After listening to Sister Huan’s words, the registration officer then fell his gaze on Liu Han’s body, and after looking at it, he couldn’t help but secretly shake his head in his heart.

“Okay, fill in this information first.” The registration officer handed Liu Han a registration form.

Liu Han took a brief look at it, this registration form is nothing more than to fill in a series of basic information such as name, identity, age, etc.

After filling it out, Liu Han changed his cousin to the registration officer, and after reading it again, he said in a tone of obvious surprise: “15 years old, a school student in Yuanyue?” So, is it to hone your cooking skills? ”

After knowing that Liu Han was a student of Yuanyue, his attitude obviously changed: “Okay, your information has been entered into the computer, then you keep this safe, which is also your certificate to participate in the competition this time.” ”

The registration officer gave Liu Han a round coin larger than a dollar coin. Liu Han took a look and saw that on the front of the coin was engraved with the logo of the “Pastry Cooking Competition”.

“Okay, now you can go to the other side of the square to prepare for the preliminary round, and if you pass, you can participate in the official match tomorrow morning.” The registration officer said to Liu Han and the other three.

Upon hearing this, she couldn’t help but wonder: “Preliminary round? Is there a preliminary round and a final this year? ”

The registration officer then explained: “Yes, in order to improve the quality of the competition, this year there is a distinction between the preliminary round and the final.

So before the official competition, there will be a ‘registration preliminary round’, which can exclude some guys who come to join in the fun…”

“Is it so troublesome?” Sister-in-law frowned slightly.

After learning that Liu Han was a student of Yuanyue, and that the identity of the “Queen of Curry” was placed there, the registration officer explained patiently, “You don’t know, from this year, our ‘pastry cooking competition’ will be taken care of by TV Tokyo, and tomorrow’s competition will be broadcast live through them.” ”

TV Tokyo is a television station with its head office in Minato-ku, Tokyo, with the Kanto Metropolitan Area as the broadcasting area. TV Tokyo is the smallest of Japan’s five largest private over-the-air television stations, and is referred to simply as “East View”

Although it is the smallest of the five private TVBS, with their live broadcast, the degree of attention of this “pastry cooking competition” will be different, after all, there are not many people who can watch it live, but if you can watch it in front of the TV, the situation is different.

Therefore, it is finally understandable why this “registration preliminary” is added this year, indeed if it is a live broadcast, some players who are out of the ocean must be excluded.

This is also for the sake of their ratings.

“The preliminary round assessment is not so complicated. You can use this coin to go to the trading center outside, you can exchange a bag of flour with any merchant, remember that you must only exchange flour! After that, you can go out and turn left to the place of assessment, and then someone will tell you what to do…”

As it is, it is no wonder that there are many people with coins who come to exchange flour at the pastry shop outside. At that time, Ryoko Sakaki was puzzled, when did this flour have to be so cheap, a coin and a bag?

Now that I think about it, this outsider must have a cooperative relationship with the organizer of the “Pastry Cooking Competition”, otherwise it would have used this way to conduct the preliminary competition.

“Okay, I see.” Liu Han nodded.

The registration officer glanced at Liu Han again and said, “For the students of Yuanyue, it should be no problem to pass the preliminary round!” Come on, I hope you can also win the championship like the student in the distant month the year before last. ”

“Borrow your words. However, did the previous year’s champion come to participate this year? Liu Han couldn’t help but ask more.

“It’s already here, 5 minutes before you came here, he went to the ‘registration preliminaries’ place with the exchanged flour, if you go faster, you may still see him!” How, do you know each other? The registration officer couldn’t help but wonder.

“I don’t know…” Liu Han said very crisply, and then went directly towards the merchant shop outside the square.

After exchanging a belt of refined flour, Liu Han and the other three went directly to the place of “registration assessment”.

Coming to the place of assessment, the first thing Liu Han saw was wearing a white face scarf on his head that all pastry chefs like to wear, and the expressionless female Kijima Fuyusuke standing in the crowd.

Is it really coming? Fuyusuke Ongijima, the third “Ramen Master”!

At this time, next to Fuyusuke Ongijima, there were several people who were also pastry chefs, smiling flatteringly at him and looking flattering to him.

Liu Han saw Nümu Island’s faintly frowned, and then only heard him: “Okay, okay, I know, I’ll do my best…”

Hearing this, Liu Han nodded thoughtfully.

I was invited to participate in this “Pastry Contest”! Liu Han would think so, naturally there is a reason.

Ongijima is indeed a “ramen master”, but he also has another title in Togetsu, “Chef who hates halberds”

Through the original plot, Liu Han knows that he does not like halberds and cooking duels, and he will definitely not engage in cooking duels with others if he has no choice.

And the reason for joining Togetsu was naturally because he heard that Engetsu was the number one chef school in Japan, and he didn’t expect so many troublesome things after joining.

Because he felt troublesome, he knocked down everyone who came to “provoke trouble” one by one, and when he turned around, he found that he was already standing at the top of the far moon – the third seat of Shijie.

This is the experience of Fuyusuke Ongijima, known as the “ramen master”, but he is also a chef who hates fighting, and the simple reason is that he does not want the ramen he is good at or the ramen he wants to guard to become a tool for the “halberd”.

Just now, it is not difficult to see that he has also been invited to come here to participate in this cooking competition, and this explains why he won the championship the year before last, but did not participate in the second year…

Liu Han also speculated that the reason why he participated the year before last was because of some special reason, otherwise according to the character of Fuyusuke Ongijima, he would definitely not come back to participate in this kind of public cooking showdown.

However, the moment he saw Nümu Island, Liu Han’s heart also rose with pressure.

Isn’t this nonsense? Standing in front of him is the current third seat, and his strength is undoubtedly strong!

(To be continued.) )_

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