Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 25 Pleasant Torture

CXO is a product of the modern company system. It is a form of institutional expression that separates ownership and management rights. The "X" in CXO is a code name, representing a specific position in the company.

Among them, C means chief, O means officer, and the letters in the middle represent different specific divisions of labor, such as administration, finance, marketing, etc.

Michelle can't hold part-time jobs except for the position of Chief Technology Officer, which is Luther's own. Basically, she holds the position part-time.

So it's normal for her to be extremely busy. Luther doesn't intend to tire her. A good boss must be considerate of his employees.

Therefore, Luther did not agree with what Michelle said and what she had arranged.

Anyway, there are only three of them now. Luther does not need to maintain Michelle's authority in front of his subordinates, and directly puts Black Widow in charge of several important positions.

Just kidding, it’s rare to find a powerful agent, so why don’t you use her to your death?

Those who are able work hard. With Black Widow's physical ability, 7118 should be fine, right?

If she had any objections, Luther would give her a high salary, and naturally she would have no objections.

Michelle was a little shocked. Luther ignored her arrangement and directly let the Black Widow take away many of her positions and rights.

Black Widow was not polite to her. What she needed was to collect any unfavorable illegal transactions and black materials in Emperor Company, and to maintain close contact with Luther every day, so that she could collect his information and details.

Of course, she would not scheming with Michelle or anything like that. She knew that she would not stay at the Emperor Company for long and would leave after completing her mission. By then, these things would still belong to Michelle.

But Luther gave her a recruitment task.

"The chief officers and senior managers of each department will recruit me as soon as possible. The Imperial Company is currently vacant."

Luther planned to give Black Widow an opportunity to let her freely install agents from SHIELD or Hydra.

These agents are all talented people. Once you enter his door, don't expect to escape.

As for whether it will be arranged?

Superman Drug and Compound No. 1 are enough to make anyone jealous, especially Compound No. 1, which can also resist aging. No one can resist their temptation. Even if Nick Fury does not have this intention, Hydra will take action to surpass Nick Fury. Let Black Widow arrange it for them.

Black Widow was a little surprised. She didn't expect Luther to leave this kind of thing to her, the newcomer.

Could it be that Michelle did something to make Luther feel dissatisfied?

Or is Luther really short of people?

Or is Luther planning to test her abilities?

There are so many possibilities that Black Widow can’t even figure them out at the moment.

"I understand, BOSS."

Black Widow nodded.

She couldn't decide this kind of thing on her own. She had to go back and inform Nick Fury to see what he thought, and then she could arrange something.

Luther felt very happy, especially watching Black Widow take over her tasks non-stop.

Although Michelle felt a little uncomfortable, she still took over the work for Black Widow diligently.

Although she felt uncomfortable, she had to be worthy of her position and professionalism, especially since she was in this position now, which could not be handled easily, otherwise she would have been kicked off by Luther.

What Luther needs is someone who knows how to advance and retreat, knows what he wants, and can arrange what he wants, not someone who is petty and thinks he is different and a domineering CEO who has to obey my feminism.

He even originally planned to find a male executive vice president, but Michelle was indeed outstanding.

What he likes most is that Michelle has a flexible mind and can understand with just one click. The immaturity and rawness of her fledgling life are gone now, and she exudes the confidence and aura of a strong woman.

Black Widow didn't expect that the Emperor Company had accumulated so many things to deal with. She was busy until 11 o'clock in the evening before she had any free time.

"Does a big company have so many things to do?"

Black Widow felt that she really needed to recruit people quickly, otherwise she wouldn't need to do anything else all day long. She would just deal with these matters, and she wouldn't even have time to observe Luther and investigate the Imperial Company.

Nick Fury waited for Black Widow for a day, and only received news from Black Widow when he was about to go to bed.

"He wants to recruit people?"

Nick Fury immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to install someone, just like Tony Stark did not know that his villa had been planted by renovation workers with a large number of bugs scattered throughout the house.

It was easy for SHIELD's forces to do this, but when the Imperial Corporation built the building, no one thought it would have such unimaginable development, so it was too late to plant bugs or anything like that.

But it didn’t say that we can’t start from this aspect.

"We need to arrange manpower as soon as possible, if we need agents to infiltrate, otherwise it would be enough for me to just deal with those things every day, and I won't have time to investigate."

Black Widow rubbed her sore feet. She had been walking up and down all day today, and her whole body ached. It felt much more troublesome and strenuous than fighting through a hail of bullets.

"I understand. I will give you a list when the time comes. For the rest, you can go to those universities to recruit."

Nick Fury thought for a moment and said.

Monarch Company, a super company with unlimited prospects at present, does not need them to find people themselves. Major headhunting companies have already come to recommend talents, and elite talents from other companies who are eager for promotion channels have also secretly sent their resumes to Monarch Company.

Black Widow will have to deal with various resume files and so on in Monarch Company's overflowing mailbox starting tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Black Widow had a splitting headache and wanted to give up this task for the first time in her life.

In the original plot, she naturally did not need to deal with so many things when she went to Stark Company. Stark Company has been developing for so many years and has everything, including talents. However, Monarch Company has developed too fast, so this problem has arisen.

From the top to the bottom, more than 10,000 positions are vacant. You can imagine how much work there is.

Luther looked at Black Widow's sad face and her haggard state after a busy day. He felt more pleased than seeing her naked.

Because if you open your perspective eyes to see her naked, it is equivalent to seeing all kinds of mites and parasites on her body, and you really don't have that appetite.

On the contrary, Luther likes this kind of happiness built on the pain of others.

"Good night, Black Widow, there will be more fun in the future."

Luther left here, and the conversation between Nick Fury and Black Widow naturally did not escape his hearing.

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