Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 110 Everyone is struggling

Du Qiangwei regained her composure.

When she saw Luther, she subconsciously wanted to "tie" Luther.

Without him, Luther's strength, as well as the favorable conditions of the Kryptonian civilization towards Blue Star in the previous broadcast, gave Du Qiangwei a preconceived concept, that is, the Kryptonian civilization is friendly to Blue Star. With the Kryptonian civilization, The strength can completely help Blue Star solve the crisis of the Taotie Civilization and the Demonic Civilization.

This kind of thinking is naturally very easy to bias Du Qiangwei's behavior and thoughts.

However, as they chatted, Du Qiangwei regained her sense and calmness. It was mainly because of Luther's indifferent attitude that Du Qiangwei realized that if she wanted to get the power of Luther, the god-king, It wasn't as simple as she thought. The things she was insinuating were completely worthless to Luther.

Originally, what could Blue Star be so attractive to in the eyes of the mighty God King?

Luther looked at Du Qiangwei with interest. He knew Du Qiangwei's character, so he appeared at this time to deepen Du Qiangwei's impression and leave a thought for her.

Since Du Qiangwei had no choice but to try to control the Demon Queen to help Blue Star, with the addition of the Kryptonian civilization, it was almost certain that Du Qiangwei would not fall to the demon civilization.

Du Qiangwei is very distressed now and doesn't know what she should do.

She thought for a while, and then chose to go back to the Black Great Wall Base to ask Aunt Lianfeng for her opinion.

"You mean, God King Luther appeared near you alone?"

Lianfeng was a little surprised. She felt that this matter was not that simple. What kind of figure was God King Luther? Hearing what Du Qiangwei said, it felt as outrageous as if Holy Kesha had met a second-generation little warrior by chance.

Of course, Lianfeng didn't think Luther came for Du Qiangwei, that was impossible.

Lianfeng himself didn't know the potential of the Time and Space Rose, but Dukao knew the potential of the Time and Space Rose, but he didn't say it or tell anyone.

Therefore, even Angel Yan felt that Du Qiangwei was just an ordinary second-generation warrior who could not live for a thousand years.

Lianfeng's instinct was the same as Du Qiangwei's, wanting to get Luther's help, but after all, she was a fan of the authorities, and she soon realized that they actually had nothing to impress the great god Luther.

"This is too difficult to handle."

Lianfeng couldn't help complaining that such a great god was like a mountain of gold visible to the naked eye, especially when the other party faced off against Holy Kesha, who knew how many people saw it.

Lieyang Civilization also knew such things through Di Leina's background data and Mao Shen who accompanied Di Leina to the earth.

Therefore, God King Luther is at least a great god who is not inferior to Holy Kesha on the surface. Now that Holy Kesha has been destroyed, it is no exaggeration to say that the entire galaxy depends on the mood of this God King.

Of course, if Luther now showed the power to destroy the galaxy, he would have the final say in the entire known universe.

But that is unnecessary, as it will only arouse everyone's fear and targeting, just like the Holy Kesha before.

Although Luther is confident that he is invincible now, even the era of Carl Company behind Death God Karl cannot be his opponent, but that is when he has not been targeted and studied.

God knows how far the void ability, which has not yet been fully exposed, can be achieved if it is targeted for research?

After all, even I now rely on void ability to repair and strengthen my own genes. I have to say that the Super Seminary is really powerful in this regard.

It is normal for Du Qiangwei to covet her own power. Even Luther knew very well that if he proposed any favorable conditions, Du Qiangwei would not be able to withstand such temptation.

Du Qiangwei didn't care at all about sacrificing herself for Blue Star.

In this regard, she and Qilin are two extremes. Qilin also doesn't care about her own sacrifice. She only wants to do it if she has the ability. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This is why Luther dare not give her the ability. .

As for Du Qiangwei, Luther doesn't have the same feelings for her as Qilin, so he doesn't mind giving her abilities as long as she can afford the price.

"I think so too."

Du Qiangwei said with a headache.

"According to the information you told me, this God King's attitude towards you is pretty good. Maybe we can communicate with him through you..."

Lianfeng didn't have the confidence and confidence of Dukao, so he instinctively wanted to find a big partner.

It's true that the super gene can protect Blue Star when it grows up, but now the most important galactic power has rebelled and become a demon.

Others didn't know about this yet, Lianfeng still knew about it, but she didn't dare to say it.

The main reason is that after saying it, Blue Star, who has been insisting, is likely to collapse.

Now she can only hope that Du Qiangwei can attract Ge Xiaolun back, and then find a way to clean up the demon genes in Ge Xiaolun.

But Morgana's move is simply wonderful. Maybe Morgana's original idea was just to dislike the angel gene and pollute it.

However, you must know that Ge Xiaolun's undying infatuation for Du Qiangwei comes from the angel gene. He is even so infatuated that even Angel Yan has no choice but to wait for Du Qiangwei to die of old age.

Now, Morgana has been contaminated and turned into demon genes. Even if the demon genes can be eliminated, it is difficult to say whether the angel civilization will accept such galactic power.

At the beginning, He Xi and Holy Kesha were on guard against Luther because he was not a Galaxy Force with angel genes. Luther did not copy angel genes at all. The original angel genes and the angel genes that He Xi had upgraded to become two species were different, and they were not worth studying.

So, it is not that becoming a Galaxy Force will get the favor of angels, but a Galaxy Force with angel genes at the bottom of the genes.

However, if there is no choice, the Angel Civilization will naturally have no choice but to accept it.

After all, the Angel Civilization is now in decline, and it is no longer the time when Holy Kesha was still there and had the final say.

Now there are two Galaxy Forces in the open, one is the Demon Gene Galaxy Force, and the other is the God King Luther who cracked the Galaxy Force and copied the Galaxy Force. God knows whether the other party will mass-produce the Galaxy Force. No one will think that the Krypton Civilization does not have the ability to mass-produce the Galaxy Force.

The Denor Civilization is so poor that it can take out two super genes of the Galaxy Force.

If the Krypton Civilization lets go, there should be no problem in doubling this number by one hundred, right?

What will the angel civilization do then? Will they arrange a blind date and marriage with the Kryptonian civilization?

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