Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 36 I'm here to find my brother

The potential of Saiyan + Earthling hybrids is very high, so Luther added their genes when researching androids.

The genes of Namekians are no exception, and the regeneration ability alone is enough.

Relying on this regeneration ability, after being reborn from the brink of death, Cell can become a complete body again without absorbing No. 18, and even became Lightning Cell comparable to Super Saiyan 2!

Luther is looking forward to whether his androids will become stronger and stronger. After all, the setting that Saiyans become stronger after being on the verge of death and recovering is really amazing. Of course, there is another setting or pit filling later.

That is, everyone's potential is limited, and you can't rely on this infinite card BUG.

Otherwise, you will be several times stronger after recovering from the brink of death. Who can beat you?

In terms of the design of the android, Luther thought about it and didn't design it to look like Cell, retaining the appearance of humans.

He will take these experimental data and the genes of Saiyans and Namekians cultivated back to the Marvel world for reproduction.

"Successful, from now on, you will be Android No. 1!"

Luther felt that the previous androids could not be considered androids, and the androids he transformed now were his real super androids, completely 100% natural biological tissues. Luther felt that the infinite energy furnace was a bit of a waste to use it to create androids, so he did not install it on them.

Even so, this new android is very powerful.

An expressionless big bald head, two meters tall, with explosive muscles, and a number 1 on his head.

Luther said that in order to distinguish them, future androids will have no hair, and only powerful cadres can have hair.

The androids before the Imperial Organization were not the opponents of this Android No. 1, and were easily defeated.

Luther thought about the combat power detector himself, and found that he had no ideas and could not research it.

After all, he is not a real scientific researcher, lacking the thinking of scientific researchers. Even if he has a lot of knowledge, it is difficult for him to really innovate something on his own.

Even the innovation of android technology is based on Dr. Gro's research on android technology first, and then he developed it on this basis.


Number One was knocked out by Luther's punch and fell to the ground, his whole body shattered.

This was Luther trying to see if his original idea was successful. After Number One was on the verge of death and then recovered, could he become stronger.

After waiting for a few minutes, Number One stood up again, and the feeling of his aura to Luther was even stronger.

"It really became stronger, but the regeneration of Namekians consumes a lot of physical strength and energy, and it is impossible to recover multiple times in a short period of time."

Luther nodded, very satisfied. In this case, how powerful will the android army under his command be?

"Speaking of which, they still have Saiyan genes. If they reach the critical point in the future and can transform into Super Saiyans, will they grow hair, or will the hair in other places turn golden?"

Luther thought about it and temporarily put aside this interesting question. Androids are also unable to avoid the limitation of potential. It is estimated that there are very few Androids who can reach the critical point, unless there are special cases like Goten and Trunks, who can become Super Saiyans at a young age!

Otherwise, why would he mix genes from Earthlings? Wasn't it just to hope that he could hit the jackpot and produce a Super Saiyan?

That would increase combat power by fifty times.

Then Luther began his plan to fool Broly.

Planet Vampa!

Luther returned here and saw Broly and his monster friend Baya taking a bath. As for his father Paragus, he came over and said that he wanted to kill Baya in order to save food and because the monsters could not be trained.

Broly couldn't stop it, or he didn't dare to do it to his father, otherwise Paragus would probably be beaten to death with his potential.

Luther didn't stop Paragus from killing the monster Baya, so that Broly would be disappointed with his father. He was not Broly who had been trained in the future. Children must have a rebellious mentality, even Broly was no exception.

He was just simple in character, which didn't mean he had no likes and dislikes.

"Broly! What's your look! What's your eyes! What's your tears! Can your tears defeat King Vegeta!"

After Paragus killed the monster Baya, scolded Broly and left.

Luther followed him and cut Paragus in half with a knife.

When Broly heard the sound and rushed over, he saw Paragus dying.


Broly was very anxious. He lacked a lot of common sense in life and didn't know how to express himself. However, Broly was still very concerned about Paragus. After all, he had been taken care of since he was a baby. Paragus was already the most important person in Broly's heart.


Paragus didn't expect that he would suddenly suffer such a disaster. At the end of his life, looking at Broly, Paragus was still unwilling.

"You want... revenge..."

Luther impatiently killed Paragus with magic, leaving no trace.

Why are you talking so much nonsense? It's enough to let you see Broly for the last time.

Then Broly went berserk.


The green air violently swept everything around.

"Who is it!!!"

Broly frantically searched for his enemy on Vampa, but of course he couldn't find him. Luther hid from him for a long time, and then one day, he turned into a ball of fire and fell from the sky.

Broly appeared immediately and saw the fireball hitting the ground and Luther coming out of the fireball.

The fireball was naturally a capsule car created by Luther to disguise it. After passing through the friction of the atmosphere, it was impossible to leave any traces.

It's impossible for Broly to understand this kind of technological product anyway.

"Who are you?"

Broly asked looking at Luther.

"Me? I'm here to see my brother Broly. What's your name, kid?"

Luther didn't even try to hide it, he just came up and lied.

"younger brother?"

Broly looked confused. He seemed to have never heard that his father had a son and that he had an older brother.

Broly may not even have the concept of a brother.

"Could it be that you are my brother Broly?"

Thinking of this, Luther took the initiative even more. Otherwise, he might have looked at each other awkwardly, and he didn't know how it would go on.

"I'm Broly..."

Broly was not used to Luther's enthusiasm.

"It's really you, brother, I am your brother, Luther!"

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