Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 411: Tactical Change

"Is there anything you can't tell your sister, little Clark?"

Diana squatted down and asked Clark with a smile.

"I, I, I'm fine."

Clark turned around and ran away.

"I thought you would stop me?"

Diana looked at Luther strangely.

"He knew it too early, which is not a good thing for him. He needs time to grow up."

Luther said calmly.

"Really? I think he should know the situation earlier so that he won't have any wild thoughts."

Diana said.

"The situation is different now, Diana. The world is ruled by humans. He has to get used to it."

Luther continued.


Diana didn't say anything else. This was someone else's family problem, and she couldn't intervene.

"I haven't found Ares for so many years. I also participated in the human war, but I didn't meet Ares."

Then Diana told Luther about her troubles.

Although she was very happy living with Luther, Diana didn't forget the reason and mission for leaving Paradise Island.

Before, she could say that she wanted to find Luther before looking for Ares, but now that Luther has been found, Diana will focus on looking for Ares.

But after finding out that Clark has grown up, she still hasn't found Ares. Diana even doubts whether Ares no longer exists, like Zeus, dead?

And there are fewer wars among humans, at best they are small-scale conflicts.


Luther can't say that Ares has been killed by him and has become one of his nutrients.

But it's okay this way. Before she completely killed Ares, Diana was innocent after all. After killing Ares, she began to think about the meaning of life, and then she went astray inexplicably.

Now she is still Princess Diana, and later she will become Wonder Woman Diana.

Compared with Wonder Woman Diana, the guardian of the fortress who wears the Stars and Stripes and fights for America, Luther still appreciates the current Princess Diana more.

It was like if Luther had traveled here decades earlier, he would go to the beach of Amnesty Bay to find a lighthouse, drive away the man guarding the lighthouse, and then wait, and soon a beautiful woman would come out of the sea to have sex with him.

Who wouldn't want to be the father of the future Sea King?

"I don't think Ares should be blamed. These are all caused by human greed."

Luther said a fair word for Ares.

"No, humans were created by Zeus. Ares bewitched them. If Ares is defeated, humans can unite."

Diana said firmly.

This is the truth in her eyes.

"Then how do you explain the Chinese?"

Luther gave a simple example to make Diana speechless. After all, Luther is a Chinese, and he himself is a god of the "Xian" race. Anyway, it seems incredible to Diana.

There are actually humans in this world who were not created by Zeus, and there are actually other gods besides Zeus and other Olympian gods.

Especially the "immortals" mentioned by Luther are all humans who become gods through "cultivation" (which Diana understands as training their martial arts).

This made Diana's worldview collapse, and she seemed incomprehensible, because according to her cognition, gods are born, how can someone become a god through training?

So Diana wanted to try this method.

"Luther, teach me the training method called "cultivation", I also want to try to become a god."

Diana said to Luther.


Luther shook his head.

"Why, do you think I can't bear the pain?"

Diana thought that "cultivation" was a very difficult training and a trial, and Luther thought she couldn't persist and couldn't complete such a trial.

Diana, who felt that she was looked down upon, expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Only my family can do this kind of cultivation, do you understand?"

Luther said.

Diana was stunned.

"You mean, bloodline?"

Diana's way of understanding was very Western, and she felt that this kind of "cultivation" depended on bloodline?

"No, you have to become my family to practice."

Luther shook his head.

"Become a family..."

Diana understood, and she looked at little Luther.

"Not impossible."

Diana said.

Luther looked at Diana, Diana looked at Luther, and then she took the initiative to hug Luther.

"I'm not talking about this kind of relationship, but a deeper one, Diana."

Luther easily broke free from Diana's hands. Without outsiders, he had to maintain his dignity. The most important thing was that things that were too easy to get would not be cherished, whether they were men or women.

Diana didn't understand, not this kind of relationship?

What other deeper relationship could replace such a relationship?

"We exist as a family, so if you want to get the way to become a god, you can only become a member of the Luther family, and you can never betray, even if you face Paradise Island, you have to fight for me."

Luther said.

Diana understood immediately.

"This is impossible, I won't betray Paradise Island."

Diana said immediately.

"That's why I said you can't get it."

Luther nodded.

"Is there no way, for example, you become my person."

Diana said, her speech was very royal.

"Wait until you are stronger than me before you say such things."

Luther smiled contemptuously, and then said.

"I am just a mortal, and you are a god. How can I be stronger than you?"

Diana was helpless.

If you don’t want to give, just say so. Don’t make these excuses!

Diana left very disappointed.

And Luther was not idle either.

The document "Project Watt" appeared within the Luther Group. Old Luther stated that he would create superhuman beings through technology to open an era of superhuman evolution. By then, relying on this pioneering plan, they would definitely be able to Become the giant of the future earth!

In fact, it's just that Luther wants to set up a Vought company in DC. The earth in the Marvel universe has been ruined by Luther. Super-powerful terrorist attacks appeared many years in advance. However, this also tempered the Marvel people's understanding of the earth. Adaptability and resistance to various super-powerful terrorist attacks.

Just like the various immune mechanisms of the human body, they evolved after being attacked by viruses.

Luther feels that DC's Earth also needs to be rehearsed in advance, so that it will not be helpless when faced with the invasion of Kryptonians, Saiyans, and Apokolips in the future.

That's right!

Luther also plans to launch a Saiyan invasion in DC. The difference is that he plans to bring Vegeta and the others over. At that time, he can consider changing tactics and bring the Kryptonians over to Marvel to invade.

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