Shen Lang was tired of dealing with it. There were already many wounds on his body, and his clothes were dyed red with blood.

His eyes were full of pain and confusion, and he shouted loudly: "Lingling, you are sober! We are friends and partners!"

But Xue Lingling still had no intention of stopping. Her moves became more and more fierce, with every blow carrying the determination to kill.

Shen Lang knew that he could not go on like this, so he gritted his teeth and decided to use all his strength to subdue Xue Lingling.

Shen Lang gathered all his strength and displayed his strongest move.

For a moment, light shone and powerful power spread around.

Xue Lingling was shaken back a few steps by this force and finally stopped.

However, the clarity in Xue Lingling's eyes only flashed for a moment, and then was taken over by madness.

She gritted her teeth and rushed forward again, muttering: "Shen Lang, don't blame me, as long as I kill you, I will get the Blood Gladiolus. I must get it!"

Shen Lang looked at Xue Lingling in disbelief and shouted: "Lingling, do you really want to kill me for a plant of orchid? Is our friendship so fragile?"

Xue Lingling ignored her, and her moves became more and more fierce. Shen Lang could only keep dodging.

Shen Lang dodged while saying anxiously: "Lingling, you will fall into the devil's path like this, stop it quickly!"

But Xue Lingling didn't seem to hear Shen Lang's cry at all, and her eyes only contained the crazy desire for the blood sword orchid.

Shen Lang gradually felt exhausted and his movements began to become sluggish.

Just by accident, Xue Lingling's sword cut through Shen Lang's arm, and blood gushed out instantly.

Xue Lingling's face showed no emotion at all, and she continued to attack Shen Lang with her sword.

At this time, Shen Lang knew in his heart that if he continued like this, he would die at the hands of Xue Lingling sooner or later.

He took a deep breath, his eyes became firm, and he decided not to dodge blindly, but to prepare to find the right moment to restrain Xue Lingling and let her regain consciousness.

Shen Lang concentrated his energy and carefully observed the loopholes in Xue Lingling's moves.

Just when Xue Lingling struck another sword, Shen Lang ducked sideways, and at the same time quickly struck Xue Lingling's acupuncture point, making her unable to move.

Xue Lingling glared at Shen Lang angrily and shouted loudly: "Let me go!"

Shen Lang looked at her, his eyes full of sadness: "Lingling, when you wake up, you will understand that I did this for your own good."

However, the bewitching voice sounded again: "Go ahead and kill her! One of you must die, otherwise none of you will be able to leave here alive."

Shen Lang was unmoved. He frowned and his brain was working rapidly, thinking about how to deal with the predicament at hand.

Suddenly, Shen Lang had a flash of inspiration, and he speculated that there might be flaws in this secret realm test.

He began to carefully recall the details after entering the secret realm, as well as the rules conveyed by the mysterious voice.

After some thinking, Shen Lang finally discovered a possible loophole in the rules.

Shen Lang took a deep breath and said to the mysterious voice: "You said that someone must die, but you did not specify the way to die."

The voice was silent for a moment, as if he didn't expect Shen Lang to discover this.

Shen Lang looked at Xue Lingling and said, "Lingling, don't be afraid, I have thought of a way."

Then, Shen Lang used his own magic power to create an illusion of suspended animation.

In the illusion, Shen Lang penetrated Xue Lingling's body with his sword without hesitation.

She looked in disbelief and looked at him, trying to reach out and grab him to say something, but she couldn't say a word and slowly fell down.

Xue Lingling's eyes were full of despair, pain and deep doubts. She never imagined that Shen Lang would be so cruel to her.

The mysterious voice said: "Assuming you pass the test, this blood sword orchid is yours."

Immediately, Shen Lang broke the illusion, put away the orchid grass, and then unlocked Xue Lingling's acupuncture points.

Xue Lingling woke up suddenly and subconsciously wanted to hit Shen Lang. She shouted angrily: "Shen Lang, you actually killed me, I trust you so much!"

Shen Lang quickly blocked her attack and said eagerly: "Lingling, calm down, this is just an illusion, not real!"

Xue Lingling didn't listen at all. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she shouted in a crying voice: "I saw you stabbing me with my own eyes. The feeling was so real. How can you tell me to calm down?"

Shen Lang held her wrist tightly and explained: "Lingling, this is the only way I can think of to pass the test. If we don't do this, we will all die in this secret realm and never get out. And all this It's not true. If you think about it carefully, how could I really attack you? "

Xue Lingling didn't listen at all, and punched her again: "I saw it with my own eyes, and you are still making excuses!"

Shen Lang had no choice but to resist her attack and said urgently: "Lingling, this is a test in the secret realm. If I don't do this, we will not be able to pass it, let alone leave alive."

Xue Lingling's offensive did not slow down at all, and tears welled up in her eyes: "Then you have the heart to kill me?"

Shen Lang shouted: "Lingling, if I really wanted to kill you, how could I untie your acupuncture points immediately after the end? All this is to deceive the mysterious voice, get the Blood Sword Orchid Grass, and find a chance to survive." ah!"

Xue Lingling's movements paused slightly, but she was still full of doubts: "Why should I believe you?"

Shen Lang slowed down his tone and said sincerely: "Lingling, think about it carefully, we have gone through so much along the way, how could I kill you? This is just a temporary measure."

After hearing this, Xue Lingling gradually stopped attacking and stood there with a complicated expression. She was still struggling with whether she should believe Shen Lang.

Xue Lingling bit her lip and frowned. Images of them fighting side by side and supporting each other kept flashing through her mind.

She raised her head, looked into Shen Lang's eyes, and said with a slightly trembling voice: "Shen Lang, even if this is a lie, the pain and despair at that moment were too real. I..."

Shen Lang took a step forward and held Xue Lingling's shoulders: "Lingling, I know this has hurt you, but please believe me, no matter what happens in the future, I will never let you suffer such injustice again."

Xue Lingling was silent for a long time, and finally spoke slowly: "Shen Lang, this is the last time. If something like this happens again, I will never forgive you again."

Shen Lang nodded heavily: "Don't worry, Lingling, there won't be a next time."

At this moment, Xue Lingling suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

Shen Lang was shocked and turned pale. He quickly supported her and asked anxiously: "Lingling, what's wrong with you? Did the illusion just now hurt you?"

Xue Lingling's face was pale and she said weakly: "I don't know either. I just feel that the blood and energy are surging in my body, and I feel very uncomfortable."

Shen Lang frowned and looked worried: "Lingling, don't talk for now. I'll help you heal your injuries."

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