Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 351 Unprecedented Nuclear Bombing

If that energy falls on the earth, it will directly vaporize hundreds of millions of tons of soil and cause a major earthquake!

This unprecedented earthquake will shake the entire California, Nevada, Arizona... Most of America will be shaken by this earthquake, and then the land will sink. From then on, a huge gap will appear in the entire America forever.

What kind of April Fool's joke is this! ! !

Tony is desperate. Facing such an enemy, how can they win?

The bombers dropped hydrogen bombs, or the three most powerful hydrogen bombs in America.

Not only that, there are also hydrogen bombs and low-yield nuclear bombs launched from missile launch bases.

America is crazy, Los Angeles is gone, and the entire California is almost gone. If America doesn't go crazy again, who knows if the entire America will become history tomorrow?

Their researchers and scholars of strategic biology formed a countermeasure team and calculated that it was impossible to solve the powerful alien life of Saiyans with nuclear bombs, but if thousands or even tens of thousands of nuclear bombs were used, it would still be possible to pile up the opponent to death.

After all, no matter how powerful the Saiyans are, they are still living beings. Living beings must obey the laws of physics. There is no life that is inexhaustible, immortal, or like a perpetual motion machine!

It depends on whether America can show such courage. After the war, they will have to face the radiation everywhere and even the radiation cloud pollution that lasts for several years.

America's big man finally decided.

There is a future only when you are alive. Anyway, it is not the men who suffer, and at most they can live in another country. If the earth is gone, then they will be gone.

The number of nuclear warheads in America now is between 5,800 and 6,000. The 1,419 nuclear bombs announced are deployed. As for those that are not deployed, there is no need for them to announce them, right?

They took out more than a thousand nuclear warheads and carried out a comprehensive nuclear strike against Raditz.

This unprecedented nuclear tactic has caused Vodka and the North to express strong concern. The two nuclear giants also said that if America's nuclear warheads are insufficient, they will be happy to support it.

The North even said that they had just counted their inventory and found that there were more than 100 large-yield hydrogen bombs left, all of which were small items with an equivalent of 50 million tons.

America has deployed 662 intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched missiles and heavy bombers.

There are a total of 1,419 nuclear warheads deployed on intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched missiles and heavy bombers, and now all of them are launched!

They don't want to be caught publishing the wrong number, so these 1,419 nuclear bombs are the total number of nuclear bombs for this nuclear tactical strike.

Then they also rejected the nuclear support of Vodka and the North. They judged others by their own experience. They didn't trust the two nuclear giants. What if they launched dirty bombs and nuclear garbage? What if they aimed "wrongly" and the coordinates were off by 1 decimal point, it would be hundreds of kilometers away. They could say they made a mistake no matter where they hit.

Not only that, the old man left America directly. A gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall. Anyway, he might as well go on vacation recently.

Raditz didn't know this. He speculated that it was probably a weapon used by the people of this planet to fight back.

If it was the original body, Raditz would still be a little worried and would dodge, but he is now a giant ape, with more than 10,000 combat power. Raditz is so inflated that how could the earth have weapons that can hurt him?

So, along with the explosion of the first large-yield hydrogen bomb, the other two hydrogen bombs exploded soon after, releasing their own light and heat. The shock wave and explosion instantly turned this area into a high-temperature and high-pressure death zone. The fleeting absolute destructive temperature also brought Raditz a little trouble, but not much.

The temperature at the center was very high, but the duration was too short. At most, Raditz's hair was permed into a curly-haired gorilla.

The thousands of nuclear warheads that followed were the biggest.

Raditz was in a mess. He had not yet adapted to the highlight of the hydrogen bomb explosion and was blinded by the light. However, the blindness of ordinary people was at most a weakened version of the sun fist on Raditz.

However, such a short time was enough for these nuclear warheads to strike.

"Boom boom boom boom boom ---!!!"

Thousands of suns created a strange scene of a thousand suns competing for the sky. The air in the entire area had disappeared and became a theoretical vacuum state. All kinds of deadly light radiation, heat radiation, and gamma rays were overwhelming. Ordinary people could not survive even for a second.

Captain Marvel relied on absorbing energy to repair her injuries. She was surprised but not angry that America used so many nuclear bombs. After all, she was defeated. If she could still fight against being bombed by nuclear bombs, she would definitely not have such a good temper.

The huge shock wave and electromagnetic wave caused the vehicles and houses on the ground to fly like pieces of paper.

The storm seemed to last forever, and the night sky lit up.

The starry sky at night disappeared, leaving only a huge, red, shining world like the sun.

An explosion that was enough to dye the night sky red like lava!

Nearly two thousand nuclear warheads were fired at the same time, and America secretly launched four hundred more nuclear warheads. After all, Raditz changed from a human form to a gorilla, and all data had to be recalculated. They didn't have time to recalculate.

Captain Marvel has been defeated, Tony is missing, and Hulk was blown to pieces. In this case, who knows whether Raditz will destroy the surface civilization after losing control. Can their nuclear strikes capture Raditz who is flying at ten times the speed of sound in human form?

I am afraid that they can't even clean up the ground. It is better to strike when he turns into a gorilla, but because there is no time to calculate the data, they can only launch 400 more nuclear warheads in the end, that is, a total of 1819 nuclear warheads!

It is indeed unprecedented... But even so, it is still far from the effect of redrawing the map.

Humans have overestimated the power of their nuclear warheads countless times. In fact, even if all the nuclear warheads on the earth are fired at the same time, the damage caused is not as good as a hurricane, a volcanic eruption or a major earthquake.

The sound of the explosion went halfway around the earth and can be observed in Brazil.

All artificial satellites have basically malfunctioned.

After such a terrifying explosion, Raditz still stands on the ground!

"What a ridiculous attack."

Raditz started his activities, and his target was still Captain Marvel.

As for the bombing with thousands of nuclear warheads?

Those attacks would only raise dust.

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