Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 15 The Dragon Balls are in hand!

The next day, Bulma came to the door.

She doesn't need to go to school, she is a genius after all, and she can't wait to solve Luther's problems.

Luther told Bulma that his problem was genetic.

The Kryptonian civilization has achieved a very "idealized" society, where everyone is born to perform their own duties, and their careers are customized and genetically determined.

Although he didn't know whether he was a scientific Kryptonian or a warrior Kryptonian, such limitations existed.

Luther now wants to use Bulma to unlock this restriction and see if he can turn himself into a controllable Doomsday.

Even if he is not the ancient Doomsday, he is still much stronger than the average Kryptonian.

What's more, who says that ordinary Doomsday can't evolve into Ancient Doomsday?

Bulma was very anxious after learning this.

"Brother Luther, are you saying that the Kryptonian civilization even produces offspring through instruments, so you can't secrete emotional hormones?"

This is why Bulma is anxious. If the person she likes cannot secrete emotional hormones, will he still have feelings?

In fact, Luther has emotions, but they are limited by his body. His emotions come from memory, so he has a feeling of being scratched, and this feeling is gradually becoming blurred.

Kryptonians are prepared to prevent unnecessary emotions from affecting Kryptonians. Fighting Kryptonians do not have emotions such as fear and love. They do not need to reproduce naturally anyway.

Not to mention scientific Kryptonians.

"Well, that's what bothers me, Bulma."

Luther nodded.

Hearing what Luther said, Bulma made up her mind to help Luther unlock this restriction. Otherwise, how could she be with her Prince Charming?

Next, Bulma tried her best to learn about genes, taking courses in cytology and genetics, genetics, etc.

Luther didn't just rely on the idea of ​​​​a girl. He was a male chauvinist himself, not Asasi. He felt that Dragon Ball had so many black technologies, maybe there was a way to solve his problem.

One month later.

Bulma looked at the instrument in front of her excitedly.

"Brother Luther, your genes have successfully unlocked the restrictions!"

Bulma hurriedly ran to find Luther.

"I've finished this."

Luther smiled and said to Bulma. Bulma felt that Luther's smile seemed more natural now than before.

"Already done?"

Bulma originally had the idea of ​​sharing the surprise, but she didn't expect Luther to finish it first.

"It's said to be a restriction, but it's actually just removing the gene and finding a way to complete it."

Luther then expressed his ideas for solving the problem.

He secretly competed with Bulma in his mind, feeling that he could not lose to Bulma. He was a Kryptonian, even if he was not a scientific Kryptonian, but the super brain gave him the possibility of challenge.

While Bulma was resting, Luther was still researching and studying sleeplessly, and finally solved his genetic problem before Bulma.

Then Bulma's idea of ​​​​solving the problem is not to complete it, but to return the genes to their ancestors, or to trace the genetic information in the genes to their origins.

This line of thinking also gave Luther new inspiration.

Science is a combination of problem-solving methods from various ideas. It does not mean that there is only one or only one kind.

Restoring feelings is only a foundation for Luther, but opening up the restrictions is the most important. At the same time, Luther has not been idle this month. When the genetic problem-solving idea did not succeed, he also did research on the side. Other items.

The Dragon Ball Radar has been created, but all the Kryptonian genes cultivated have failed, and the imagined Doomsday gene has not been obtained.

So Luther planned to find the Dragon Balls first.

He remembers the locations of all the Dragon Balls, and even remembers the location of the second Dragon Ball. It can be said that he can make two wishes, except that he has to wait for a year.

Luther has already decided what his first wish is, which is to send himself to Broly's location and obtain Broly's genes!

Using his super speed and super vision, Luther got all the easy-to-obtain Dragon Balls in less than a day. By the way, he also met Little Wukong, but Little Wukong didn't know about his existence. He only knew that his grandfather's beads were lost. To look for beads.

Of course, the two dragon balls in King Pilaf's hand were not easy to obtain. Luther was not as patient and kind as Little Wukong and the others towards King Pilaf who was always causing trouble, so he killed King Pilaf directly and let them go. Two of his men left.

The dragon ball of Turtle Immortal was the last dragon ball that Luther went to get, and he restrained his aura.

With the biological force field and the Kryptonian's control, the aura is more completely controlled than that of the artificial man.

Turtle Immortal was sleeping soundly without realizing it. Luther took off the dragon ball he was wearing around his neck, and Turtle Immortal didn't react at all.

After Luther got the dragon ball, he breathed a sigh of relief.

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