Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 340 Raditz appears


Tony saw the Chitauri fall to the ground as if they had lost power, and immediately understood what type of life they were.

It is estimated that they are not even life forms.

Thor was also awakened by Tony's "Million Tons of Friendship Face-breaking Punch" and escaped from Loki's control.


Thor did not expect that his brother actually mastered such a terrible ability to control other people's minds.

Even he could not resist it. Such a terrible control ability is definitely not Loki's tricks!

After all, if it was, Loki would not have used it in their previous battles!

The brain of a reckless man is generally non-existent, but when it comes to his brother, Thor's IQ explodes instantly, and he is locked on the golden scepter in Loki's hand.

This thing didn't exist before, but it exists now, and it must be caused by this thing!

So the next step is very simple, he only needs to smash the mind scepter with a hammer when he meets him!

He completely ignored the possibility that Loki might use illusions that he could not see through to deceive him.

The brain is like this.

Loki was shocked, furious, furious, and hysterical at this time.


Loki shouted. There was no problem on his side, and the passage was still open, but the Chitauri were killed.

They are just a bunch of trash, and Thanos is also a trash. They like such a bunch of trash!

What to do now?

It is impossible for Loki to give up!

"Master, the situation has changed now. We should move our position immediately. We still have Hydra!"

Pierce said from the side.


Loki's face was ugly, but he didn't choose to stay in the end. The Chitauri were no longer reliable, and Loki had to rely on himself next.

Fortunately, he still had Hydra. As long as he found the guy called Black Caesar, he might not be unable to rule Midgard. After all, the power of Hydra was too huge and infiltrated every corner of the world. As long as he controlled them all for his own use, plus the guy called Ultron, he would definitely be able to rule Midgard!

If Hydra is united, they have a very high chance of success, but this is impossible.

Because Hydra's habit of dragging its feet is a tradition.

The famous Red Skull, who was about to rule the world, was dragged down and killed by the supreme leaders of other Hydra branches.

If Loki can really control all the heads of Hydra, it will be a very big challenge for the world.

However, Luther thought this development was very interesting, so when Thor was about to find Loki, a fireball fell from the sky!

The fireball hit Thor at a terrible speed, and Thor was knocked to the ground before he could react.

"What is that?"

Tony said in surprise, a meteorite falling from the sky?

But the acceleration has exceeded the speed of sound by hundreds of times. The meteorite of this size should have been rubbed off by the atmosphere. After all, its speed is too fast.

But from the time it fell into the atmosphere and was captured to the time it fell to the ground, its size and volume did not change at all!

This gave Tony a bad premonition.

Captain Marvel also came at this time.

"Another alien?"

Captain Marvel was confused. The Chitauri and the Ultron robots whose origins were unknown were fine, but was this the third wave of aliens?

But there weren't many aliens on such a small spaceship.


Tony heard what Captain Marvel said.

"Why do you have such a suit? What's the relationship with those robots?"

Captain Marvel looked Tony up and down. With her power, she could naturally see through Tony inside the nano suit.

"...They are an artificial intelligence that I lost control of."

Tony's scalp tingled when he thought that the entire America was attacked by the Ultron robots, but now was not the time to leave to save people.

"In other words, they are not aliens, but your creations? Very good, it seems that I have found the real culprit."

Captain Marvel basically has no brains, just a fool like Thor.

Since Tony admitted that he made these robots that killed people, he is the culprit, and he can be killed.

But before Captain Marvel could do anything, the UFO made a sound.

After creating a deep pit, the circular spaceship slowly opened, and then a man with thick hair appeared.


Tony immediately used the scanning function of the nano suit to scan the other party, and found that the strange clothes he was wearing were all made of unknown materials, without any earthly components.

"How is this possible, elements that are not on the periodic table? All new elements?"

Tony couldn't believe it.

"No, he is not from Earth."

Captain Marvel frowned, and intuitively felt a bad breath.

Ratitz only felt a trance, and he came to Earth.

"Is this Earth? The gravity is really light... What does Kakarot do for a living? Why are there so many people?"

Ratitz glanced around, and the combat power detector on his eyes made a beeping sound.

"Combat power... 800???"

Ratitz was surprised. He saw several very high combat power numbers on the combat power detector.

The highest number even reached 800!

You know, in the Dragon Ball world, a combat power difference of 1.3 times will be crushed. Raditz's combat power is 1500.

It's almost twice, but Raditz himself lacks experience in death battles and can only fight crushing battles. In addition, he neglects to exercise, and has fallen from a senior warrior to a wimp who is looked down upon by others.

"No, he's an alien!"

Tony scanned that the furry thing on Raditz's waist was not an ornament, but Raditz's tail!

"An alien with a monkey tail that looks like an earthling?"

Captain Marvel also saw it, and she was a little confused because she had never heard of this alien race.

Hulk and Thor, who was knocked away, both came over.

Ratitz looked at Captain Marvel in surprise.

800 combat power!

Then he saw Thor's 365 combat power value!

Hulk's combat power is also amazing, with 399 combat power points!

Tony was ignored by him because he couldn't see Tony's combat power value.

"I didn't expect that there are so many powerful guys on this planet. No wonder Kakarot didn't complete the mission."

Raditz looked ugly. The combat power detector did not detect other high combat powers. It is very likely that Kakarot has been killed.

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