Ye Shanliang, who had always been low-key, had a terrifying momentum, until after he left for a long time, the people who were shocked by him reacted.

However, he didn’t know anything about Ye Shanliang’s complete arouse of the will to fight, and at this time he was still wondering, so he won the first place? If you want to keep a low profile, you can only sigh in your heart: This may be the so-called unintentional insertion of willows…

(PS: Special thanks to the book friend [abback41] 1000 filu points for the reward~)_

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