The bird took the opportunity to pounce and used its sharp claws to give the monster a fatal blow.

Its movements were as fast as lightning, and its claws were deeply embedded in the monster's body.

The monster finally fell to the ground with a bang, and its body twitched a few times, and then there was no movement.

Shen Lang and others collapsed on the ground exhausted, gasping for breath.

Their clothes were already tattered, and their bodies were covered with sweat and blood.

The bird slowly landed in front of them and made a light chirp. The sound was crisp and pleasant, as if expressing gratitude.

Its feathers were a little messy, but its eyes were full of friendliness and gentleness.

Shen Lang and others looked at the bird with a relieved smile on their faces.

"Thanks to you, we can defeat this terrible monster." Xue Lingling said, with a hint of relief in her voice.

The bird nodded slightly, as if he understood what she said.

Shen Lang struggled to stand up and saluted the bird: "I will never forget your kindness today."

The bird chirped a few times and flapped its wings, as if signaling them to follow it.

Shen Lang and others looked at each other. Although they were confused, they decided to follow the bird.

They followed the bird through the dense jungle and over the rugged mountain road.

The bird's speed was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, as if it was taking care of their steps.

"Where is this bird going to take us?" Wang Tingyi asked.

Xue Lingling shook her head: "I don't know, but I feel it has no malice."

Shen Lang stared at the bird intently, speculating in his heart.

After walking for an unknown period of time, they came to a quiet valley. The valley was covered with green grass and colorful flowers, and a clear stream meandered through it, like a paradise.

The bird landed on a big tree and chirped again.

There were many calls in response, and for a while, the whole valley seemed to be filled with bird calls.

Shen Lang and the others looked up in surprise, and saw a group of birds of various shapes flying out of the woods.

Some of these birds had bright and eye-catching feathers, while others were small and exquisite. They circled and danced around Shen Lang and the others, as if they were holding a welcoming ceremony.

Xue Lingling said in surprise: "This scene is so magical!"

Wang Tingyi also widened his eyes, with an incredible look on his face: "Is this the territory of birds?"

Shen Lang looked at all this and understood: "Maybe these birds are the reason why we felt that many things were watching us at the beginning."

At this time, the bird that led them here flew up again and flew towards the depths of the valley, and the rest of the birds followed.

Seeing this, Shen Lang said: "Let's go, let's follow and see."

Everyone got up and continued to move forward with the flock of birds.

They walked into the depths of the valley along a narrow path, and the sound of birdsong became more and more crisp and pleasant.

The trees on both sides of the road were lush and green, and the sun shone through the gaps in the leaves, forming patches of light.

As they walked, a huge tree hole appeared in front of them.

A flock of birds flew into the tree hole. Shen Lang and others hesitated for a moment and followed them in.

After entering, they found that the birds were standing on the side, motioning them to keep going.

Although Shen Lang and others were full of doubts, they still chose to follow the guidance of the birds.

The inside of the tree hole was filled with a mysterious atmosphere. The walls were covered with green vines, and occasionally water drops dripped from the top of the cave.

Xue Lingling said softly: "This place feels very mysterious. I don't know where it will lead to."

Wang Tingyi swallowed his saliva and said nervously: "Anyway, since we are here, let's go down and take a look."

They walked along the winding passage. The ground under their feet was a little damp, and there was a faint mist in the air.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of them.

Shen Lang and others walked towards the light with expectation and trepidation. When they stepped into the light, the scene in front of them became clear instantly.

After they went in, they found that they had returned to the real world. It turned out that what they had just seen was the exit of the secret realm.

Xue Lingling shouted in surprise: "We are out, we are really out!"

Wang Tingyi looked at the familiar environment around him, and his eyes were filled with tears: "Great, we finally got rid of that terrible place."

Xue Mengya also showed a relieved smile on her face.

Shen Lang took a deep breath and felt the breath of the real world: "This trip is really thrilling, but fortunately we are all safe."

They looked back and the light had disappeared, as if everything just now was just an illusory dream.

However, the wounds and fatigue on their bodies reminded them that this was a real and unforgettable experience.

Shen Lang explained everything just now to everyone, and everyone looked as if they had suddenly realized something.

Afterwards, the senior who was responsible for supervising the test came over and confirmed what Shen Lang said.

This test is really difficult!

It turns out that the last level actually tests not abandoning teammates, decisiveness, the ability to see through the situation, unyielding perseverance, as well as kindness and trust.

Wang Tingyi couldn't help but smack his lips and exclaimed: "Shen Lang, if it weren't for your witty response this time, we would probably have died in that secret realm."

Shen Lang laughed at himself for being lucky: "No, it's also because everyone worked together. I was just lucky and thought of some ways to deal with it."

Xue Mengya hugged Xue Lingling and cried, afraid of losing her: "Sister, when I was in there, I was really afraid that I would never see you again."

Xue Lingling gently patted Xue Mengya's back and comforted her: "Okay, okay, it's all out, don't cry."

On the third day after the secret realm, many people have died, and Shen Lang is deeply puzzled.

In a quiet corner, Shen Lang frowned and said with doubts: "It's only been a few days, how could so many people die."

Xue Lingling smiled lightly when she heard Shen Lang's words, and said with a teasing tone: "Shen Lang, you are too simple and kind. Not everyone in this world is as kind as you."

Shen Lang touched his nose and smiled with a slightly embarrassed smile: "Maybe I think too simply, but seeing so many people leave like this, I can't help but feel a little bit sorry."

Xue Lingling folded her hands in front of her chest and looked serious: " Shen Lang, you have to know that in this cruel world, people's hearts are complicated, and some people will do anything for their own benefit. Those who died may have been involved in various struggles and conspiracies. "

Shen Lang nodded slightly, and said thoughtfully: "After what you said, it is indeed true. But I still hope that there can be more sincerity and kindness between people. "

Xue Lingling gently patted Shen Lang's shoulder: "Your idea is beautiful, but the reality is often not like this. What we can do is to protect ourselves while trying to maintain that kind heart. "

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