Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 20 Press Conference

Loans are the most powerful means of capitalists.

Even if there is a 20% discount, if you don’t get several times the profit, what kind of capitalist is that?

All loans are for the purpose of getting every penny back, and even making several times the profit from the interest!

The Emperor Company has its own bank. Luther had already ordered the acquisition of the bank before, with the purpose of launching this human body enhancement loan.

As long as they are burdened with this loan, most of the middle and low-level and middle and high-level people will work for the Emperor Company no matter how long they can live in the future!

You said you want to escape abroad and default?

Then you underestimate the ability of the Emperor’s security. The mercenaries Luther found are not eating for free. Even if you run to the African natives, you can bring them back, and then you don’t need to pay back the loan. You can make a lot of money by dismantling the whole person.

After all, you are already a superhuman at that time. The kidneys of superhumans, a powerful power source, are sold for tens of millions of US dollars, right?

Isn’t this a quick return on investment?

"What's up, Michelle?"

Luther actually knew Michelle was coming. Even if his super hearing and super vision were turned off, he still had the sense of qi.

"Boss, tomorrow is the press conference."

Michelle said, and handed the prepared documents to Luther.

"Oh, that's right."

Luther remembered it, mainly because his mind was full of super divine water, magic beans and various scientific research projects. If it wasn't necessary to do such a small thing, Luther would be too lazy to go.

This press conference was the first time that Emperor Company had appeared in public since its establishment. By the way, it announced the development route and projects of Emperor Company, and launched the human enhancement loan business launched by Emperor Bank, in preparation for the next stage of harvesting leeks.

At the same time, Luther also planned to launch a powerful counterattack against those guys who tried to provide free human enhancement for all people.

Introducing the trial version of superman medicine!

Ten thousand dollars a pill, after taking it, you will become a superhuman in an hour, with twice the body functions.

In Luther's opinion, the market profit and value of this thing may be more terrifying than compound No. 1.

After all, not everyone can afford a shot of 10 million dollars, but at 10,000 dollars a shot, many people will bite their teeth and buy it.

After experiencing the feeling of being superhuman, they will become addicted, which is inevitable. At that time, Luther will only worry about whether the production speed of the factory acquired by the Emperor Company can keep up with the sales.

The abuse of superhuman drugs will definitely happen, and it is hard to say that countries such as America will not be interested in superhuman drugs. 10,000 dollars can temporarily create a superhuman for one hour, and 10 million dollars can create a thousand temporary superhumans.

If this is used to fight a war, there is no need to worry about not being able to recover 10 million US dollars in profit from the soldiers. After all, American soldiers will retire, and you can't recover 10 million from the other party after retirement, right?

The emergence of superhuman drugs undoubtedly solved this problem.

The next day, Luther held a press conference in the building of the Emperor Company. The first appearance of the Emperor Company BOSS undoubtedly attracted the attention of all newspapers and news agencies.

After all, Luther was too mysterious, and the products of the Emperor Company were too high-end and beyond imagination.

After a period of fermentation, the popularity of Emperor Company is now ranked in the top ten in the world. The first press conference naturally attracted countless reporters from all over the world.

Michelle knows this very well. She released the news in advance, so influential news media from all over the world came to participate. In the end, only the 100 most influential news media were qualified to enter the Emperor Building. The others could only wait outside for the news that was behind the times.

Luther looked at the reporters who kept quiet in front of him and all kinds of long guns and short guns.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Emperor Company. I am the founder and CEO of Emperor Company, and also a researcher."

The simple introduction of his identity caused a sensation and various flashes.

Luther smiled in the face of various flashes.

"This is our company's EVP Ms. Michelle J. Dina."

Then Luther introduced Michelle next to him, who is the executive vice president and his secretary.

"Mr. Luther, what are your company's future plans?"

"Mr. Luther, please tell me..."

The reporters started asking questions immediately. Michelle beside Luther asked people to maintain order. This was a live broadcast, and the mess was not good for the image of Emperor Company.

Luther randomly selected several media reporters who had the most appropriate questions to answer.

When he mentioned the human enhancement loan business and superhuman medicine of Emperor Bank, it really set off the whole audience again.

The reporters did not expect such big news. They thought that Emperor Company, as a technology company at the forefront of human enhancement technology, would say that the development route was to create better and more advanced product technology like other technology companies.

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