Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 330: No Choice

The four origin powers appeared on Luther's body.

Power, reality, space, and mind!

Luther realized that when he absorbed the energy of the Mind Stone, a great will descended.

Because he had experienced this routine once in DC, Luther was not panicked. Then he felt the vast and unimaginable energy released from the Infinity Stones!

I don't know if it was the interference of the great will, but Luther lost four Infinity Stones.

But these four Infinity Stones became Luther's origin and merged with him!

"It's great, one person embodied the concept of Luther's Protoss for me, and the other person merged all the Infinity Stones for me."

Luther felt that he was really helpless and had to rely on himself to get to where he is today.

It would be great if there was a system father who was awesome and didn't take the Supreme of all the worlds seriously.

It wouldn't be like now, letting others play with me, and I couldn't resist or protest.

"However, the fusion of four Infinity Stones is equivalent to four single universes. I know that the Infinity Stones in the movie version are very powerful, but they should not be at the level of single universes, right?"

Luther felt confused. The power of the Infinity Stones is stable pure energy of the universe, which the Empire Dimension cannot digest. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to let the Empire Dimension digest it directly?

It is because they cannot digest it and are worried that they will be taken away by others, so they simply let them gather dust in the Empire Dimension.

Now after merging with the four Infinity Stones, Luther absorbed a large amount of cosmic energy and became a true super-single-level cosmic god.

Cosmic energy is not dark energy, radiation or the like in the universe, but a kind of power of higher dimensions.

It can even be regarded as the Marvel version of God Wave and Origin.

In the Marvel Universe, if you want to become a god, then cosmic energy is indispensable, or indispensable!

Without cosmic energy, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a mortal and can be easily played with.

You are talking about the Sentinel? These guys are all related to cosmic energy. Even if they only get a little bit of it, it is enough for them to challenge gods or even kill gods.

The origin of cosmic energy is similar to that of divine waves. It is a stable pure energy that was born and exists after the Big Bang. Anyone who can absorb and control this power is a starting god!

However, not everyone can absorb this thing, except for the Cosmic Orphans... No, the Cosmic Elders. They are the dead survivors of the first batch of life races after the Big Bang. Because they absorbed cosmic energy, they gained immortal life and various abilities.

There are also the Cosmic God Group, which also mastered and absorbed cosmic energy, so they are so powerful.

In addition, other lives occasionally have the opportunity to absorb a little bit of cosmic energy, such as Sentinels and Captain Marvel.

The remaining 99.99%... people exploded and died after absorbing it.

Even Odin is so awesome. He raised the performance of the Father-level with the strength of a Father-level god, and can even kill a single universe-level cosmic god, because of cosmic energy.

The upper limit of cosmic energy is very high. In the original plot, Thanos did not have infinite gems. He simply absorbed a large amount of cosmic energy to break through to the multiverse level, and then beat everything.

Not to mention, the cosmic energy absorbed by Luther came from the infinite gems!

It is the purest and highest quality cosmic energy, and it can even be called cosmic pure energy. Moreover, most of the infinite gems actually have no possibility of becoming the goddess of vengeance. Only a parallel universe can be like this.

In the comics, the infinite gems are collected together to become gods at the multiverse level. The movie version has collected six infinite gems, but it can't destroy the universe. It can only be a power dog in the universe.

More importantly, in the movie, Thor split the power of the infinite gems with an axe and almost killed Thanos. This greatly lowered the style and power of the infinite gems in the movie version, and it is also the reason why Luther does not pay much attention to the infinite gems.

Now, Luther, who has merged with the four infinite gems, has walked out of his own path.

No longer a Kryptonian, nor a Doomsday, nor Broly.

It is a brand new evolutionary route after the fusion of many powers and elements, which is a treatment that even Superman has never had, and the future is unknown.

Maybe it will become more complicated in the future, because the superpower he evolved will be the incomparable superpower of "crossing", not crossing parallel universes, but directly crossing other worlds, which gives him infinite possibilities.

"Is it because of the changes in Luther's Protoss that they pay attention to me?"

Luther thought thoughtfully. When he came to the Marvel Universe before, the Great Will did not make any movement, even if he absorbed the Infinity Stones, it was not worth paying attention to. Now, Luther can only think that it is because of this reason that the Great Will pays attention to him.

Because he brought DC's things, it is still a concept of the Protoss, and even the Empire Dimension has been changed by the Supreme God. Although it seems to be no different from before, Luther can feel that the Empire Dimension has become specious.

What Luther is most worried about now is that the thing is not the Supreme God but Satan or Lucifer.

It's scary to think about it.

The single universe level is a very large range of levels.

To put it simply, the gap between the single universe level is greater than that between the single universe level and the non-single universe level!

The most embarrassing example is Dormammu, a single universe level. Even the Ancient One will not take it seriously. He beats the creditor and does not pay back the debt because Dormammu cannot beat the Ancient One.

But the single universe level is not just an increase in combat power. It is normal for Dormammu to take such a shortcut.

The most important thing for the single universe level is the control of the rules!

Today's Luther has ascended to heaven in one step. Before, he had a vague understanding of this kind of thing, knowing the result but not the reason.

What he knows is what is imagined from the human perspective.

This is the drawback of theoretical science. Practical science has not seen the ass of theoretical science until now. Theoretical science has run 100,000 light years away, but theoretical science is just theoretical science, not practical science, especially humans have overturned many theoretical sciences by themselves.

In this case, it is a joke to expect Luther to understand what the rules are.

Now, it is not necessary.

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