Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 388 The Illuminati is Defeat

Captain Marvel was not in high spirits, and Thor, after recovering, indulged in wine and meat.

The wine from Earth should not be invigorating for him, but Thor was drunk, and it was not known whether he was drunk physically or mentally.

Tony had not yet passed the critical period, and MK999 was completely destroyed. Pepper felt very painful and burst into tears when she saw Tony's miserable condition.

There were even members of the Illuminati who wanted to quit, of course not Tony and other first-level members, but newcomers who had seen the horror of Black Caesar and Hydra and were shaken.

They thought they were mentally prepared to fight against Saiyans and Hydra.

But when the time came, they realized that they had overestimated themselves.

Black Caesar did not cause many casualties, but before Black Caesar arrived, Hydra's weirdos and monsters had killed many superheroes.

Today's Hydra terror has once again become a nightmare in everyone's mind. Some Hydras even escaped from Loki's control because of the attack of the Illuminati. They dared not go back to the Hydra base and chose to hide their identities.

There was no way. Although they also wanted to follow the Lord Black Caesar, he was elusive when he left and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

So they could only hide temporarily.

They have clearly realized that following other Hydras is a dead end. Only Black Caesar's Hydra has hope.

Three days later, Tony finally got out of danger. This was thanks to his injection of Compound No. 2 for human body transformation. Otherwise, he would have a high probability of recovery. Even if it weren't for the energy left by Black Caesar that hindered his recovery, Tony would have recovered long ago.

"We are not the opponent of Black Caesar, not to mention that Black Caesar is not just himself, he also has a Hydra."

Tony was able to get out of bed and walk, and he directly called a meeting of the giants of the Illuminati.

The atmosphere was very depressed and gloomy. Captain Marvel, who was once so arrogant that she thought she had no rivals other than the Saiyans, now remained silent.

She didn't know why such a monster would appear on Earth. Black Caesar's strength would probably make him a hegemon even if he was placed in the universe. He was still hiding on Earth, which was simply incomprehensible.

Why did he still care about Earth with such strength? Wouldn't it be better for you to be the king of other planets?

Captain Marvel was very angry that Black Caesar had no ambition at all.

What's the matter? This person has no vision, ambition, or pursuit!

Isn't it better to look at the universe like her? ? ?

Not to mention Thor, the god of thunder, who was shocked the most by Black Caesar. The big fool traveled through the nine worlds and fought countless battles, but he had never met a guy who could resist the Meow Meow Hammer, not to mention that he destroyed the Meow Meow Hammer with his bare hands!

For this kind of thing, other people might just be shocked for a while, and then they would be fine. After all, they felt that since the Meow Meow Hammer was forged, it meant that it was possible for it to be destroyed.

Only the big guy felt that his worldview had exploded. There was nothing he could do. The god Odin had taught him since he was a child how awesome Mjolnir was, how important he was, and that he could still become the king of Asgard and the symbol of the throne after lifting Mjolnir.

The big guy even felt that his father Odin could not destroy Mjolnir, or that it was not so easy to destroy Meowth Hammer.

But Black Caesar did it.

From that moment on, Thor felt that Black Caesar was invincible, unbeatable, and unmatched.

It caused him a huge psychological shadow.

This is normal, because he is still the god of hammers and does not know that his real power is Thor.

At least he has to wait until he finds his true power before he can get out of the shadow and terror of Black Caesar. Before that, Thor would be involuntarily timid when he saw Black Caesar.

Maybe he won't show it, but his psychological momentum will be weaker.

There is no such momentum as the Saiyan boss is the boss and I am the second, and my father may not be my opponent.

Dr. Banner is very Buddhist. Anyway, fighting is Hulk's business. Judging from Hulk's reaction afterwards, he has no feeling of the horror of Black Caesar at all. He will still rush up to him next time he sees him, and he is not afraid.

The original plot said that Hulk was knocked down by Thanos with a military punch, and then he was afraid and dared not come out. Obviously, it is wrong, because Hulk resisted coming out because the earthlings said they hated it. Hulk chose to shut down Black Widow's communication and let the Quinjet fly into space, which is the best proof.

From "small" to big, Hulk has never been afraid. Even if he was just knocked down by Thor with a punch of the power of Thor, he can continue to declare war on Thor.

"What should we do? Should we compromise with Hydra?"

Carol said directly. She grew up listening to the evil stories of Hydra.

It can be said that similar to that kind of education, Carol has an innate malice towards Hydra and thinks that all Hydra should die.

"...We don't know Black Caesar and his Hydra. Red Skull's Hydra is Red Skull's Hydra, and Black Caesar's Hydra is Black Caesar's Hydra. The two cannot be confused."

Tony cleverly used words to change the subject.

"Stark, Hydra is Hydra. If he is not, then he can be called by other names!"

Carol said directly.

"His name is Hydra, which means he agrees with Hydra's ideas. And don't forget, they don't look down on us at all."

Carol finally said.

Tony didn't have any unpleasant expression on his face.

"In this case, we have only one way left, and that is to leave Black Caesar and his Hydra alone. When the Saiyans invade again, we will not care. Black Caesar can never watch the earth being destroyed. Are the Saiyans destroyed?"

As soon as Tony said this, everyone objected.

"This is impossible, we can't do this, even if we all die, we still have to protect the earth!"

This is the consciousness of superheroes, they will not back down.

Tony shrugged.

"In that case, we will all die, and then the Earth will take advantage of the Saiyans or Black Caesar. What is the difference between compromising with us?"

Tony asked very puzzled.

"Of course there is a big difference. We have fought. If we all had this idea at the beginning, it would be impossible for Red Skull's Hydra to be overthrown, and neither will Shampoo!"

Carol said impassionedly.

"Tony, this is our rebellious spirit, and I don't think letting Hydra rule the world is a good idea."

Dr. Banner followed.

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