Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 206 The power of crazy growth

Tony didn't dare to think about what would happen if such magic spread.

Although science is a methodology, magic is only a methodology of an objective phenomenon, which may not be impossible to become science.

But that is just the idea of ​​the researchers themselves.

The problem of resources has been solved.

"Are you going to turn the soil on Mars into food?"

Tony looked at the cheeseburger in his hand worriedly, wondering if it would turn into glass shards in his stomach?

"The change in the form of matter is a complete change. Don't worry about it changing back. That requires the technology of seamless conversion of matter and energy."

Luther seemed to see his inner thoughts and said to him.

"Okay, how are you going to solve the population problem?"

Tony asked.

"I have collected the genes of many people."

Luther didn't make it too clear, but Tony could understand.

"Clones? That's right. Mars doesn't have as many rules and laws as Earth."

Tony agreed. It's just clones. As long as Luther is not a cruel human trafficking, it's fine.

"To be precise, it's the New Human Plan. After the genes are adjusted, the new humans born will be stronger than the current humans."

Luther's words made Tony hesitate, he didn't know what to say.

"Is it the product of the compound?"

Tony asked after a while.

"That's actually right. The compound allowed me to accumulate a lot of data and understand the human body, so the New Human Plan will be successful."

Luther nodded.

"So, you have been collecting data all the time?"

Tony suddenly realized that this plan was probably started by Luther a long time ago. Didn't he already have the Mars Colonization Plan and the New Human Plan at that time?

"It's not really collecting data. I wanted to evolve with all mankind and enter a new era at the beginning, but America's targeting made me realize that sometimes, good things can't be recognized. You want to help others, but others won't want your help..."

Luther said meaningfully.

Tony knew what Luther was talking about.

"This world is like this."

Tony said helplessly.

He chose to compromise, Luther chose to give up, and create a planet by himself?

"If you need any help, feel free to come to me."

Tony was silent for a while, then said to Luther.

"Me too, Tony."

Luther nodded.

He originally had a problem with Tony's foul mouth, but he felt good about this guy after becoming friends.

"Can I go to your place to be a noble and restore the right of first night?"

Tony immediately asked with a smile.

"It's impossible to start from a feudal society."

Luther retorted.

"I thought you wanted to be a king with the right of first night."

Tony said with some disappointment.

"No need, I have no interest in vulgar things."

When Luther said this, he thought of Qilin. It seems that he hasn't visited Qilin for a while. If it weren't for the unequal time flow in the two worlds, Luther would probably have to rotate day and night.

Things here have been almost resolved, and Jing Potian can handle the affairs of the empire. It seems that he doesn't need to worry about it. This thing itself is a playful nature.

Jing Potian heard that he could finally go to the Supreme Wisdom, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to look at.

Although it intends to prepare a body for itself, after all, after experiencing the experience of being directly taken from the heavy protection by the dragon to Luther, Jingvatron knows that science is a dead end.

But it doesn't want to make do. What it wants most is to get Luther's body materials to make its own body. The problem is that Luther will not drop any samples, nor will he keep any samples in this universe.

Even if there are enemies who want to travel through time to collect samples here, he must be able to beat Luther, who stays up all day and guards the genetic samples.

In fact, all the new human materials prepared by Luther, including various serums and Hulk blood, are for Jingvatron, but Jingvatron doesn't like the materials of these guys who were blown up by Luther.

It only wants Luther's, but the problem is that there is no way to take samples, and Luther will not have that kind of life here. Even if there is, the nanorobots it creates can't hide from Luther's various super senses.

This is very uncomfortable, so Jingvatron has always wanted to find the supreme wisdom and the civilization that is good at cultivating and making super soldiers.

Luther once accidentally revealed that there was a very fierce guy in the Shi'ar Empire who was only a little weaker than him. His name was Doujian and he was a special race.

This made Jing Potian worried.

It didn't want to betray Luther, and it couldn't betray Luther.

Let alone the power of the dragon, Luther's power could control it now.

It even calculated Luther's power data, and then almost crashed. Every day was the same. Jing Potian even thought that Luther on the second day might be able to kill himself yesterday with one punch.

Growth seemed to have no limit and was endless, and Luther could actually control his crazy power very well. He had never seen Luther accidentally crush anything, which meant that this crazy power was under Luther's control.

This was outrageous, a monster that could control how much power he gained.

What it didn't know was that Luther's crazy growth was not only in strength, but also in superpowers.

There are a lot of superpowers recently.

There are all kinds of them, even the ability to transform like Mystique, but Luther doesn't think much of this kind of superpower that can only transform at the cell level and can't disguise the soul.

It's just a change at the cell level. Luther now remembers people by remembering the atomic arrangement structure, and he can see through it at a glance.

He is not Silver Superman, after all, he is a Kryptonian who can get any superpower he wants.

So Luther thought that it might be because he mixed Kryptonian + Doomsday + Broly to have such a change?

Or did he absorb the energy of the three Infinity Stones, causing his Kryptonian genes to change?

Either one is very likely. Captain Marvel absorbed the energy of the Cosmic Cube to become Captain Marvel. If he absorbed the energy of the remaining Infinity Stones, even if he was not Silver Superman, he should be Super Kryptonian Hale, right?

Tony left afterwards. After thinking about it, Luther opened a space through the Space Stone and walked in.

When he appeared again, he had arrived at the place he wanted to go.

This is the power of the Space Gem, you can go wherever you want!

As soon as Luther touched the ground, a man came out to greet him.

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