Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 230 Leng's oath of protection

"I'm so stupid, really."

Angel Leng lay on the bed with a blank expression on his face.

"I just know how to stand up for my sisters, I just know..."

Before the angel finished his cold words, he suddenly took a breath of air.

Luther said there is still time for confusion and emotion, and the explanation is not enough.

By the time it was over, Angel Leng had lost three souls and seven souls.

It's not that the greatest sorrow is death. When she first came here, she really regarded death as home. No matter what Luther did, she wouldn't frown.

Then, just like countless guys who underestimated the physical strength of Kryptonians, Angel Leng also found that he underestimated Luther's abilities.

"Devil, you are the devil..."

Angel Leng said to Luther, she felt like she was wavering. Her firm belief in Queen Kesha and her rock-solid will were being crushed and pushed forward by the huge shield machine, shaking it with an unstoppable momentum.

This made the angel extremely uneasy. This was the devil's method!

Morgana's demon civilization is best at tempting others to fall, and now Angel Leng feels that this is the case for him.

"What devil?"

Luther didn't bother anymore, Angel Leng was very nice and moist.

I have to say that he is worthy of being a high-level guardian angel, that’s it!

If Qilin hadn't been transformed into a flawless god by him, and if Liang Bing hadn't been the king-level god of civilization, she would probably not be as good as Angel Leng.

Du Qiangwei was just an added bonus, while Reina was so radiant that she felt like she was almost blinded.

Luther has never played Angel yet, and Angel Leng is the first one, and it feels pretty good.

Angel Leng shivered after being hugged by Luther.

"Let my sister go, I have become your angel."

Angel Lengqiang supported his body and said to Luther.

"You haven't even taken the oath of guardianship yet, and you've already become my angel?"

Luther didn't believe it at all. Angel Leng still had thoughts and thoughts of resistance. This was normal. He didn't think he could conquer Angel Leng through this kind of thing. She was an old witch who had lived for thousands of years.

As the saying goes, people and ghosts are old and spiritual. If you live for such a long time, even a pig will become a spirit.

Not to mention Angel Leng, she looks a bit naive and a little too good-looking, but that doesn't mean Angel Leng has no brains at all.

The only ones who could win so easily were Qilin and Lena Du Qiangwei who didn't have that much experience.

And it was not won simply by relying on that kind of thing. Luther either understood it emotionally or acted rationally.

Otherwise, if it were really that easy, it would have to be in Xiao Baga's drawing books.

"I'm already your angel, so I don't need to take the oath of protection, right?"

The angel smiled coldly and said to Luther.

You know, Angel Leng admires and has the most faith in Holy Kesha, so she is also the most resistant to the oath of guardianship.

The mental imprint of so many years made Angel Leng subconsciously not want to issue any guardianship oath. Once she issued it, Angel Leng would definitely uphold the guardianship oath more than any other angel. In other words, she would restrict herself to death.

Luther naturally knew this very well. Angel Leng still refused to take the oath of guardianship, which showed that she did not care about her purity at all, and would still run away if she had the chance. Now it was just for her sisters.

Only by letting her swear the oath of guardianship, Angel Leng will have no way out. As much as she worships and believes in Holy Kesha, she will be firm in the oath of guardianship.

"Then I, the King, will go find other angels. Anyway, there will be one who has taken the oath of guardianship."

After Luther finished speaking, he stood up.

Angel Leng grabbed his hand.

Now that it has reached this point, Angel Leng certainly cannot sit idly by.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Luther.

"I am willing to swear never to betray and let go..."

Luther broke free from Angel Leng's hand. Seeing that Luther was about to walk out of the door, Angel Leng could no longer hold on.

She painfully made her oath of protection.

"I am willing to be the guardian angel of God King Luther, love what he loves, think about what he thinks, bear pain for him, and go through sufferings. No matter poor or rich, no matter humble or noble, no matter in troubled times, or God ignores me, I will Draw your sword and fight for him, fold your wings for him, and never give up until forever!"

Taking out the oath of guardianship with such pain in his heart, Angel Leng felt that he should be the first.

The next moment, Luther didn't know when he had her in his arms.

"You are so good. Since you have sworn the oath of guardianship, you are my king's angel. You love what I love and think about what I think. Come and tell me how you deceived Angel Lingxi and Angel Yitian."

Luther said to the angel coldly and gently.

Angel Leng's eyes widened, as if he was thinking about why such a shameless guy with such a gentle tone could say such shocking things?

He actually asked her to help him deceive his sisters?

So what is the significance of her sacrifice?


Angel Leng opened his mouth and said.

"Did you forget the oath of guardianship you just made? Love what I love and think about what I think."




"Having me is not enough!"

Angel Leng couldn't bear it anymore, so he rushed over to fight Luther, but was easily crushed by Luther.

Angel Leng swore the oath of guardianship, and her mentality had changed. She really regarded Luther as her male god, so she found it very difficult to accept Luther's request.

How could she use the oath of guardianship to help trick her sisters into the fire pit?

After a few more hours, Angel Leng finally regained his senses.

If Luther is not restored, he will continue, so Angel Leng will naturally not be able to pretend to be dead.

"I can't possibly hurt my sisters for you..."

Angel Leng's attitude had softened, but she still persisted.

Luther was just teasing her. He had no interest in Angel Lingxi and Angel Yitian. Although they were both named angels in the original plot, the only ones Luther liked were Angel Yan, Angel Leng, Angel Chase, and Angel. There are several angels like Keira.

He is not so hungry that he wants to turn the entire angel civilization into his harem. There are tens of thousands of female angels. If you include retired female angels, there are millions. Luther feels that even if there are The idea, after thinking about it like this, has already given up.

He is not Zeus, he can think about such things all day and night.

All Luther wanted was to catch everyone he was interested in. For example, he was not interested in Su Xiaoli, Rui Mengmeng, and Sword Girl, and had no intention of looking for them.

"But I can do it with one."

Angel Leng suddenly changed the subject and said to Luther.

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