Shen Lang watched Tuoba Feng's back gradually receding, and felt angry.

"Damn it, she really left like this!" He gritted his teeth and said.

However, just when Tuoba Feng's figure was about to disappear completely, she suddenly stopped.

A glimmer of hope surged in Shen Lang's heart. Did she change her mind?

Tuoba Feng slowly turned around.

"Shen Lang, this is a good fortune for you. It depends on you whether you can grasp it."

Her tone was brisk, as if it was natural for her to leave.

Hearing this, Shen Lang was even more angry, "What good fortune? Leaving me here alone is good fortune? It's ridiculous!"

Tuoba Feng ignored him and disappeared in the distance.

Shen Lang stomped his feet in anger, and the pain on his body seemed to be more severe at this time.

"Stinky woman, you wait for me, when I recover, I will definitely settle accounts with you!" Shen Lang swore secretly in his heart.

Shen Lang endured the pain and quickly groped the bodies of the fallen killers, looking for something that might be useful.

His movements were quick and decisive, and his eyes revealed eagerness.

Soon, Shen Lang found some healing pills and a few precious gold coins. He didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly put these things into his arms, and then fled with all his strength.

His figure shuttled through the mountains and forests like a ghost.

Every step was painful, but he didn't dare to stop for a moment.

Finally, Shen Lang came to Wutong County, and he stumbled towards his former residence.

Along the way, he attracted many people's attention, but he didn't care at all.

When he arrived at his residence, Shen Lang fell headfirst on the bed, gasping for breath.

He quickly took out the pills he had found, swallowed them without hesitation, and then began to circulate the spiritual power in his body to try to heal his wounds.

At this time, his face was as pale as paper, and sweat kept oozing out.

As the spiritual power circulated, the wound was stinging, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Time passed by minute by minute, Shen Lang lay quietly on the bed, practicing the skills, and he could feel that his injuries were slowly getting better.

However, just as he was secretly rejoicing, suddenly, a strange feeling surged in his heart.

Shen Lang hurriedly looked inward, and was shocked to find that he had been left with the tracking seal at some point, and this seal was hidden in his mental power.

He was immediately shocked and broke into a cold sweat, and immediately concentrated on trying to destroy the tracking seal.

But this seal was extremely stubborn. Every time Shen Lang tried to destroy it, he encountered great resistance, and even suffered a strong backlash, which gave him a splitting headache.

But he did not give up, and still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Just as he was struggling with the tracking seal, there was a loud "bang", and the door was suddenly broken, and wood chips flew everywhere.

Shen Lang was shocked, and before he could react, a ferocious monster suddenly rushed in.

The ferocious appearance and the powerful aura it exuded made Shen Lang's heart sink to the bottom of the valley instantly.

The monster roared, opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Shen Lang.

Shen Lang endured the pain and discomfort, and hurriedly raised the remaining spiritual power, ready to fight to the death.

He widened his eyes and stared at the monster that was rushing towards him, holding the sword tightly in his hand, and took a defensive posture.

The monster rushed in front of Shen Lang in the blink of an eye, bringing a gust of wind.

Shen Lang shouted loudly, and swung the sword with all his strength. The sword collided with the monster's claws, making a harsh sound. Shen Lang only felt a huge impact coming, making his arm numb.

But he did not retreat, gritted his teeth and dealt with the monster.

The monster's attack became more and more fierce. Shen Lang dodged left and right in the room, and several more wounds were added to his body.

Just when Shen Lang felt that he was about to collapse, he suddenly found that the monster's movements seemed to have slowed down a little.

He realized that this might be his chance.

Shen Lang took the opportunity to launch a series of fierce attacks, and the sword shadows kept falling on the monster.

The monster felt pain and roared angrily, but its momentum was obviously weakened.

After a hard battle, Shen Lang finally found a flaw in the monster. He saw the opportunity and stabbed the monster's vitals with a sword.

The monster screamed, fell to the ground and struggled for a few times before stopping.

Shen Lang was panting heavily, exhausted.

Shen Lang supported his body and walked forward carefully. When he got closer, he was surprised to find that this was actually a high-level dying monster.

Its huge body fell to the ground, covered with hideous wounds, and some parts of its black fur were soaked with blood, exuding a strong bloody smell.

The sharp fangs were still chilling even in death, and the sharp claws seemed to be able to tear everything apart easily.

At this moment, a dialog box popped up in his mind with a "ding" sound.

[Congratulations, you have successfully completed the task of killing a high-level monster, and your life span has increased by ten years. ]

Seeing these mechanical words, Shen Lang was excited. This was really a pleasant surprise.

After recovering from his shock, Shen Lang began to touch the corpse, hoping to find more useful things.

After searching for a while, he planned to put the huge monster corpse into the storage bag, but when he tried, he found that the monster's demonic energy was too heavy and the storage bag could not be used at all.

Helplessly, he could only shake his head and give up.

Then, Shen Lang carefully put the precious inner pill into the storage bag.

After doing all this, he took a deep breath, his eyes revealed determination, and decided to use the ten years of deduction life just rewarded to deduce the technique.

"System, spend ten years of deduction life to deduce the "Spirit Shadow Step" technique." Shen Lang whispered.

The mechanical sound of the system sounded immediately.

[Ding! Ten years of deduction life have been spent, and the deduction of "Spirit Shadow Step" has begun]

[In the first year, various wonderful changes of the "Spirit Shadow Step" technique began to emerge in your mind. Some subtle details that you didn't understand in the past seemed to be gently cleared by an invisible hand. ]

[In the second year, you seemed to see yourself performing the "Spirit Shadow Step" in an illusory space, your figure was erratic, and every movement was accompanied by an indescribable mystery. ]

[In the third year, the veins of the technique became clearer, and you could feel that the power contained in it was constantly being excavated and deepened. 】

【In the fourth year, the figure in the illusory space is getting faster and faster, so fast that it is almost invisible, and your understanding of the technique is becoming more and more profound. 】

【In the fifth year, some hidden tricks begin to emerge, and you are filled with surprises and concentrate on understanding these precious discoveries. 】

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