Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 164: Phishing and Anti-Phishing

When the Lizardmen soldiers couldn't advance because of Steve and Black Widow, Obsidian and Colossus fiercely tore through the defense line.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Steve saw Colossus and Obsidian, one was a stone man, and the other looked like an iron man, and they were so powerful that they almost demolished the wall of the prison. Even if it was alloy welding, it couldn't stop these two guys.

Luther liked these big, muscular men the most, so that he could have a good reputation. You are a skinny guy like Ebony Maw, can you do anything?

Just by looking, you can tell which side has higher morale, right?

The appearance of Obsidian and Colossus made Coulson and Garrett at a loss.

"Go to hell!"

Obsidian was ruthless and didn't say much. He was going to send Coulson and Garrett to heaven and hell with one punch.

Garrett didn't know whether to expose his identity as Hydra, after all, Coulson was still here.

But when he saw that Obsidian's basketball-sized fist was about to hit him, he finally couldn't help it.


Just when the first word was about to pop out, a tin can fell from the sky!

"I knew you were unreliable!"

The tin can blocked him in front of him, and by the way, opened a special shield to block Obsidian's punch.

The kinetic energy was transmitted to the inside of the shield, deflected and reflected by tens of thousands of nanorobots, and finally the terrifying power of this blow was completely eliminated!

Then Tony Stark's voice came out.

"Mr. Stark..."

Garrett pretended to be innocent.

Coulson didn't know what to say.

"Mr. Stark, I believe in our SHIELD people."

He could only say this.

"So you mean there is a traitor in my people?"

Tony complained, and then his arm armor expanded, and he punched Obsidian away.


Coulson naturally couldn't say that, otherwise he wouldn't be Coulson.

"Could it be that Hydra's intelligence capabilities are excellent?"

Tony rolled his eyes.

Everything was fine before you came, but after you came, something went wrong. There was indeed something wrong with that guy named Black-skinned Egg, who actually brought so many people here.

Tony had silently asked Jarvis to register everyone's information, intending to investigate thoroughly this time.

In fact, Tony already had a plan for this attack, and he also notified Luther and Banner to be prepared, because he wanted to fish!

It was okay for Red Tank and Bronski to be stubborn, and there was nothing they could do, but fishing was something that everyone could do.

So when Black-skinned Egg arranged so many people to come, Tony only resisted a few words.

Now he caught it as expected.

You know, not many people know the location of his mobile prison, only people from SHIELD and the Illuminati know it. Do you want Tony to suspect the three people from the Illuminati?

Or do you want Tony to suspect that Jarvis has been invaded and controlled?

"Where's Mr. Luther?"

Facing Tony's expression, Coulson could only say awkwardly.

"Hydra probably arranged people to intercept..."

Tony has contacted Luther, but Luther said that he couldn't come for the time being, and met a very powerful guy.

Tony didn't dare to imagine how terrifying Hydra's background was, as Luther was the most terrifying and powerful man he had ever seen.

"In other words, we can only rely on ourselves?"

Coulson quickly called for support from SHIELD.

Banner turned into Hulk after getting off Tony's private plane.


Hulk picked up a huge heavy sword and put on nano armor.

After all, Hulk is now a formal member of the Illuminati, so Tony naturally couldn't fail to prepare weapons and equipment for him. Hulk himself doesn't like these things, he only believes in his fists, but Luther said he could try, so Hulk obediently tried.

This made Tony speechless. Hulk obviously listened to Luther the most, then his, and finally Banner.

Wielding a heavy sword of terrible quality, Hulk slashed Colossus with one sword.

Colossus raised his arm to block. Although he was the product of Luther's bad taste, he was more like a metal version of Hulk than Colossus, so he attracted Hulk's attention the most.


The reaction force of this sword made Hulk retreat several steps, and Colossus had a scar on his arm.

"What a strong arm!"

Tony was a little surprised, and then he unfolded his nano suit, and the newly installed floating gun sprayed out blue dreamy light, but it was deadly dangerous.

A lizard man was accidentally brushed by the blue light, and then half of his body was gone!

Even the protective suit on his body couldn't save him.

Plasma jet!

Similar to the plasma shoulder cannon of the Predator, but the lethality is concentrated on melting the target instead of blasting at close range.

Theoretically, there is no target that cannot be solved by plasma jet, except that the floating gun may overload and overheat.

Plasma and plasma are different names for the same thing. One is translated from the principle, and the other is translated from the appearance. Both translations are translated by the same translator.

As for why lasers are not used?

Under the same energy source, the temperature generated by the laser is higher, and the ablation and shock wave effects are stronger. In theory, the laser is indeed stronger.


Take ceramic steel as an example: under the same joule unit.

The greatest ability of the laser is to melt molten iron like hot melt.

The flame can only burn red and bright.

Plasma has the ability to vaporize ceramic steel.

The larger the size of the laser, the greater its power. The power of a large laser cannon can far exceed that of a plasma of the same size, but only a vehicle can pull it away.

Plasma plasma weapons fire a mass of high-energy real plasma.

If you are hit by a shot, you will run two steps directly, and it can also burn you through!

No matter how powerful the laser is, it still fires one shot at a time.

The single-shot damage is much poorer than that of plasma.

Remember that individual laser weapons are just enough to deal with light infantry units.

If you change to heavy infantry and super heavy infantry, you will be collecting heads with mecha vehicles.

The lizardmen looked miserable, but in fact, they could regenerate as long as their heads were not damaged. However, the high temperature and heat plasma carbonized their body wounds, and they could only cut off the carbonized parts if they wanted to regenerate.

"Damn, has Hydra already realized the production plan of lizardmen soldiers?"

Tony felt it was outrageous to see so many lizardmen rushing in.

His four plasma floaters fired continuously, and the weapon system of the nano suit was fully activated, but he couldn't stop the attack of this group of lizardmen.

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