Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 107: Deception

"What is your purpose, to compete with Xiao Lun for the position of the main god of the galaxy?"

Di Leina couldn't help but ask.

Ge Xiaolun is the main god of the future galaxy. This is something that all super-god civilizations know.

Of course, Di Leina wouldn't know it either.

However, she didn't think Ge Xiaolun was anything powerful, but Super Seminary, Angel Civilization and Lieyang Civilization all thought so. Although Pan Zhen didn't say anything, he also had a feeling that his own goddess could control the galaxy. The idea of ​​power.

Look at what Lieyang Civilization has paid for?

A lot of resources and materials needed to cultivate super soldiers, and then they just asked for the insignificant position of captain of the heroic company, and sent their main god and empress to play house with a group of super soldiers and future gods.

This is actually similar to the future of angel investment, except that after Lieyang Civilization understood Blue Star's culture, it made a targeted investment in human relationships.

Angels are much worse in this regard. Angels are basically playing tricks to invest in the future. Guardian angels live and die for each other, fight for each other all their lives, and also protect the loved ones of each other...

The Lieyang Civilization judged that the Taotie Civilization had thoughts about Blue Star, and its own goddess could use this opportunity to train herself, and also build relationships and favors with future gods and super warriors.

It is not impossible to even use this to allow the Lieyang Civilization to enter the game and take control of Blue Star.

The theocratic meeting in the original plot to carve up Blue Star was actually carving up the genetic resources on Blue Star. Otherwise, how could anything on Blue Star be considered theocratic?

"Ge Xiaolun has joined the demon civilization, don't you know about this?"

Luther said lightly.

"What? This is impossible!"

Di Leina's eyes widened, how could Ge Xiaolun join the demonic civilization? Although he was a little timid, had been a deserter, was a little lustful, and stared at Du Qiangwei's big butt all day long, but Ge Xiaolun was the power of the galaxy, Deno The civilization and super seminary would have to go crazy to let him join the demon civilization, right?

"When you were attacked by nightmares, Ge Xiaolun was also attacked by nightmares. The difference is that Morgana brainwashed him, and the maliciously implanted thoughts made him evil and full of desires. He has fallen and is genetically infected. With the devil gene, he is no longer pure, and the angel civilization will not care about him. "

Luther said.

Every word made Di Leina tremble.

"If Holy Kesha was still there, they might have found a way to eliminate his demonic genes and give him abstinence for 10,000 years. But now that Holy Kesha has been destroyed, the angelic civilization has no time to take care of itself. It was provoked by Holy Kesha when she was in power. There are countless enemies.”

"As for the Deno civilization and the Super Seminary, although the death of the war madman Dukao seems very strange, but Cheng Yaowen disappeared, leaving only Du Qiangwei. They were dispersed by the demon civilization, and then changed into Blue Star's The natural environment such as electromagnetic waves, etc., without figuring out the parameters of the new environment, it is impossible for them to communicate, and they may not know that Ge Xiaolun has become a demon. "

After Luther finished speaking, Di Leina covered her head. She never thought that the situation would be so bad.

That is the main god of the future galaxy, the power of the galaxy with the highest hopes among the three major god-making projects, and he has just degenerated into a demon?

"It's all because of me..."

Di Leina said painfully.

"No, all the misfortunes in this world are only due to the lack of ability of the person involved. If Holy Kesha is strong enough, then she will not be destroyed. Ge Xiaolun will not be tempted and degenerate into a devil. If Ge Xiaolun is strong enough, he will not be tempted to become a demon. The civilization is strong enough, and the demons don’t dare to invade Blue Star…”

Luther put his hands on Di Leina's shoulders.

"It's not your fault, Lena, it's just that they're not strong enough."

Di Leina was shaken when she heard Luther's words.

This is actually a kind of escape psychology of people. Luther cleverly took advantage of this, coupled with the art of discourse.

Of course, this is because Di Leina's mental age is not enough to successfully deceive her. Otherwise, there is no possibility of success when facing an older person like Angel Yan.

Di Leina has been sleeping and undergoing adjustments since she was born. She is actually very old, but the age when she is truly sensible is only that of a teenager or twenty-year-old. Di Leina's resistance in this regard is almost zero.

It is not that she has not received the education of being a god and an emperor, but those things cannot be used at all times.

At the very least, Di Leina didn't think of this now. She was blinded by Luther's sudden care and tenderness.

"Really? Is it really not my fault?"

Di Leina couldn't help but ask Luther.

"Actually, you are also at fault, Lena."

Luther said, Di Leina looked confused, what's going on, didn't you say I was not wrong?

"You are wrong, you are not strong enough either!"

This sounds a bit strong…

Di Leina wanted to say this.

"If Pan Zhen and the others hadn't blocked your gene lock and authority, would Morgana and the others have been able to invade your mind so easily?"

"If you hadn't been able to exert all the genetic power of your sun light, would the Hero Company have been destroyed? No, Morgana would be afraid of you, and the God of Death, Karl, would be afraid of you, and even the angelic civilization would not be under your control. Arrogant in front of me.”

Luther's words were very tempting. Dilena was very dissatisfied with this kind of distrust. However, if a powerful solar flare was used on Blue Star, the radiation caused would be very troublesome and easy to cause accidental injuries, so Dilena used this point to convince herself.

Now, these have been shaken.

"Think about it, Rena."

"I will keep my expectations for you."

Luther left after saying that.

He was hinting and inducing Dilena's thoughts. Maybe Dilena would suppress these thoughts after thinking about it, but it didn't matter. The attack of the Taotie civilization would teach her a lesson. At that time, she would think about what happened today again.

Then there was an uncontrollable psychological collapse, like a big avalanche!

"Qilin is safe now..."

Luther began to think about what to do next. Should he take over the current situation of Blue Star's erosion?

But to be honest, Luther didn't want to enter the market now, because the benefits of entering the market now were not great. With Ge Xiaolun joining the demon civilization, Blue Star had no hope. If the Denor civilization and the Super Seminary did not give up, they could only hold on for a while at most.

Anyway, the original plot is almost the same whether Ge Xiaolun is there or not. Ge Xiaolun rose to prominence when he developed the Xiongxin void controller. Before that, Blue Star maintained stability regardless of the cost of casualties.

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