Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 195 Raise the power of the stars!

"Hey man, the great Thor will remember your sacrifice."

Thor soothed the horse and closed its eyes, and then the horse opened its eyes and looked at him.

Thor was stunned for a moment, then closed its eyes again, and then the horse opened its eyes again.

Although it fell to the ground, it was still breathing!

"Do you plan to continue helping the great Thor?"

Thor said overjoyed that even though Midgard's horse was unexpectedly weak, it was the only horse he could get.

The horse seemed to understand Thor's words and closed his eyes in fear.

Thor looked at it speechlessly, but did not make it difficult for it.

"Okay, I can handle the rest of the journey myself!"

Thor continued along the induction.

Seeing the behavior of his crown prince, Heimdall felt a little worried about the future of Asgard.

But there is no way, who let Odin only have one son, you say Loki?

Just kidding, since ancient times, who would let their adopted son ascend the throne?

Isn't that a joke?

The police officers who were chasing Thor soon discovered the horse lying on the ground, and then they conducted a "trace survey" around the horse.

After struggling for a day, I "found" clues in a local bar, so I spent another day struggling.

Finally, they concluded that the prisoner continued to escape.

After eating and, the policemen who had spent so much time searching for traces had to drag their tired bodies to continue chasing Thor.

Unfortunately, Thor quickly left the state and they could not continue the pursuit. That was another state police system. Even if Thor behaved like this, other state police would probably not arrest him.

"I can only say that it is indeed in the magical America, otherwise Thor would not be able to run so far. From this point of view, God King Odin still has some considerations."

Luther clicked his tongue.

Then, after a long journey, Thor finally came to Mjolnir.

At this time, Mjolnir has naturally been blocked by S.H.I.E.L.D. Even though there are lizards and werewolves all over America, they should theoretically be overwhelmed, but they still have the energy to send people to deal with this hammer. matter.

However, nothing useful was found after research, and since there was no way to remove the hammer, even if it was a special mysterious item, we could only build a base around it.

In the original plot, Thor arrived too quickly, so everything was very simple, only surrounded by tent-like things.

Now, when Thor arrived, it was already many days later, and SHIELD was still efficient. At least the barbed wire fence had been pulled up, and cement fortifications were being prepared.

Thor was very brave and defeated the soldiers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were blocking the road as soon as he came up. Coulson, who was bored in the control room watching the new Captain America movie, was stunned when he was notified.

"This guy is definitely an elite, but he is not a super soldier!"

Coulson stared at the screen. He saw his own people being beaten down by Thor like a child. The key is that Thor is not a super soldier. His speed and strength are at the level of a normal person, but he is very skilled.

The strange thing is that this kind of skill should not be that of an agent, because it is too wide open and close, but more like a battle on the battlefield.

After all, Coulson is a very elite agent and has also received a long period of combat training and human body research.

Of course he could see that.

What is the origin of such a guy?

However, Thor was eventually subdued.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has super soldiers. After Compound No. 1 came out, Nick Fury shamelessly defrauded funds to create S.H.I.E.L.D. agents super soldiers.

Not to mention the FBI and CIA, who call such agents "super agents."

There are also "super killers" in the killer world, and there are also a large number of movie killers like John Wick who kill hundreds of gunmen by one person.

Although Thor has a high level of fighting skills and often fights, he mostly relies on his divine power to bully others.

Two super agents came out, much stronger and faster than he was now, and he was subdued.

At this time, Luther came to Thor's Hammer.

"Thor's hammer can be built from the dead core of a star, and it can also turn others into Thor..."

In addition to looking at Mjolnir, Luther also had the idea of ​​catching Loki and letting Loki secretly bring him the Spear of Eternity.

These artifacts in Marvel are very impressive, especially the Spear of Eternity. If Asgard hadn't been blown away when Asgard exploded, Luther thought that Thor would be able to win with the Spear of Eternity. Thanos.

After all, the Eternal Spear is much more powerful and powerful than Thor's Hammer and Storm Axe.

The law of cause and effect guarantees a hit. As long as you lock the target and throw it, you can hit the target even from a world away.

Loki hasn't come yet, so Luther looks at Mjolnir first.

"Hello, Mjolnir."

Luther knew that these artifacts all had their own consciousness. Mjolnir was relatively quiet, the Storm Ax was relatively violent, and the Eternal Spear was not noticed. There was no temper in Loki's hands.

"Don't worry, I'm just here to study your structure and details to see if I can transform it directly using transformation magic."

Luther said as he held Mjolnir.

In fact, he can also use the ability to modify reality to make Mjolnir's master become him, but Odin is not dead yet, and Luther does not want to fight Odin.

Luther can easily beat a hundred of the movie version of Odin, but the problem is that this is reality, and reality cannot be measured by things in the movie.

Mjolnir resisted being lifted by Luther.

Luther smiled slightly, and then exerted a little force.


The sky-shattering sound, the air shock wave instantly flattened everything within hundreds of kilometers around, and the pressure generated by the shock wave reached thousands of tons per square centimeter. Coulson and others were instantly turned into dust.

How much strength does it take to lift a dead core of a star?

Now Luther will tell you that the aftermath alone can raze hundreds of kilometers to the ground.

Mjolnir was lifted by Luther, and no matter how unwilling it was, it could not change the fact that Luther picked it up, so it restrained its power. In this way, Luther could only get a heavy hammer, and nothing else.

But it was actually enough. With Luther's acceleration, he might be able to destroy Asgard with just one hammer.

"Modify reality."

Luther snapped his fingers with his other hand, and everything that was destroyed was restored. Even Coulson and Thor didn't know they had died once.

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