Everyone around was stunned. They didn't expect Shen Lang to be so reckless.

Soon, the news reached the top, and a large number of soldiers rushed to take Shen Lang down, but he was not afraid because he adhered to the justice in his heart, no matter how much it cost.

Start again.

This time, Shen Lang became the executioner.

When he saw the wronged man who was about to be beheaded, he felt sorry for him.

He subconsciously shouted: "Stop!"

But this shout attracted strange looks from the people around him, and the official in charge of the execution shouted angrily: "How dare you! How dare you act on your own!"

Shen Lang gritted his teeth and said: "Wait!"

As soon as he said this, he felt a chill, and then his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he found himself back in the execution ground, still the executioner.

He tried to stop it again.

The result was still instant death.

Over and over again, Shen Lang kept repeating this process, and each time he ended up dying. He didn't know how many times he had died.

But every time he woke up, his sense of justice did not diminish at all. He still insisted on saving the wronged person, even if it cost him endless death.

In this constant death and rebirth, Shen Lang's will became more and more firm.

Shen Lang experienced the cycle of life and death many times in the illusion, especially when he became an executioner, but every time he tried to save the wronged person, he ended up dying. This repeated process has caused him to die hundreds of times.

And his series of abnormal actions attracted the attention of the sect leader.

The leader called Long Aotian to inquire about the situation.

The headmaster looked at Long Aotian with a serious expression and asked, "Long Aotian, tell me about Shen Lang's specific performance in the exam."

Long Aotian replied respectfully, "Headmaster, Shen Lang was... extremely special in the exam. He faced various difficult challenges without flinching. Although he experienced countless failures, he was able to quickly adjust his state after each failure and re-enter the battle. According to my observation, he died at least a hundred times in the exam."

The headmaster was slightly surprised and raised his eyebrows and said, "Died a hundred times? This is not something that ordinary people can do."

Long Aotian nodded and said, "That's true, Headmaster. Shen Lang showed extraordinary resilience and persistence, which is a rare quality."

The headmaster stroked his chin, pondered for a moment and said, "Well, it seems that Shen Lang is indeed a little different."

After a moment of silence, the headmaster came out to wake up Shen Lang.

Shen Lang was able to escape from the illusion.

The headmaster looked at Shen Lang with deep meaning in his eyes, and slowly said: "Shen Lang, why are you so stubborn?"

Shen Lang raised his head and answered firmly: "Headmaster, I am not obsessed, I am just pursuing justice in my heart, I have never lost myself."

The headmaster nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "It is difficult to distinguish between good and evil in the world, and the road to justice is not so simple. But your persistence is rare."

The headmaster looked at Shen Lang deeply and asked again: "Shen Lang, tell me in detail why you did this."

Shen Lang took a deep breath and straightened his spine.

"Master, among these four questions, the question of the heart is to let me determine the goal in my heart."

"When I saw that the wronged man was about to be beheaded, my heart told me that I must not let innocent people die in vain. This is my goal."

"And the question of the body is to let me cultivate myself in various situations, how to make choices when facing difficulties, and how to stick to my heart. I understand that whether I can successfully save that person may not be the most important thing. What is important is that I practice what my heart desires, which is the real way. If you only talk but don't take action, it will be useless."

The expression on the master's face did not change at all. There was silence in the hall, as if the air had solidified.

After a while, the master suddenly raised his head and laughed, and the laughter echoed in the hall.

Shen Lang looked at the master with some confusion, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

The laughter gradually stopped. The master looked at Shen Lang, his eyes full of relief, and said: "Okay, Shen Lang, you passed the previous test."

At this time, a flash of light flashed, and everyone broke away from the illusion and returned to the real world.

Their faces were filled with confusion, realization, or loss.

Shen Lang looked around and found that many familiar faces were gone.

He knew in his heart that those people were eliminated in the first two levels.

At this time, the atmosphere in the square was a bit solemn.

Those who successfully passed were also silent, immersed in the test they had just experienced.

Shen Lang recalled the various choices he made in the illusion, and his heart was filled with emotion.

The head slowly walked forward, looking at the group of disciples who passed and failed in front of him, with a hint of majesty in his eyes.

"The results of the first two levels of the test have been seen. You must not be proud and complacent, the challenges behind will only be more difficult." The voice of the head echoed in the square.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Shen Lang felt a trance in front of his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already in the gloomy underworld.

The surroundings were filled with thick yin energy, and bursts of weird sounds came from time to time in his ears, which made him feel a little cold in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a panicked voice.

"Save me!" Shen Lang looked closely and found that it was Lin Meng, the youngest junior sister in the sect.

She had been following Long Aotian before, acting as a task dispatcher, but no one paid much attention to her.

Lin Meng looked terrified and helpless. She quickly ran to Shen Lang and grabbed the corner of his clothes tightly.

"I am set as a soul whose life span has not yet ended. If I am caught by the underworld, I will be dead. If I am caught, you will not be able to pass the test. You must protect me and take me out. I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment. I am so scared."

It turned out that the test question of the third level was this!

Shen Lang hurriedly comforted: "Don't be afraid, I will take you away from here safely."

However, they soon found that it was not easy to leave the underworld.

Because Lin Meng's life span has not yet ended, the underworld's underworld will definitely not let them go easily.

Shen Lang carefully took Lin Meng to shuttle through the dark underworld, avoiding the underworld that appeared from time to time.

Along the way, they were almost discovered several times, and each time Shen Lang's heart was raised to his throat.

"Can we get away?" Lin Meng asked quietly.

"Definitely!" Shen Lang answered firmly.

They quietly hid in a corner, watching the patrolling Yinchai pass by not far away.

Shen Lang's brain was working fast, thinking about countermeasures.

Just as Shen Lang was thinking, the surrounding scene suddenly began to distort and change.

A strange light flashed, and Shen Lang was surprised to find that the environment they were in had changed dramatically, and other disciples appeared around them.

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