Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 160 Hydra's breakthrough?

Norman also saw the news, and he was very angry. If things like the Lizard Man were exposed, it would have a huge impact on Osborne Industry. Maybe Osborne Industry would face a wave of impact.

"How on earth do you do things, and why do you let the test subjects escape?"

Norman questioned the head of the laboratory.

This kind of laboratory is a secret laboratory. They usually rent or buy an ordinary-looking building, and then conduct human experiments inside the building. The outside is full of disguise and security forces.

"There was a mutation in the experiment. The experimental subject was much stronger than before, and it broke free all of a sudden, Mr. Osborne."

The person in charge did not expect such a thing to happen.

"But don't worry, I have cleared all the data and everything will be fine."

Norman felt a headache.

"This matter ends here. All experiments have been stopped recently. Hydra is eyeing the lizard serum and will definitely trace the origin of the lizard man as a test subject."

Norman continued.

"Ah, then should we destroy all the lizard serum and data?"

The person in charge said quickly, being targeted by Hydra?

Who doesn’t know that Hydra is the most terrifying terrorist organization now?


Norman wasn't quite there yet.

The main reason is that he knows that Hydra has suffered another defeat in the hands of Luther and Tony this time, and two Hydras have been caught.

Norman's headache was just a small headache. After all, the possibility of him being involved in this matter was too small. Although Luther looked down upon Norman's behavior of conducting human experiments in private, the targets of those human experiments were homeless people and Retired soldiers are not forced, they are paid.

Since they were voluntary and not from my race, Luther naturally didn't bother to care.

He is not Da Chao, and Da Chao cannot control it. Even Da Chao turns a blind eye and hears nothing.

What kind of MD can't super vision and super hearing detect the world's human experiments and inhumanity?

To put it bluntly, it's just Superman's selective seeing and hearing.

The biggest headache is Nick Fury, and Pierce in the office next to him.

The two brothers are so good, and they both have a headache caused by the big trouble caused by Hydra.

"That guy Black Caesar finally made a mistake."

Pierce rubbed his temples. Blonsky and another Hydra member were captured by Luther, Tony, and Bruce Banner.

Now Black Caesar and the Hydra no longer look so unfathomable to Pierce and the Hydra.

As for Black Caesar not taking action?

It was right for Black Caesar not to take action. Pierce did not think that Black Caesar was as capable of fighting as his men. Pierce had always felt that being a leader required charisma rather than strength.

Of course, it would be good if you could get the strength. Pierce himself injected the No. 1 compound.

"But Blonsky fell into the hands of Tony and the others. We don't know where he is yet. We have no men on Stark's side."

The bald man with glasses said helplessly.

"Let's check this kind of thing. It's best to contact them."

Pierce said seriously.

Black Caesar has not been found out by the major snake heads of Hydra until now, which only made them even more frightened by Black Caesar's strength.

After all, Black Caesar and the others are not hiding away from people. On the contrary, they are also very high-profile. Whether they attack the military and steal Blonsky, or steal the lizard man in New York openly, it shows that Black Caesar and the others have absolutely no Low-key thoughts.

Such unscrupulousness, but no clues could be found afterwards, made Pierce and the others feel that Black Caesar's energy was more terrifying than they thought.

But this is impossible. In the dark world, Hydra is the only one who dominates. How could there be a dark force more powerful than Hydra?

Even the Hand are scum in front of Hydra, let alone the Ten Rings Gang.

Therefore, Pierce could only think of two possibilities.

Either there is already someone from Black Caesar in their Hydra, but they don't know it.

Either Black Caesar and the others are located at a higher altitude, just like ants will not notice the giant above them. If they are too high, they will naturally not be able to see it.

Hydra is already the global king of the dark world. If it is higher, it can only be the top five...

It’s scary to think about it!

"I understand, sir."

The bald man with glasses also knew that this was a good opportunity for them to get in touch with Black Caesar's part of the Hydra, and the performance of Black Caesar and the other Hydras could be said to have greatly inspired other Hydras and aroused the dissatisfaction of other Hydras. fanaticism.

He has heard more than once that many Hydras want to jump to Black Caesar's branch.

Hydras can actually change jobs among each other, provided that they can find someone to introduce them and that they have the ability to change jobs.

Otherwise, if you don’t have the ability, who would be willing to help you change jobs?

But they don’t know that Hydra doesn’t have channels from Black Caesar, so how can they arrange for them to change jobs?

Nick Fury and Steve are discussing Hydra.

"Now we have finally caught two members of Hydra, and they are such powerful members. They must know something."

Nick Fury wanted to take Bronsky and Red Tank from Tony, but the problem was that Luther, Tony, and Banner were very powerful together. Not to mention that ordinary people couldn't afford to provoke them, even he, the director of SHIELD, couldn't.

"Stark and the others are not professionals. We can apply for cooperation."

Steve thought for a while and said that after being attacked by Hydra, Steve acted as bait many times, but Hydra didn't fall for it, which made Steve start to doubt whether the undead soldier was actually a superpower, and Hydra didn't have the ability to mass-produce undead soldiers?

Now that he heard that Luther and Tony had captured members of Hydra, Steve was also very tempted.

"Stark has rejected our request for cooperation. They said they could handle it."

This was what bothered Nick Fury.

Tony was stubborn and knew the methods of these agents too well, so he didn't give them any chances.

He only trusted a few people, and Tony also planned to do the task of interrogating Hydra members himself.

"I'll go talk to him."

Steve didn't plan to continue wasting time, he felt the breakthrough was in the two captured Hydras.

"Okay, Captain, I'll arrange a meeting between you and Stark."

Nick Fury thought about it and finally agreed, he thought it might be a good idea to let Tony contact Steve at this time?

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