Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 317: Ghosts Appear

SHIELD, or SHIELD, has always been concerned about the missing Cosmic Cube.

Not to mention Nick Fury, who has always been very concerned about the disappearance of the Cosmic Cube.

In the original plot, Nick Fury might have realized that it was possible that Hydra had revived, but the Hydra in this world has jumped so many times, so Nick Fury no longer needs to think about the possibility of Hydra's resurrection, he only needs to think about how to destroy Hydra.

The possibility of Tony Stark losing control, even Bruce Banner, because of Tony's protection, made SHIELD unable to intervene.

Nick Fury didn't have much hope of finding the missing Cosmic Cube, but he still established a department to find the Cosmic Cube, which was in charge of Coulson.

Poor Coulson had to track down Hydra and deal with the troubles caused by the lizard serum and the werewolf serum, while he had to be responsible for finding the Cosmic Cube.

Although these two things are the same thing, they were all done by Hydra.

But this kind of procedural thing, everyone knows it.

However, the gamma radiation from this Cosmic Cube was still detected by Coulson and his team.

Since Luther used the Reality Stone to create a fake Cosmic Cube, it was impossible for it to be easily discovered.

With the power of the Power Stone perfectly replicating the power of the Space Stone, and the Reality Stone modifying reality, this Cosmic Cube can completely make the fake look real, and Loki's communication was also connected after the Cosmic Cube appeared in the Earth dimension.

It's just that the signal is a bit bad, intermittent, but it also stimulated the Cosmic Cube to release energy.

"Sir, we captured the gamma radiation of the Cosmic Cube!"

Coulson hurriedly found Nick Fury.


Nick Fury immediately widened his one eye.

After so long, there is finally news?

"Wait, Hydra can't have such a loophole, is this a trap?"

Nick Fury's tenth-level agent is not a boast. After being shocked by the surprise, Nick Fury quickly recovered his agent quality and calm and rational analysis.

"But sir, why did Hydra set a trap?"

Coulson naturally knew this, but he had a different idea.

Nick Fury didn't know why Hydra set up a trap. With the powerful strength shown by Hydra, if it weren't for Luther and Tony to stop them, they would have ruled the world as they pleased.

Now Luther has left the earth and gone to Mars, and established the Martian Empire.

Tony and Banner are still fighting against Hydra on the battlefield. Hydra's arrogance has been hit a lot by them. Recently, I haven't heard of any big news from Hydra.

"Before, we monitored and detected for so long, but we didn't find the radiation of the Cosmic Cube. But now the radiation of the Cosmic Cube suddenly appeared. If it's not a trap, what changes have occurred in the Cosmic Cube?"

Coulson made a bold hypothesis.

"You mean, Hydra conducted an experiment on the Cosmic Cube, and an accident occurred, so we captured the radiation of the Cosmic Cube?"

Nick Fury thought, this is not impossible.

"However, it is also possible that Hydra wants to target us and Tony and them."

Nick Fury couldn't make a decision easily, because if something went wrong, Hydra's conspiracy would succeed, and they couldn't fail!

What if Hydra intends to destroy Tony, Banner and the resistance of SHIELD in one fell swoop?

After all, Luther has left the earth. After losing the invincible man, Hydra may still succeed.

"Don't deal with this matter. I will send someone else to take a look."

Nick Fury thought again and again, and finally decided to send out SHIELD's secret weapon.

Coulson was puzzled, but he didn't say much.

I just don't know whether the commander plans to send Black Widow and Hawkeye or the captain.

Nick Fury's SHIELD has two secret weapons.

One is the Skrulls. Their infiltration disguise is unparalleled and has helped SHIELD solve many problems.

They have no flaws in disguise, and fingerprints and DNA can be copied. Many so-called secret security measures, such as fingerprint locks and pupil locks, are a joke in front of the Skrulls. It is better to use a combination lock.

Another secret weapon is the "Ghost" agent.

The ghost agent is named Ava Starr.

When her parents later died in an experimental accident in the quantum realm, Ava also gained the ability to change her molecular structure in the accident, making her untouchable, which allowed her to pass through solid walls and avoid attacks.

But over time, her body became extremely unstable and caused her to disappear completely from reality.

After the accident, Ava was adopted by Bill, and later SHIELD made a set of combat suits for her and trained her to become a secret agent of SHIELD. The combat suit she wore also helped her control her abilities.

Then Ava started working for Nick Fury, who promised to use SHIELD's scientific research resources to study how to cure her.

The only three people who knew about Ava's existence in the entire SHIELD were Captain America's ex-girlfriend Carter, Alexander Pierce, and Nick Fury.

When Hydra was at its craziest, Nick Fury had the idea of ​​sending out ghost agents. Even when Luther had just started selling compounds, Nick Fury also wanted to get the formula of the compound through ghost agents and Skrulls.

Don't overestimate the integrity and bottom line of Nick Fury, a level 10 agent. Luther has no identity and no background. Nick Fury doesn't care about the support of a few high-ranking American military officials.

However, the emergence of super-powered terrorist attacks interrupted Nick Fury's idea.

To activate the ghost agent, Alexander Pierce and Nick Fury's consent is required.

After all, the ghost agent is too dark. Ninety-nine percent of the shady means are completed by the ghost agent, which is very dangerous, so Alexander Pierce and Nick Fury must agree to send out the ghost agent.

However, Nick Fury felt that time was tight and it was not impossible to violate the rules.

So he sent the ghost agent to see what the location detected by the Cosmic Cube was like.

If it is not a trap, the Ghost Agent is fully capable of directly recovering the Cosmic Cube. Even if it is a trap, the Ghost Agent can selectively recover it or come back to report the situation.

Nick Fury felt that it was foolproof. Hydra probably didn't expect that he had such a powerful secret weapon as the Ghost Agent.

Luther also started to make trouble and re-transformed into Black Caesar to appear in his own villain Hydra base.

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