Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 346 Raditz is jealous

Saiyans who grew up on Planet Vegeta, which has ten times the gravity of the Earth, have a body density ten times that of an Earthling, while an Asgardian's body density is only several times that of an Earthling.

Therefore, there is no problem in completely destroying the physical fitness of the Asgardians.

The metabolism of Saiyans is unknown, but it is most likely similar to that of Earthlings. Sun Wukong has been injured many times, and it takes a period of time to recover.

After Raditz took a cannon shot, he aimed his hand in the direction of the laser cannon.

Tony was so frightened that he quickly reorganized and wanted to escape, but the speed of Raditz's qigong wave was much faster than he imagined. Just as the structure started to reorganize, the qigong wave had already bombarded the laser cannon!


Tony held his head and crouched on defense, and performed a tactical roll. There were endless roars behind him, and the overflowing energy left a wave of flying sand and rocks. He was blown away by the shock wave and could not continue the tactical roll. He lost control in mid-air for a moment, and then he was seriously injured. It smashed through the ruins.

"Fake, I feel like I'm fighting with a launcher that's launching nuclear bombs all the time!"

Tony couldn't help but complain.

After all, this is not the DC universe. Batman relies on the speed of human nerve reflexes to launch cables to move at subsonic speeds, and he can navigate all kinds of destructive scenes with ease, constantly making assists.

If Tony ran slower, he would be blown into powder just like his own laser cannon.

Even so, under the vibration and coercion of the shock wave, the nano-suit on his body inevitably shifted. Even if the force structure is special and the vibranium absorbs kinetic energy, it will inevitably wear out in the face of such terrifying energy.

Vibranium also has an upper limit.

Captain Marvel concentrated his photon energy, rushed in front of Raditz again, and punched the unsuspecting Raditz in the back.

Raditz was beaten so hard that he rubbed his face against the ground and was ejected like water.

Each ejection was hundreds of meters away, and it took seven times before it stopped!

Raditz sighed and spat out the mud and gravel in his mouth.

Most of this sneak attack was blocked by the battle suit, and the rest was just a push to Raditz. It didn't matter at all. At most, it just lost a hair.

Captain Marvel struck again and kicked Raditz.

Raditz raised his hand to block Captain Marvel's long-leg kick without moving his body. Raditz was not afraid of a head-on confrontation when he was prepared.

He raised his other hand, and Qi instantly covered his fist. Captain Marvel had experienced hundreds of battles and had more experience than Raditz. He had long noticed that Raditz seemed to be poor at perception.

In fact, she didn't know that Raditz relied heavily on combat power detectors. If she could destroy the combat power detectors, Raditz would be blind and would have no advantage in high-speed battles. After all, he was not a Z fighter. Good at using Qi to sense enemies.

For example, her sneak attack just now passed the combat power detector, and Raditz was completely unable to react.

It's a pity that her rocket headbutts were all aimed at Raditz's head, which was still some distance away from the combat power detector. Moreover, even the old version of the combat power detector produced by Frieza Legion is very strong. For example, Even when he was attacked by the Flute Demon Boy at close range, he calmly said that it was just dust.

Raditz even pretended not to cover the combat power detector with his hands, but only covered his mouth and nose.

This shows that the combat effectiveness detector is not afraid of the shock wave of ordinary explosions. As for why it explodes easily, I don't know.

At this moment, facing Raditz's fist, she directly chose to avoid it. Unexpectedly, Raditz grabbed the long leg she just kicked with his backhand, rounded her up and smashed it to the ground!

With this kind of speed and force, the ground would be many times harder than steel in an instant. When it hit him, Captain Marvel couldn't help but scream.

Fortunately, she hit the ground head first, and her head was no joke, and she suffered most of the damage.

Captain Marvel then fought back in pain. With the support of Raditz's grip on his leg, his powerful core strength and photon energy exploded, twisting his body, twisting his waist and abdomen, and the other long leg was drawn out like a long whip. A perfect arc kick hit Raditz.

Raditz snorted coldly, and the fist that had just been covered with qi met the whip leg again.

The photon energy and qi collided, and Raditz was slightly better. Captain Marvel felt that his ankle was in excruciating pain as if it was shattered.

In the central area where the energy hedging is the most intense, destructive lightning spreads rapidly.

The intense pain did not make Captain Marvel flinch, but instead aroused her iron head... No, her unyielding will!

Overloaded with mental willpower, Raditz absorbed the surrounding energy and converted it into photon energy. Raditz felt speechless when he saw Captain Marvel's combat effectiveness increase again.

What's going on with your fighting power? If it keeps fluctuating like this, he, a Saiyan, will be jealous.

But it doesn't matter. Raditz doesn't think they can continue to get stronger. Just kidding, how can they do something that even Saiyans can't do?

But Raditz is also greedy. He thinks this is a special ability of people on Earth. If he can understand what it is and how it is done, can his 1,500 combat power soar to 2,000 combat power like theirs?

Even 3000 combat power?

Therefore, Raditz's mentality has changed, and he plans to capture the most powerful people on earth alive and force them to learn how to improve their combat effectiveness.

Captain Marvel desperately released photon energy, and Raditz raised his hand and fired a Qigong wave.

Boom! ! !

The light column shot up into the sky, and the boiling energy frenzy turned into a straight lightning pulse. The straight lightning pulse jumped out of the atmosphere, causing the earth's magnetic field to become disordered, affecting the operation of Tony's space fortress.

The aftermath of the terrifying energy explosion formed a destructive super-strong wind pressure, stirring up countless dense and terrifying air currents, whizzing through like a razor, cutting off the undestroyed houses on the ground and the surrounding new areas one by one!

Captain Marvel was about to despair. What was wrong with this Saiyan? His overloaded photon energy was actually defeated by him with a stronger energy! ! !

It was like the stronger the fight, the stronger the resistance would be. The stronger the force of suppression.

Raditz's casual attack was Captain Marvel's upper limit, and a more serious one was Captain Marvel's over limit.

The gap between the two sides was too big.


Just when Captain Marvel was wavering, the Hulk attacked again.

Captain Marvel was surprised to see the Hulk still full of fighting spirit.

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