As soon as Bai Batian's words came out, except for the people from the Qinglong clan, people from several major sects began to waver.

They knew in their hearts that this was the Demon Realm after all, the territory of the White Tiger Clan.

In this blessed land of cave heaven, they relied on the large number of people to bully Bai Batian and the others.

But once they leave this place and face the entire White Tiger clan, the situation is completely reversed.

At that time, they will become weak.

If they are really stopped by people from the White Tiger Clan, the Qinglong Clan may not necessarily lend a helping hand.

The elders of several major sects looked at each other, and the moment their eyes met, they seemed to understand each other's thoughts.

They realized that it was best for them not to get too involved in the fight between monsters and beasts.

These elders frowned and began to discuss quietly. Some people suggested that enough is enough and not to bring disaster to their sect because of temporary benefits.

Just when the elders of several major sects were planning to withdraw from the encirclement, Zhu Qinglong was keenly aware of their intentions.

He raised his voice and urged:

"Elders, you must not be deceived by Bai Batian. I have been dealing with him for a long time, and I know his personality better than you do."

"He is a very narrow-minded person, and he must avenge himself. Even if you quit now, do you think Bai Batian will let you go easily and won't argue with you?"

Zhu Qinglong then shouted: "Don't be so naive!"

With this shout, the little bit of luck and hesitation that had just arisen in the hearts of several elders of the sects instantly disappeared.

These elders thought that since they had already taken action and the hatred had been forged, there was no reason to give up halfway, otherwise all their previous efforts would be in vain, and they might be retaliated by Bai Batian and the others.

As a result, they re-firmed their determination to besiege the White Tiger clan.

Later, Bai Batian clearly noticed that everyone's attack on him had intensified.

He knew in his heart that since there was no way for them to disperse the offensive, he could only risk his life to fight.

Bai Jingfeng's cultivation level is not as good as Bai Batian's, so Zhu Qinglong puts his main attack targets on Bai Jingfeng. In his opinion, every one he can get rid of is one.

Recalling the previous situation, Bai Jingfeng was really lucky last time. Although the spiritual platform was destroyed by him, Shen Lang was able to save it in the end.

At this time, a vicious look flashed in Zhu Qinglong's eyes, and he thought to himself that Bai Jingfeng would definitely not have such good luck this time.

After all, Shen Lang is not here now, so he wants to see who else can come to save Bai Jingfeng this time.

Zhu Qinglong's offensive became more and more fierce, and all his moves were aimed at Bai Jingfeng's vital parts, hoping to kill him in one fell swoop.

Bai Jingfeng was hit hard by the elder of the Beast Control Sect, and the powerful force instantly impacted his body.

The originally abundant aura in his body suddenly became weak. He tried hard to maintain it, but as the aftermath of the impact raged through his body, it became increasingly difficult to maintain his human form.

Seeing Bai Jingfeng's embarrassed appearance, Zhu Qinglong's eyes suddenly became fierce.

He chased after him without hesitation, and all the spiritual energy in his body exploded instantly like ignited gunpowder.

He concentrated all his energy and gathered the spiritual power in his body crazily.

I saw his hands dancing rapidly, forming a huge palm in front of him.

On this palm, the spiritual power was rolling and surging like a raging tide. The vast spiritual power, with an aura of destruction, rushed straight towards Bai Jingfeng, and was about to hit Bai Jingfeng hard. Already crumbling above the head.

Seeing this critical situation, Bai Batian completely ignored the danger that he might be hit by the elders of the Beast Control Sect, and resolutely rushed over to save Bai Jingfeng.

Bai Batian shouted anxiously: "Be careful!"

Bai Jingfeng also shouted loudly: "Brother, please leave me alone!" At this critical moment, this fatal blow was about to fall. Among the two brothers, one tiger must not be able to escape this disaster.

Bai Jingfeng's eyes were bloodshot, revealing endless despair and anger.

Bai Batian closed his eyes tightly, his body tensed up, and every muscle was in a state of high tension.

He had already decided in his heart that he was definitely doomed this time.

He gritted his teeth silently, preparing to endure the severe pain.

However, as time passed by, the expected flood of pain did not come to him.

Just after this suffocating silence, something unexpected happened.

What came next was Zhu Qinglong's scream.

There was a loud "bang" sound, and Zhu Qinglong's body was blown away like a kite with its string broken, and fell heavily to the ground.

He clutched his chest tightly, turned his head to the sky, and spit out a large mouthful of blood. His face was full of shock and disbelief, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

At the same time, the elders of the Beast Taming Sect were also hit by a powerful force.

The force was so fierce that the elder had no time to react before his body was suddenly knocked away.

He drew an arc in mid-air, and then fell to the ground in a panic.

The expression on his face at this time was exactly the same as that of Zhu Qinglong.

The disciples of the Beast Taming Sect suddenly panicked when they saw the elder being knocked away.

They hurried to the elder's side, carefully reaching out their hands, some holding the elder's arms, some holding the elder's back, and working together to help the elder up.

Their eyes kept scanning around, not missing any corner, eager to find out where the attack force just now came from.

Their hearts were full of doubts and uneasiness, and they kept guessing various possibilities in their minds.

One of the disciples said loudly in panic: "What is going on? How could such an inexplicable situation suddenly appear?"

As he spoke, he bit his lips nervously and looked around in panic.

"Is there really someone attacking us in secret? If so, this person must be hiding too deeply. We didn't even notice his trace."

"Or is there some extremely rare magical weapon hidden on the body of the young leader of the White Tiger Clan that can save his life? Otherwise, how could such an abnormal phenomenon occur at such a critical moment?"

The other disciples also frowned, their faces full of confusion and tension, and they couldn't help stroking the weapons in their hands, as if this would bring them some sense of security.

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